INNOTECH The programme supports the development of technological innovation based on cooperation between industry and R&D sector Implementing Authority: National Center for Research and Development (based on 2012 call for proposals documentation) APRIL 2013 INNOTECH The programme is targeted to entities which undertake research and preparatory work in order to implement the R&D results, aimed to the development and implementation of innovative technologies, products or services. 2 programme paths: • Programme path „In-Tech” - addressed to entities which undertake industrial research or development works and preparatory work for the implementation of its results, focused on the development and implementation of innovative technologies, products and services, aimed at improving the competitiveness of the Polish economy • Programme path „Hi-Tech”- targeted at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises active in the area of advanced technology, that conduct industrial research or development works and preparatory work for implementation of its results to the economy (the subject of the project has to be a solution in the area classified as "high-tech", defined by PKD/2007 codes; list of qualified PKD codes at the end of this presentation) INNOTECH In-Tech Hi-Tech Types of projects The project including R & D work (Phase A) and the preparatory work for implementation (Phase B) The project including R & D work and the preparatory work for the implementation realized as purchase of consultancy services in the field of innovation and sevices in the field of innovation support The project including R & D work (Phase A) The project including R & D work Types of tasks Industrial research Industrial research Development works Development works The preparatory work for the implementation (in particular: Implementation documentation, testing, certification, market research, protection of industrial property rights) The preparatory work for the implementation (the purchase of consultancy services in the field of innovation and innovation support services) INNOTECH In-Tech Hi-Tech Aplicants Research consortia involving entrepreneur (at least one research unit which is not an entrepreneur, and at least one entrepreneur) Entrepreneurs (SMEs and large comanies) SMEs Research&industry centers Duration of the project Max. 3 years, including 1 year for Phase B Max. 2 years Maximum amount of project’s co-financing PLN 10 million PLN 5 million Entrepreneur’s co-operation with research unit Cooperation carried out in a consortium or ordering research services from public research institution Ordering research services from scientific unit INNOTECH In-Tech Hi-Tech Aid intensity 1. Phase A - research (industrial research, development works) The maximum level of support for industrial research: • for micro and small enterprises - 70% of eligible expenses; • for medium enterprises - 60% of eligible expenses; • for large enterprises (only for the In-Tech path) - 50% of eligible expenses. The intensity of support may be increased by 15 percentage points, but not more than up to 80% of the eligible expenses, if at least one of the following conditions is satisfied: 1) The project involves effective collaboration between at least two unrelated enterprises and: a) none of the entrepreneurs incurs more than 70% of eligible expenses of a joint project; b) project involves collaboration with at least one micro, small or medium-sized enterprise or research is conducted in at least two EU Member States. 2) The project involves effective collaboration between an entrepreneur and a research unit or a foreign public research center, which bears at least 10% of eligible expenses and have the right to publish the results of the project in the extent corresponding to the scope of the industrial research conducted by these entities. 3) Industrial research results are widely disseminated, through: a) scientific and technical conferences; b) publications in scientific or technical journals or databases, which ensure free access to raw research data; c) free software or open source. INNOTECH In-Tech Hi-Tech Aid intensity The maximum level of support for development works: • for micro and small enterprises - 45% of eligible expenses; • for medium enterprises - 35% of eligible expenses; • for large enterprises (only for the In-Tech path) - 25% of eligible expenses. The intensity of support may be increased by 15 percentage points, if at least one of the following conditions is satisfied. 1) The project involves effective collaboration between at least two unrelated enterprises and: a) none of the entrepreneurs incurs more than 70% of eligible expenses of a joint project; b) project involves collaboration with at least one micro, small or medium-sized enterprise or development works are conducted in at least two EU Member States. 2) The project involves effective collaboration between an entrepreneur and a research unit or a foreign public research center, which bears at least 10% of eligible expenses and have the right to publish the results of the project in the extent corresponding to the scope of development works conducted by these entities. INNOTECH In-Tech Hi-Tech Aid intensity (continued) 2. Phase B - Preparatory work for the implementation (commercialization support) • The subsidy is de minimis aid and it cannot exceed 90% of eligible costs. • Funding shall be granted provided the acceptance of the report on the phase A. • Support for Phase B can only be granted to entrepreneurs. 2. The preparatory work for the implementation • The subsidy is the public aid for the purchase of consultancy services in the field of innovation and innovation support services. • It cannot exceed 200 000 Euro for 3 years on services, including in particular tests, certificates, payment for the use of specialized test equipment, market research, consultancy on technology transfer, intellectual property rights, licensing. • level of support: up to 100% (up to 75% if the service provider does not have a national or European certification). INNOTECH Substantive evaluation criteria - path In-Tech Lp. 1 The scientific value of the project 5 Min. required number of points 2/5 2 Innovativeness of the solution which is the result of the project 5 3/5 3 The achievements of contractors 5 2/5 4 Having the right material and human resources necessary for the implementation of the project 5 2/5 5 The planned cooperation in the implementation of the project between scientific institutions and entrepreneurs 5 3/5 6 7 Planned economic effects The potential for commercialization 5 5 1/5 3/5 8 Entrepreneur’s own financial contribution in the research phase of the project (excluding the minimum own contribution required under the rules of public aid) 5 n/a 0/5 n/a 9 Criterion The legitimacy of the planned costs in relation to the scope of the activities of the project and the expected results Max. score INNOTECH Substantive evaluation criteria - path In-Tech Lp. 1 Project’s subjest is high-tech industry solution 1 Min. required number of points 1/1 2 The scientific value of the project 5 2/5 3 Innovativeness of the solution which is the result of the project 5 3/5 4 The achievements of contractors 5 2/5 5 Having the right material and human resources necessary for the implementation of the project 5 2/5 6 The planned cooperation in the implementation of the project between scientific institutions and entrepreneurs 5 3/5 7 Planned economic effects 5 1/5 8 The potential for commercialization 5 3/5 9 Entrepreneur’s own financial contribution in the research phase of the project (excluding the minimum own contribution required under the rules of public aid) The legitimacy of the planned costs in relation to the scope of the activities of the project and the expected results 5 n.d. 0/5 n.d. 10 Criterion Max. score INNOTECH Qualified expenses – path In-Tech In the field of industrial research and development works (phase A) • Salaries and non-wage labor costs, including social security and health contributions, of employees conducting the industrial research and development, in part in which the remuneration is directly linked to the implementation of the aided project (all types of job contracts and civil contracts accounted for payroll). • Costs of research equipment and other equipment used to carry out research, to the extent necessary for a period of time necessary for the aided project; costs of paid use of research equipment and other equipment used to carry out research, to the extent necessary and for a period of time necessary for the implementation of the aided project. • The cost of land and buildings, to the extent and for the period of time in which they are used for the aided project. • The cost of research services performed under the contract, technical knowledge and patents bought or used under license from third parties under market conditions, and advisory and equivalent services used exclusively for the purpose of the aided project. • Other operating expenses, including the cost of the acquisition and use of materials, supplies and similar products incurred directly in connection with the implementation of the aided project. • Additional overheads incurred directly in connection with the implementation of the project accounted for a lump sum of up to 15% of the total eligible costs of research tasks; for research entities which are a member of a consortium, overheads are determined individually. INNOTECH Qualified expenses – path In-Tech (continued) In the field of preparation of Phase A results to the commercialization (Phase B) • Employment costs of persons implementing the project (all types of job contracts and civil contracts accounted for payroll). • Costs of tools and equipment used during the implementation of, and if such instruments and equipment are used longer than the time of implementing the project, eligible costs shall be the costs of depreciation during the period of the project, calculated on the basis of the accounting regulations. • Costs of buildings and land used during the implementation of the project; in the case of buildings eligible costs shall be the costs of depreciation during the period of the project, calculated on the basis of the accounting regulations, in the case of land eligible costs shall be the costs associated with the transfer of ownership, the costs resulting from paid use of land or actually incurred capital costs. • The costs of consultancy or equivalent services used exclusively for the purpose of implementing the project, purchased at market prices, provided that the transaction has no element of collusion involved, the costs are considered to be up to 70% of the total eligible costs of the preparation phase for the implementation. • Official fees incurred in connection with the operations included in the project. • Legal costs directly related to the implementation of the project operations. • Other operating expenses, including costs of materials, supplies and similar products incurred directly in connection with the execution of the project. • Additional overheads incurred directly in connection with the operations included in the project, provided that these costs are accounted for a lump sum of up to 15% of the total eligible costs of the preparation phase for the implementation. INNOTECH Qualified expenses – path Hi-Tech In the field of industrial research and development works • Salaries and non-wage labor costs, including social security and health contributions, of employees conducting the industrial research and development, in part in which the remuneration is directly linked to the implementation of the aided project (all types of job contracts and civil contracts accounted for payroll). • Costs of research equipment and other equipment used to carry out research, to the extent necessary for a period of time necessary for the aided project; costs of paid use of research equipment and other equipment used to carry out research, to the extent necessary and for a period of time necessary for the implementation of the aided project. • The cost of land and buildings, to the extent and for the period of time in which they are used for the aided project. • The cost of research services performed under the contract, technical knowledge and patents bought or used under license from third parties under market conditions, and advisory and equivalent services used exclusively for the purpose of the aided project . • Other operating expenses, including the cost of the acquisition and use of materials, supplies and similar products incurred directly in connection with the implementation of the aided project. • Additional overheads incurred directly in connection with the implementation of the project accounted for a lump sum of up to 15% of the total eligible costs of research tasks. INNOTECH Qualified expenses – path Hi-Tech (continued) In terms of steps towards the implementation, realized in the form of purchase of consultancy services in the field of innovation and innovation support services 1. consulting services in the field of innovation-costs of services relating to: • management consulting; • technical support; • technology transfer; • advising on the acquisition and protection of intellectual property rights and trade in; • consultancy in the field of licensing agreements; • advice on the procedures for obtaining a certificates of compliance. 2. innovation support services-the cost of purchasing the following services: • market research; • use of laboratories and specialized equipment; • obtaining a certificate of compliance authorizing the designation of the product marking with national or transnational standard; • certification within the meaning of the Act of 30 August 2002 on the compliance system. INNOTECH Hi-Tech path - PKD code list • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 20.11.Z Manufacture of industrial gases 20.12.Z Manufacture of dyes and pigments 20.13.Z Manufacture of other inorganic basic chemicals 20.14.Z Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals 20.15.Z Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds 20.16.Z Manufacture of plastics in primary forms 20.17.Z Manufacture of synthetic rubber in primary forms 20.20.Z Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products 20.30.Z Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics 20.41.Z Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations 20.42.Z Manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations 20.51.Z Manufacture of explosives 20.52.Z Manufacture of glues 20.53.Z Manufacture of essential oils • • • • • • 20.59.Z Manufacture of other chemical products not elsewhere classified 20.60.Z Production of man-made fibers 21.10.Z Manufacture of basic pharmaceuticals 21.20.Z Production of medicines and other pharmaceutical products 26.11.Z Manufacture of electronic components 26.12.Z Manufacture of loaded electronic boards INNOTECH Hi-Tech path - PKD code list (continued) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 26.20.Z Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment 26.30.Z Manufacture of (tele)communications equipment 26.40.Z Manufacture of consumer electronics 26.51.Z Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation 26.52.Z Manufacture of watches and clocks 26.60.Z Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic 26.70.Z Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment 26.80.Z Manufacture of magnetic and optical media 27.11.Z Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers 27.12.Z Production of switchgear and control electricity 27.20.Z Manufacture of batteries and accumulators 27.31.Z Manufacture of fiber optic cables 27.32.Z Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables 27.33.Z Manufacture of wiring devices 27.40.Z Manufacture of electric lighting equipment 27.51.Z Manufacture of electric domestic appliances 27.52.Z Manufacture of non-electric domestic appliances 27.90.Z Manufacture of electrical equipment 28.11.Z Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, cars and motorcycles 28.12.Z Production of equipment and accessories for hydraulic and pneumatic drive INNOTECH Hi-Tech path - PKD code list (continued) • • • • • • • • 28.13.Z Manufacture of other pumps and compressors 28.14.Z Manufacture of other taps and valves 28.15.Z Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements 28.21.Z Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burners 28.22.Z Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment 28.23.Z Manufacture of office machinery and equipment, except computers and peripheral equipment 28.24.Z Manufacture of hand machine tools 28.25.Z Manufacture of cooling and ventilation equipment • • • • • • • • • • 28.29.Z Manufacture of other general purpose machinery not elsewhere classified 28.30.Z Manufacture of agricultural and forestry 28.41.Z Manufacture of metal forming machinery 28.49.Z Manufacture of other machine tools 28.91.Z Manufacture of machinery for metallurgy 28.92.Z Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction 28.93.Z Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco 28.94.Z Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather 28.95.Z Manufacture of machinery for the paper industry 28.96.Z Manufacture of machinery for working rubber or plastics and the manufacture of products from these materials • • • 28.99.Z Manufacture of other special purpose machinery not elsewhere classified 29.10.A Manufacture of engines for motor vehicles (except motorcycles) and agricultural tractors 29.10.B Production of passenger cars INNOTECH Hi-Tech path - PKD code list (continued) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 29.10.C Production of buses 29.10.D Manufacture of motor vehicles for the transport of goods 29.10.E Manufacture of motor vehicles, except motorcycles 29.20.Z Manufacture of bodies for motor vehicles, manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers 29.31.Z Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles 29.32.Z Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles, except motorcycles 30.20.Z Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock 30.30.Z Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery 30.40.Z Manufacture of military fighting vehicles 30.91.Z Manufacture of motorcycles 30.92.Z Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages 30.99.Z Manufacture of other transport equipment not elsewhere classified 32.50.Z Production of medical equipment, instruments and products, including dental 59.11.Z Activities related to the production of films, videos and television programs 59.12.Z Post-production activities related to films, videos and television programs 59.13.Z Activities related to the distribution of films, videos and television programs 59.14.Z Activities related to projection of films 59.20.Z Activities related to recording of sound and music INNOTECH Hi-Tech path - PKD code list (continued) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 60.10.Z Radio broadcasting 60.20.Z Television programming and broadcasting activities 61.10.Z Wired telecommunications activities 61.20.Z Activities in the field of wireless telecommunications, with the exception of satellite telecommunications 61.30.Z Activities of satellite telecommunications 61.90.Z Other telecommunications activities 62.01.Z Activities in the field of programming 62.02.Z Activities in the field of IT consultancy 62.03.Z Activities related to the management of IT equipment 62.09.Z Other service activities in the field of information and computer technology 63.11.Z Data processing, management of websites (hosting) and related activities 63.12.Z Web portals activities 63.91.Z Information agency activities 63.99.Z Other service activities in the field of information not elsewhere classified Contact Information President: Donato DI GILIO Dorota WAWRZYNIAK Email: Email: Tel: +48 22 586 33 00 Tel: +48 22 586 33 31 Mobile: +48 608 000 510 Mobile: +48 608 000 512 Rafał KUBROWSKI Email: Tel: +48 22 586 33 14 Mobile: +48 608 000 527 Bartłomiej SAMSONOWICZ Core Sp. z o.o Email: Tel: +48 22 586 33 33 Mobile: +48 608 000 516 Stefano BARBIERI address ul. Królewska 16, 00-103 Warsaw, PL Email: Tel: +48 22 586 33 00 Tel: +39 02 39 19 82 80 Fax: +48 22 825 22 22 Mobile: +39 334 64 00 903