EDR 623 Course Pack:
Developmental Literacy for
Adolescents. Dr. Don
Baines, L., & Kunkel, A. J.
(Eds.). (2003). Going bohemian (4th ed.). Newark,
DE: International Reading
Romano, T. (2000).
Blending genre, altering style: Writing multi-genre papers . Portsmouth, NH:
Boynton/Cook Publishers,
Muschla, G. R. (1993).
Writing workshop survival kit . Paramus, NJ: The
Center for Applied
Research in Education.
The Literacy Web at U Conn. www.literacy.uconn.edu
Reading Rockets www.readingrockets.org
Literature Circles Resource Center www.litcircles.org
Michigan e Library more.mel.org
National Writing Project www.nwp.org/cs/public/print/resourc e/922
Teaching That Makes Sense: The
Institute for Excellence in Writing www.ttms.org/
For genres http://www.poetryteachers.com/poetr ytheater/theater.html
Excellence in Writing www.writing-edu.com
Dr. Silver www.debbiesilver.com
Online of Basic Writing Process http://www.csuohio.edu/writingcente r/writproc.html
Jenna Masselink
Alvaro Sandoval
Tracy Methric
Jeremy Battaglia
Danielle Bruckbauer
Angie Scholten
Student writing & reading
Writing & Reading
District Tests
-Writing Prompts
-Rigby Reading
The learner will make a text to self connection through prewriting.
The learner will recognize and use various genres.
The learner will apply comprehension strategies.
The learner will display mastery through a summative assessment.
Questions to ask when observing a model program:
What resources are needed to implement this program?
What advantages do you see in using this program?
What professional development was offered to staff?
How did this program affect student achievement? How was this achievement measured?
Have you seen the expected outcomes?
What did you do to motivate staff to make this program change?
Do you have parental and community support for this program? What difference does it make?
Implementing The Institute for
Excellence in Writing (this program is accompanied with professional development)
Using a Differentiated
Instruction Planner (for Prof.
Dev.) (suggested – Dr. Debbie
Autobiographical Writing –
Drawing upon experience to gain a deeper textual understanding
Directed Reading Activity
(D.R.A.) 5 steps: Readiness to read, purpose for reading, reading, discussion, writing
Lit Circles used for non-fiction writing
Mind Mapping – Graphic representation of thoughts.
Organization tool representing text and stories through pictures