World War I


World War I

Cheat Sheet

Causes of the WWI

• Nationalism

• Militarism

• Secret Treaties

• Imperialism

Who Fought Who?

Central Powers ALLIES

• Austria-Hungary vs. Serbia

• Germany Russia

• Bulgaria France

• Ottoman Empire Great Britain


United States

What was the SPARK that set off WWI?

• The assassination of the Archduke Francis


What was The LUSITANIA?

• Large passenger ship like the Titanic sunk by a

German submarine.

• Killed more than 1000 people

• 123 Americans

What was Trench warfare?

• Neither side could win so they built trenches all the way across Europe.

• WESTERN Front - between Germany and


• EASTERN Front - between Russia and Germany

• Tank

• Submarine

• Poison gas

• Airplane

• Machine gun

New Weapons

Why did Russia Quit WWI?

• Communist took over the country and took

Russia out of WWI.

Why did the United States enter WWI?

• Germany used submarines to sink U.S. Ships on their way to Great Britain.

• Zimmerman Note- Germany tries to get

Mexico to fight the USA (will return all the former territory like California to Mexico)

Who won the war?

• The ALLIES won the war.

• Germany lost and everyone blamed Germany for starting the war.

What treaty ended the war?

• The armistice stopped the fighting 0n the 11 th hour of the 11 th day in the 11 th month.

• The Treaty of Versailles officially ended the war.

Wilson’s Fourteen Points

• No Secret Treaties

• Freedom of the Seas

• Self-determination

• League of Nations (like the United Nations)
