5th Grade Procedures 2014-2015 Homework Each day your child

5th Grade Procedures 2014-2015
Each day your child will write down homework assignments in the
assignment book provided by the school. Initially I will check the assignments
before you child goes home to ensure they have included all the necessary
information. As the year progresses they will be expected to do this on their own.
 All homework and schoolwork must be completed in cursive except for final
drafts of report and projects, which may be typed and printed out.
 All work must be done in pencil except for final drafts of reports and projects,
which may be typed. (12pt, simple font, blue or black ink, proper formatting)
*In the 3rd Trimester we will use pen.
 Homework needs to be neat and presentable. This means legible
handwriting, a minimum of spelling and grammar errors and no crumpled
Late homework will not be accepted except in the case of illness, or
emergency. In the case if illness, emergency, or extended excused absences, a
reasonable due date for make up work will be set providing I receive a note or Email from the parent or guardian (Notes in Spanish are accepted) If work is
turned in late after the new due date, it will not be accepted without a conference
with you, the parent or guardian.
Homework assignments will also be posted daily on the 5th grade Homework
website at: http://www.stcornelius-school.org/5thgrade
Student Work Folder & Missing Work
Approximately every 2-3 weeks, I will be sending home a folder with your
child’s completed and graded work. On the inside of the folder is a paper with the
date the folder was sent home. This folder should be signed and returned to
class the next day. If you have any questions about those assignments or
missing assignments please contact me.
Please carefully look over your child’s work, discuss strategies for
improvement with your child, as well as praise good work. It is very important to
remember to rejoice together at some of the smaller successes, so that students
are motivated to reach larger goals! (Please take out your child’s work before
returning the folder.)
Missing work may not be made up without a note/e-mail from you (parent
or guardian) stating medical or other serious reason. These notes will be kept
on file as part of your child’s assessment.
Students with no missing assignments receive a “Congratulations”
certificate, a treat, and a free homework pass. Free homework passes can be
used on worksheets, workbook pages, or text book assignments in any subject,
but not on long term reports, Units, or book reports. Please display
“Congratulations” certificates proudly!!
Book Reports/ Leisure Reading
Throughout the year your child will be required to read several books at home
and complete book related assignments. The individual assignments will be sent
home throughout the year, as we get closer to the due date of each report.
Enclosed in this packet are some Recommended books for 5th graders. Most
libraries and bookstores also have book lists for their grade or you can ask for
help at the information desk. On the lists there are a wide variety of subject
matter so every child should be able to find books that they will enjoy reading.
The students may read other books, not on the list, if they run the title by me for
approval to ensure that it is appropriate reading for the their grade and reading
Computer Projects
Technology has become part of our daily routine. It is integrated into many of our
subject areas. The class will be doing a number of computer projects throughout
the year. The students will be given some time to work on these during school
hours and in the after school program. However, outside of school computer time
is needed. Your child may need to research a topic or bring home rough drafts
for editing or typing up. Several of our texts have corresponding links for further
enrichment and practice and there will be some assigned homework using the
Internet as well. To the best of my ability I will try to pace assignments so that if
you have any difficulty accessing the Internet your child will have a few days to
either get it done at school or visit a friend, relative, or neighbor who will allow
them usage. Also, all of this can be completed at the public library where
computer use is free and can be reserved in advance. Please call your local
library for information.
Typed compositions, reports or projects done on the computer will be graded for
word processing skills, just as those which are handwritten will be graded for
form, legibility, and neatness, as well as content.
Notices and Money
Notices that require signatures must be returned by the due date. Any money
sent to school for any reason should be in exact change, in an envelope, labeled
with the student’s name, and the intended purpose.
If you are planning to have your child leave school early for any reason please
send a note to that effect that day or prior to that day, so that they can get their
homework assignments and notices before they leave.
Absence Policy
Students are accountable for any work missed due to absences. Homework is
posted on our class website daily by 6:00pm. A Homework Book is kept on my
desk with each day’s assignments. If a student is absent, he/she should check
the book to see what was assigned on the day of his/her absence and make it up
by the next day. In the case of extended absence due to illness a reasonable
make-up date will be decided upon. Make-up arrangements for students taking
trips during school time will be made on an individual basis.
Field Trips
The Field Trips in 5th grade will include a wide range of cultural and Art related
experiences. I feel that exposure to different Cultural experiences and the Arts at
this age are essential to widening the students’ awareness of the world around
them. Some possibilities are to attend performances at Zellerbach Hall in
Berkeley, and take a pottery class at Brushstrokes Art Studio in Berkeley.
Please feel free to suggest any performance or experience along these lines that
you may know about. If I know about it well in advance and the costs are
reasonable, your suggestions will be carefully taken into consideration. More
information as well as costs will be given to you as soon as possible.
Field Trip permission slips and money must be signed and returned together
promptly to insure all students can go on the trip. If you have questions about
the trips, the money, or need further information before giving permission, please
contact me. I will gladly answer any questions you may have. Field trips are an
important part of your child’s education. I choose the trips carefully with great
thought to the types of experiences they will have. I feel it is important that each
student in 5th grade comes on all the trips.
Snacks/Water bottles/Parties
Please send healthy snacks for the morning recess.
Water bottles may be brought to class providing they are labeled with the
student’s name and are taken home or recycled daily. Old water grows bacteria,
which can cause illness. Not labeling the water bottle can spread illness.
Learning to eat well and take care of ourselves is part of the 5th grade
Treats brought in for Birthdays should be limited to individual portions (cup
cakes, wrapped candy, cookies etc.) Please do not send whole cakes, or ice
cream. Don’t forget napkins for treats!!!
One of the most important things to me is open communication. We are one
team all working towards the same goal: a successful and fulfilling year for your
child. As we strive toward this goal, questions are bound to arise.
You are welcome to call the school at 232-3326 and leave a message. When
you leave a message, please be sure to include your name, a number and time
that is best to reach you, and what your call is regarding. I will return your call
within 24 hours.
You can arrange an appointment to come in and meet with me. I am typically
available starting at 3:30pm for appointments. An early morning appointment,
7:00-7:30am, can be arranged with plenty of advance notice. To make an
appointment call the school number 232-3326 and leave your name, the reason
for the conference and three days/times that work for you. I will then get back to
you and confirm a time and day.
You can e-mail me at sokada@csdo.org and I will return your e-mail within 24
hours. Please do not leave urgent messages at the e-mail address. I check the
e-mail in the evening, and if your message is important for that particular day, I
may not get it in time. Reserve the e-mail for situations that are not of an urgent
You can send a written message with your child. I will return your message
within 24 hours, or act upon it that day, depending on the message.
I will also be posting a monthly newsletter on our class website with curriculum
information, changes to the regular schedule, field trip information and other
interesting tidbits you should know. Look for it at the end of each month!