Syllabus - Loudoun County Public Schools

Teacher Cadet
Credit: 1
Course Length: One Year
Dr. Karen C. Curtis, NBCT
Course Description
The Teacher Cadet Program introduces high school seniors into the teaching profession through a
challenging introduction to teaching. The program seeks to provide these students insight into the nature
of teaching, the problems of schooling, and the critical issues affecting the quality of education in
America’s schools.
Core Course Requirements
Students will attend class on a block schedule for thirty-six weeks. Classes will consist of lecture,
discovery, discussion, debate, videotaped lessons, role-playing, problem solving, research, decision
making, simulations, and observation activities in order to expose and educate Cadets about different
methods of teaching.
Students will observe and participate in public school classrooms at the elementary, middle and
secondary levels. During these observations, students will collect data on the school environment, the
students, the teachers, and student/teacher interactions.
Students will learn about various personnel in the educational system and their responsibilities (e.g.,
superintendent, principal, curriculum coordinator, school board member, guidance counselor, special
education teacher, psychologist, etc.)
Students will discuss both positive and negative aspects of teaching as a career. They will complete and
discuss self-assessments in order to obtain clear pictures of their personal interests and abilities.
Students will read current newspaper articles, professional journals, and books that relate to education
and teaching. They will also view educational videos and broadcasts.
Students will maintain a portfolio that will include such items as lesson plans, bulletin board ideas,
observation reports, learning activities, etc.
Students will complete observations within a variety of classes – core subject (math, science, etc.), art,
career and technical education, health and physical education, and music.
Students will be involved in field experiences at a grade level and discipline related to their area(s) of
– the following will be averaged to compute each nine week average:
Class work
Practice/Process Assignments equals 20% of your grade
Workplace Readiness Skills
Lesson Plans
Field Experience Attendance
Field Experience Reflections
Field Experience Evaluations
Mastery Assignments = 80% of your grade
Late/Missing Work
One potential factor that may keep a student’s grade from being an accurate reflection of his/her true level of
mastery is assignments that are turned in late or not at all. A teacher can assign a zero to a Mastery-type
assignment if the student has not made up the task/assessment within five (5) school days after parental
notification. If a Practice/Process assignment is not turned in the day it is due, a zero goes in the grade book. A
student can remove the zero by doing the following:
Turn in by the end of the next school day for 90 percent credit.
Turn in by the day of the test on that material for 70 percent credit
Turn in by the end of the nine week grading period for 50 percent credit
No late work will be accepted after the last day of the grading period.
Note: The LCPS policy indicates that students will be given the number of days absent to make up work without
Attendance is very important for all Teacher Cadets. If your attendance becomes an issue, we will conference with
your parents and guidance counselor to determine possible solutions.
The school’s tardy policy will be followed.
Teacher Cadet is a lot of work, but very rewarding. Being a teacher comes with high expectations for behavior and
reliability. I expect certain behaviors from students:
A positive professional attitude
The use of appropriate language and conversations
Appropriate dress
Always being prepared
Efficient use of time
Materials Needed
Notebook (3-ring binder preferred)
5 divider pages for 3-ring notebook
30 sheets of loose leaf paper
Pens (blue or black ink)
#2 pencils
Card stock--student choice of color(s)
Scrapbook or 3-ring binder—this is to be used for portfolio entries.
Glue sticks (6 large or 12 small)
Pack of multicolored construction paper
Last Name A-L: set of Crayola Markers
Last Name M-Z: set of Crayola Colored Pencils