Unit 6 Topical Study Guide

Unit 6 Study Guide Topics: (Use these topics to create your own Unit 6 study guide.)
New South
o Bourbon Triumvirate
o Henry Grady
o Cotton Expositions (purpose)
o Populist Movement
o Tom Watson
o Rural Free Delivery
o Rebecca Latimer Felton
o 19th Amendment (Who led this movement in GA?)
o 1906 Race Riot (details, effects)
o Disenfranchisement
 Literacy Tests (exemptions)
 Grandfather Clause
o Jim Crow Laws
o W.E.B. Dubois
o Alonzo Herndon
o Booker T Washington
o John/Lugenia Burns Hope
o Leo Frank Case (details, effects)
o New South economic trends
 Transformation of agriculture, vanishing farms etc…
 Wilson’s promise…
 Reasons for the War
 Reasons for U.S. Entry into WWI
 GA’s contributions to WWI
 Fort McPherson