Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Chapter 2
Marketing College Athletics
2.1 Marketing College Athletics
2.2 Economic Impact of College Athletics
2.3 Amateur Sports
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
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Sports Marketing
Learning Targets:
 I can explain the importance of the NCAA
and team rankings to college sports.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
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Key Terms:
 Market Segment
 Geographic Segmentation
 Demographic Segmentation
 Psychographics
 Product Usage
 Benefits Derived
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Effects of Collegiate Sports
 Winning – has a direct effect on
 School
 Local Community
 Region/State
Brings in more money for all involved.
Strong Public Image
 Marketers strive to promote a strong public image of
 What does Promotion do?
 Inform, Update, Persuade or remind fans and potential fans
about the team (college athletics).
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Rules and Rankings
What does the NCAA stand for?
the National Collegiate Athletic Association
NCAA is the governing body of most college and university
athletic programs.
Currently the NCAA has over 1,200 member schools consisting
of both colleges and universities.
Overall goal of the NCAA is to promote college athletics.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
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Rules and Rankings
NCAA Creates and Enforces the
 Guidelines
 Rules
NCAA covers issues regarding;
Gender Equity
Gambling Prohibitions
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NCAA Requirements
College / Universities may join the NCAA if they meet the following
1. Obtain regional accreditation
2. Offers at least four intercollegiate sports four men and four for
women (one in each of the three traditional seasons – Fall,
Winter, Spring).
3. Complies with all NCAA rules.
4. Cooperates/accept any NCAA penalties and or sanctions.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
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Why do schools join the NCAA?
1. Partnership with a well know entity.
2. Exposure for the college / university
3. Money – profit and revenue stream from;
Corporate Sponsors
TV Broadcast
Radio Broadcast
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College Team Rankings
Who ranks teams?
1. Associated Press
2. Coaches – USA Today
4. BCS
Why so much emphasis?
In some sports decides which teams play for National Championship
Creates excitement
Increases attendance at home games
Helps in the recruiting process
Can result in more exposures and money
via games broadcast on TV / Radio
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College Team Rankings
Types of Rankings
1. Pre-Season
2. Current (during the season)
3. Post-Season
#1 has a lingering effect?
 National Recognition – sports magazines, TV shows
 Increased retail benefits – championship apparel and
 Increased ticket sales
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In Class Assignment:
Handout – 9/25/12
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
© Thomson/South-Western
Sports Marketing
Learning Targets:
 I can define Market Segmentation.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
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Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation is a group of individuals within a
large market that share one or more characteristics.
 # of College Basketball fans in the United States.
 # of UK Wildcat College Basketball Fans.
UK apparel and memorabilia will fly off the shelves in
Lexington but not be sold in Gainesville or Durham.
Markets will change the covers of national publications to
fit the region (fan base) which they are sold.
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Five Elements of Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation is very much like Target Marketing – you must
focus on your customer’s (fans) needs and wants.
1. Geographic Segmentation – dividing markets into physical location
1. Eastern, Southern, Western Regions.
2. Urban or Rural Areas.
3. Parts of cities or towns.
2. Demographic Segmentation – focus is on measurable information.
1. Age, Gender, Marital Status, Income Level, Education Level
3. Psychographics – focus is on characteristics that can’t be measured
(values, attitudes, behavior).
1. Attending a game on a holy day.
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Five Elements of Market Segmentation
4. Product Usage – reflects what products you use, how
often and why.
1. Marketers try to use information to encourage you to use your
preferred products more often or to try new, similar or
competing products.
5. Benefits Derived – value consumers (people) believe
they receive form the product or service.
1. Enjoyment from watching a good game.
2. Sweatshirt with team logo vs wearing a identical sweatshirt with
no team logo.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
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In Class Assignment:
Handout – 10/1/12
“Apple iPad – Market Segmentation”
Breakdown the 4P’s of Marketing
 Price
 Place (Location/Distribution)
 Product
 Promotion
Due Today!
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
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