Unit 2 American Government

Mr. Udell
American Government
Unit 2 Review Sheet
Civil Liberty
Civil Rights
Establishment clause
Free exercise clause
Lemon Test
“Belief v. action”
Democratic Freedoms
Clear and present danger
Time/place/manor restrictions
Miranda Warnings
Miranda v. Arizona
Mapp v. Ohio
Gideon v. Wainwright
Exclusionary rule
Grand jury
1st Amendment
2nd Amendment
4th Amendment
5th Amendment
6th Amendment
8th Amendment
Substantive Due Process
Procedural Due Process
Police Power
Right to Privacy (9th Amendment)
Invidious discrimination
Rational Basis test
Strict scrutiny
Intermediate scrutiny
Black codes
14th Amendment
Majority rules and minority rights
Jus soli
Jus sanguinis
1. What does it mean to say our country believes in majority rules and minority rights?
Provide examples to illustrate the conflict between the two beliefs.
2. Explain the two parts of religious freedom in the Bill of Rights. How have these two
freedoms been tested and limited by the Supreme Court (limits on free exercise and
Lemon Test)?
3. What are the three “democratic freedoms” discussed in class? List three, explain why
they are important to have in a democracy, and explain at least one limitation to each
4. What are the two basic mistakes any criminal justice system can make? What are the
three most important Amendments protecting the rights of the accused (4, 5, and 6) and
what protections do they offer?
5. What are civil rights and how does the concept relate to discrimination? What does it
mean to say that “all laws discriminate”?
6. How does one become a US citizen? How can one lose his/her citizenship? What
actions are required of citizens?