CES education programs - DeVry

New and improved education for a broad range of needs
Make Sure I’m
On Track
Get Me Started
In A New Job
Establishing an investing
Enrollment, budgeting
and debt management
Getting on the Right Path
with Your Workplace Savings
Taking Control of Your
Personal Finances
Planning for retirement and
other financial goals
Building a Portfolio for Any
Allocating Your Workplace
Making the Most of Your
Workplace Savings
Evaluating Your Investment
Wise Choices for Your Old
Workplace Savings
Wise Choices for Your Old
Workplace Savings
Education on workplace plan fundamentals
* A letter of direction (LOD) may be required
Direct Me Through
Big Changes
Keep Me On Track
Designing Your Financial
Monitoring Your Portfolio
Remaining Confident in a
Volatile Market
Distribution and income
planning needs
Creating a Plan for Lifetime
Income in Retirement*
Deciding What to do With Your
Workplace Savings
Planning for College
Creating a Plan for Lifetime
Income in Retirement*
Establishing and Maintaining
Your Estate Plan
Wise Choices for Your Old
Workplace Savings
Education for retirement and beyond
Engage employees through hands-on learning
Our education programs are designed to address the unique needs of your employees by making education available through multiple
channels. We’re able to engage your employees and bring them hands-on learning through self-paced online learning and live interactive
session on the web or onsite. The most effective Education Action Plan includes a combination of these strategies and solutions to
provide your employees with the flexibility to access education, no matter what financial decision they are facing.
Maximize the advantages of the Web
On Demand Workshops
Available on demand, virtually 24 hours a
day, days a week
 May be customized to include your plan’s
specific details
 Best for employees:
• Who prefer self-paced online learning
at their convenience
• At various locations across the
Make the most of in-person events
Live Onsite Workshops
Live sessions conducted onsite at your
 May be customized to include your plan’s specific
 Best for employees:
• At a single-site organization or where there is a
large concentration of employees
Live Web Workshops
Live, interactive sessions conducted online
through NetBenefits®
 May be customized to include your plan’s
specific details
 Best for employees:
• At remote locations or those who
• At various locations across the
Of employees have taken action and
applied their newly learned skills after
attending a meeting or self-paced
program, either online or in person*
* Results based on Participant Measurement Data for the 3 year period ending on 12/31/2008.
Fidelity Workplace Education Services.
Get me started in a new job—
Helping new employees get on the right financial path
Saving for retirement begins in the workplace. Our curriculum of educational workshops for new employees helps to get them on the right
financial path by reinforcing the importance of saving early, providing tips for budgeting and debt management, and exploring options for
simplifying finances for increased control and management of savings.
Workshop Title
Who Should Attend
Key Topics
Delivery Options
• Employees not yet enrolled
• Employees who are under-contributing in
their plan
Advantages of a savings plan
Review of your plan’s details
Identifying ways to save
Developing a budget
Setting a savings goal
Choosing a contribution amount
• Employees in the current plan affected by
Review of plan specifics
Key dates
Transitional events
Plan details and investment options
Identifying ways to save
Newly-available plan features
Taking Control of your
Personal Finances
• New employees who may benefit from
saving more, creating a budget, and
managing debt
• How spending and saving behavior impacts the
ability to save
• Credit card and debt management
• Credit ratings and identity theft
• Steps to better saving
Wise Choices for Your Old
Workplace Savings Plan
• Employees who want to understand their
options for their former workplace savings
• Understanding your distribution options
• Benefits of simplifying finances
Getting On the Right Path
with Your Workplace
(English or Spanish)
Can customize to include
your plan’s details
Making the Most of Your
Workplace Savings Plan
(English or Spanish)
Can customize to include
your plan’s details
Make sure I’m on track—
Helping active participants maximize their workplace plan
Most employees can benefit from following three key financial principles—save more, invest better, and consider simplifying finances. Our
curriculum of educational workshops for active participants encourages them to increase contributions, explains the fundamentals of asset
allocation, and explores options for simplifying finances for increased control and management of savings.
Workshop Title
Who Should Attend
Allocating Your Workplace
• New employees or those who want to
change their current or future Investment
• Identifying your current investment strategy
• Comparing your current and target asset mixes
Evaluating Your Investment
• Employees interested in evaluating their
investment choices and understanding
performance measures
Wise Choices for Your Old
Workplace Savings Plan
• Employees who want to understand their
options for their former workplace savings
• Understanding your distribution options
• Benefits of simplifying finances
(English or Spanish)
Can customize to include
your plan’s details
Review of your plan’s details
Estimated need in retirement
Principles of asset allocation
Diversification (risk/return)
Asset classes defined
Building an investment strategy
Delivery Options
• Active employees looking to improve their
investment mix through asset allocation
and diversification
Building a Portfolio for Any
Key Topics
How to monitor investments
Using market benchmarks
Rates of return
Comparing investment options
Keep me on track—
Providing holistic guidance for active participants
As employees progress in their careers, their financial needs do, too. Our curriculum of educational workshops for active participants
provides guidance on prioritizing and managing multiple financial goals, including retirement and personal savings needs.
Workshop Title
Who Should Attend
Delivery Options
• Employees who are maximizing their
workplace plan and looking to address
additional savings needs
Building a financial foundation
Planning for retirement
Addressing additional savings goals
Protecting your assets
Monitoring Your Portfolio
• Active plan participants who want to review
their portfolio as part of an annual
maintenance plan
Reviewing your current portfolio
Asset allocation strategies
Evaluating performance
When to rebalance
Remaining Confident in a
Volatile Market
• Employees who want to understand how
to manage their portfolio based on historic
and current market conditions
Current market activity
Historical perspective on the markets
Basic investment concepts and strategies
Staying the course in any market
Planning for College
• Employees who are interested in learning
more about the college savings process
The college finance system
Planning for a college education
Different investment vehicles
Resources and Web tools
Creating a Plan for Lifetime
Income in Retirement
• Employees over age 55 who are 5 to 10
years from retirement
• Five key financial risks in retirement
• Withdrawal strategies
• Managing your plan
• Social Security and Medicare
• Medical coverage, insurance and estate planning
Designing Your Financial
(LOD may be required)
(LOD may be required)
Key Topics
Establishing and
Maintaining your Estate
• Employees interested in learning more
about estate planning
Wise Choices for Your Old
Workplace Savings Plan
• Employees who want to understand their
options for their former workplace savings
• Understanding your distribution options
• Benefits of simplifying finances
Benefits of estate planning
Identifying your estate assets
Key estate planning tools
Reviewing your estate plan
1-hr or
Direct me through big changes—
Reviewing distribution and retirement income options for separated employees
Whether changing jobs or entering retirement, separated employees need to make important decisions about their savings. Our
curriculum of educational workshops reviews the distribution options employees have when transitioning to a new job and helps retirees
develop a retirement income plan so they don’t outlive their assets.
Workshop Title
Creating a Plan for Lifetime
Income in Retirement
Who Should Attend
• Employees over age 55 who are 5 to 10
years from retirement
(LOD may be required)
Deciding What to do With
Your Workplace Savings
• Employees who have recently
experienced a job change (layoff, merger,
early retirement, or plan termination)
Key Topics
Delivery Options
• Five key financial risks in retirement
• Withdrawal strategies
• Managing your plan
• Social Security and Medicare
• Medical coverage, insurance and estate planning
Key compensation and benefit information
Establishing a budget
Understanding insurance needs
Unemployment benefits
Distribution options
1-hr or
Important additional information
For plan sponsor use only.
Guidance is provided by Fidelity Representatives through the use of Fidelity’s suite of guidance tools,
these tools are educational tools and are not intended to serve as the primary or sole basis for your investment
or tax-planning decisions.
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917