Entrepreneurship I Chapter 9: Site Selection And Layout Planning Appointments Census Tracts Economic Base Façade Incentives Industrial Parks Interrelationships Layout Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Trade Area Workstation Interior design equipment and furnishings such as fish tanks and planters, used to define corridors or aisles. Subdivisions of SMSAs containing 4,0005,000 people. A community’s main source of income. The face of a building. Advantages that help businesses, such as lower taxes, cheaper land, and employee training programs. Areas communities have set aside for industrial uses. Access, arrangement, and flow among all the activities in a layout plan. A floor plan or map that shows how a business intends to use the space its site provides to conduct business. Geographic areas that usually include a metropolitan area such as Chicago or Atlanta. The region or section of the community from which a business can expect to draw customers. Specific areas with equipment for a single worker. Nina Southern – Entrepreneurship I: Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management