Standard 10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War. Essential Question: What were the social, political, and economic effects of WWI? 1. 2. 3. 4. Warm Up WWI learning stations Work on notebook. Glue/Tape in pages Wrap Up: Due Today CNN Student News Take three notes Standard 10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War. Essential Question:What were the social,political, and economic effects of WWI? Timeline Review Number 1-6 and place the following events in chronological order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Warm Up COTD: Ethiopia Middle College Presentation WWI learning stations Wrap Up The United States Joins WWI Germany Surrenders The Zimmerman Telegram is intercepted Lenin overthrows the Czar, Russia withdraws from WWI Assassination of Franz Ferdinand Austria Declares war on Serbia Answers to warm up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand Austria Declares war on Serbia The Zimmerman Telegram in intercepted The United States Joins WWI Lenin overthrows Czar, Russia withdraws from the war 6. Germany Surrenders Standard 10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War. Essential Question:What were the social,political, and economic effects of WWI? 1. 2. 3. 4. Warm Up NO COTD, Learning Rounds WWI learning stations Wrap Up Based on yesterday’s lesson answer the following with your table group and in your warm up box: • Explain what the Armenian Genocide was and why it happened. • Compare and contrast it to what you know about the Holocaust. In your teams you will be analyzing the sources provided. Team captains will help guide group, keep members on topic Teams will receive a group score based on participation and collaboration Stamps will be given to group members to those who contribute well. These count as bonus points. 1. Read the provided questions before looking at the sources 2. As groups determine the most accurate response to the questions 3. You will have 7-8, minutes at each station so pace yourself accordingly 4. Answer in complete sentences 5. Packet due at the end of the period.( Tomorrow) Standard 10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War. Essential Question: How and where was WWI fought? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Warm Up Week #3 COTD: Egypt Armenian Genocide Class Notes (p 19) Write ?/Summary Pass Back Work/Organize Notebook Wrap Up Do Questions and Summary for Cornell Notes Wear work out gear tomorrow Take notes on the video clip about Auschwitz. What are your thoughts about what happened there? Do you think something like this could happen again? Explain. Standard 10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War. Essential Question: How and where was WWI fought? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Warm Up Week #3 COTD: Djibouti Update TOC “The World Wars” Continue Notes Wrap Up Trench warfare compare/contrast. Next slide, Answer questions in complete sentences. Warm Up Monday answer in complete sentences. CCSS: Standard 10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War. Essential Question: How and where was WWI fought? 1. Warm Up 2. NO COTD 3. Trench Warfare Experience: Due at end of period. 4. Wrap Up Trench warfare compare/contrast. Watching the video clip: 1. Describe in detail what life in the trenches was like. 2. Explain how Industrialization affected the war. 3. Be prepared to discuss with one of your trench mates. Standard 10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War. Essential Question: How and where was WWI fought? 1. Warm Up: Week 2.Write Martin Luther King Day in Monday . Write one reason why we honor him. 2. COTD: Congo 3. Workbook Page 93 4. Cornell Notes: The World Wars Page 12 CLASS NOTES ONLY! 5. Wrap Up Illustrated Vocabulary will be checked tomorrow in class. Next slide. Answer in complete sentences. Be ready to discuss with your neighbor. Standard 10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War. Essential Question: How and where was WWI fought? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Warm Up NO COTD Remind 101 Check Ch 11 Illust Vocabluary Cornell Notes: The World Wars Page 12 CLASS NOTES ONLY! 6. Wrap Up Why and how did WWI begin? M A I N Review Archduke Assassinated = Alliance System Chain Reaction on Serbia 2. Russia mobilizes troops 3. Germany declares war on Russia 4. Germany declares war on France 5. Germany invades Belgium 6. Britain declares war on Germany 1. Austria declares war Review Essential Question: Why and how did World War 1 begin in 1914? Standard 10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War. Essential Question: How and where was WWI fought? Most of the problems in life are because of two reasons: we act without thinking or we keep thinking without acting. 1. Warm Up Week #3 2. The Battle of Greeley River 3. Wrap Up • Please Check your grades! • I will RECOLLECT Illust. Vocab on Friday • Current Event #3 Due Friday. • Test on Ch 11 Friday John Green: WWI Crash Course! YAY! Write down three fascinating facts from Mr.Green that you DIDN’T already know about WW1. The date is July 1916. You have been fighting in “The Great War” for 2 years. You have been lucky enough to still see another day. Your best friends have all been killed, along with, a younger brother, and a cousin. You still love your country and refuse to give up. You commanders assure you that victory is neast You have been assigned to build a new trench and open up the Battle of the Somme. Good luck, and I hope you live to fight again tomorrow. You will have two minutes to prepare your munitions. If you get hit by a “bullet” you go to the graveyard. Listen to your commander, (ME) or you will die. The country with the most troops alive at the end wins the Battle of the Somme and will go down in History as the bravest unit ever. Ticket out the door What was difficult about being a soldier during the Battle of Greeley River? How did this compare to what soldiers in WWI went through. 5 complete sentences. Standard 10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War. Essential Question: How and where was WWI fought? Words of Wisdom: We become the combined average of the 5 people we hang around the most. This reference group can determine up to 95% of our success. –Jim Rohn 1. Warm Up: Week 2 2. Cornell Notes 11-2 A New Kind of War (page 10 in NB) 3. Wrap Up: Due Tomorrow • Current Event #2 Due Friday. • Be good for Ms. Ramirez. On Next slide. Standard 10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War. Essential Question: How and where was WWI fought? Most of the problems in life are because of two reasons: we act without thinking or we keep thinking without acting. 1. Warm Up Week #3 2. Finish Cornell Notes Slides 43-51 3. Finish Chapter 11 Illustrated Vocabulary. Use terms on slide #6 4. Wrap Up • Current Event # • 3 Due Friday. • Thank you for being good. I will reward you tomorrow. • Test Friday On next slide. Warm Up Monday 9/27 Describe in detail what you see. What is the artist’s message? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Entente Militarism Ultimatum Mobilize Neutrality Stalemate Convoy Total war Conscription Contraband Propaganda Atrocity Fourteen Points Self-Determination Armistice Pandemic Reparations Radicals Collective security mandate Standard 10.5 Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War. Essential Question: How and where was WWI fought? Words of Wisdom: We become the combined average of the 5 people we hang around the most. This reference group can determine up to 95% of our success. –Jim Rohn 1. Warm Up: Chapter 11 Illustrated Vocabulary. Use terms on next slide. 2. Wrap Up: Due Today • Current Event #2 Due Friday. • Be good for Ms. Ramirez. On next slide. Warm Up Friday answer in complete sentences. Today’s Standard 10.5 Students Analyze the causes of World War I Examine the principal theaters of battle, major turning points, and the importance of geographic factors in military decisions and outcomes… Today’s Objectives Discuss the escalation of the war and the concept of Trench warfare. Begin discussing the human cost of World War I. Review Archduke Assassinated = Alliance System Chain Reaction on Serbia 2. Russia mobilizes troops 3. Germany declares war on Russia 4. Germany declares war on France 5. Germany invades Belgium 6. Britain declares war on Germany 1. Austria declares war German Strategy Schlieffen Plan Avoid two-front war • Defeat France quickly, then go back to Russia Russia's weakness’: • lack of industrialization & railroads • difficult to mobilize The Schlieffen Plan The War Begins Germany invades Belgium (neutral) Britain declares war Western Front = Northern border of France & Western Germany Germans are almost to Paris by Sept. 3 1st Battle of the Marne (9/5/1914): Allies attack Germans; • Germans lose 60 miles; ruins Schlieffen Plan, causing war on two fronts!! Stalemate & Trench Warfare Trench Warfare – conflict grinds to halt; huge losses for small gains • 500 miles of trenches • Extremely small spaces • Mud, corpses, rats, & stench “Over the Top” into “No Man’s Land” Weapons of war and the Eastern Front New Technologies of War Leads to more deaths and stalemate • Machine guns • Larger artillery • Poison gas • Armored tanks • Airplanes • U-boats • Zeppelins Machine Guns British machine guns fired 8 rounds per second, at a distance of 2,900 yards German Machine Gun Artillery Greater power and carried much further than ever before. 24 million shells were used in the battle of Verdun Poison Gas 75 different types of poison-gas bombs were used Armored Tanks Flame Throwers http://www.briggsenterprises. com/bluemax/ Fokker U-boats Zeppelins Western Front Battles Battle of Verdun Longest battle of WWI: Feb 1916 – Dec 1916 Germans goal was to “Bleed the French army white” 600,000 men killed Germans gain 4 miles Battle of the Somme - July 1916 • 20,000 British killed first day • 1 million die total • British gain 5 miles No Mans Land Battles on the Eastern Front Eastern Front = German & Russian border 1914 – Germans drive Russians into retreat; Russians driven out of Austria-Hungary Russia loses 2 million men in 1915 Russia is not industrialized, therefore they can’t get supplies from Allies Fighting in the East Armenian Genocide Turkish government attempts to wipe out Armenians in Turkish empire. EQ: Describe human rights violations and genocide against the Armenians by the Ottoman government. 2.5 million Armenians in Turkish Empire Armenians are Christian Thought to be traitors of Muslim empire Obstacle to an all Turkish empire (extreme nationalism) April 24th, 1915 – 100’s of Armenians arrested – executed, imprisoned, or deported 1000’s of women and children deported to Syrian desert – died of starvation and thirst Men executed. Armenian Genocide From 1915 to around 1919 – 1,500,000 of the 2,500,000 were Armenians killed Armenian Genocide: 60 Minutes Video Clip ?v=HbjCyOjmTS8