Train-the-Trainer Guide Overview Educational Series: National Content Series October 2015 Training Title: The Culture of Culturing: The Importance of Knowing When to Order Urine Cultures Materials Include: Learning Objectives Upon completion of this session, long-term care staff will be able to: Explain why more urine cultures can lead to increases in CAUTI reporting and resident harms; Determine when (or not) to order urine cultures; Describe project tools available to help improve urine culture practices; and Utilize evidence-based communication strategies to more effectively communicate urine culture practices. Intended Audience Slide set with facilitator’s notes Video for all staff Role-play Script and Discussion Guide Role-play Facilitator Notes Method of Instruction Evaluation Form Certificate of Completion Template The materials included are designed to be flexible and customizable. Use the content from the live webinar for the core team/facility team lead as a reference. This packet of materials is designed for the facility team lead or another appropriate educator (e.g., staff educator, infection preventionist) to guide all staff through education on CAUTI definitions and reporting. The video can be viewed individually or as a team. You may use the slide set that includes facilitator’s notes, with the option to customize the materials. The presentation/video should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. A role-play script and discussion guide are available to give participants an opportunity to practice using the communication techniques promoted during the education module. Use the facilitator’s notes to guide the role-plays and accompanying discussion. Remember, it is important to create a supportive safe environment and answer questions in a constructive non-punitive manner. Provide additional resources or follow-up as needed based on the responses. Teaching Tips These tips are to help trainers prepare for the session and facilitate an interactive experience. Encourage staff to ask questions and share any concerns throughout the session. Start the video and pause as needed to address questions. Encourage staff to share stories of challenges or barriers to meeting the expectations. At the Conclusion of Session Thank staff for attending and reinforce the importance of their role in eliminating CAUTI. Ask staff to complete a brief evaluation (provided) of the training. Provide each staff member who completes and returns the evaluation to you with a Certificate of Completion (template provided). Equipment & Supplies Technical Requirements for Video Options Adobe Connect Recording. A computer with an internet connection is required. The recording will open in your default browser. Equipment needed: computer with internet connection, projection system, TV or another display monitor/screen and a HDMI cable. MP4 video. The best way to download this file is from the “Training Materials for All Staff” pod during the live webinar for the core team. Alternatively, the video may be downloaded from the LTC Safety website. The video requires a free MP4 player available for Windows (Real Player), Mac (Quicktime) and mobile devices. Equipment needed includes: computer with MP4 player, projection system, TV or another display monitor/screen and a HDMI cable. Other supplies recommended depend on the topic and viewing method and may include: Training method supplies (Adobe Connect recording or MP4 video, or slide set with facilitator’s notes) Copies of evaluation NHSN Definition CAUTI Criteria Pocket Copies of the role-plays, discussion guide Cards and SBAR practice scenarios Note paper and pens Flip chart and markers Engagement Activity Role-play scripts and case scenarios are provided for staff to practice using SBAR to communicate appropriate urine culturing practices. Role-play scripts, discussion guide and facilitators guide are provided. Resources & References LTC Safety Toolkit TeamSTEPPS for Long-term Care LTC Safety Website–Content Webinars Antibiotic Stewardship Brochure NHSN Definition CAUTI Criteria Pocket Cards Key Terms Urine Cultures SBAR Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Content Webinar 2