Educational Philosophy

Christina Parzych
Philosophy of Education
The most important concept to understand about education is that learning is individual.
While we all may learn similar information, education truly is an individual experience since
everyone learns in their own way. A teacher must put in the time and effort to understand how
her students learn best and be flexible enough to adapt lessons in whole and small-group settings,
ultimately striving for student successes in an equal learning environment.
Education is teamwork and cooperation towards the common goal of student success. I
believe teachers can be successful in helping students achieve their potential by working
cooperatively with parents, colleagues, and administration. Students recognize these
relationships and build their own beliefs of education.
An educator needs to understand how to gain the confidence of her students by
communicating clearly and modeling the hard work expected of them. Students will try their
best when they notice that their teacher is prepared, confident, flexible, and motivated. These
characteristics keep the pedagogical foundation of education thriving.
Learning is best achieved when the learner is engaged in the content and method of the
lesson. While intrinsic motivation is the ultimate goal for a student, it is the responsibility of the
teacher to engage her students in lessons. By utilizing a variety of teaching methods, a teacher
can engage her students and activate their prior knowledge to improve comprehension. We learn
best when we apply new knowledge to that which we have previously learned.
Education is the foundation to success. Whether small pieces of information help a
student pass a test, or a lifelong learner shares their knowledge in a worldwide publication, what
we know determines our past, present, and future. This makes it vital for a teacher to have high,
obtainable goals for all students and work effectively to ensure success.