Quality assessment pilot study

Pilot study – quality assessment
This systematic review evaluates diagnostic and therapeutic impact rather than diagnostic
accuracy. The existing quality assessment tools QUADAS and QUADAS 2 are designed for
the quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies and are therefore not appropriate to
this review. The rapid scoping exercise returned only observational studies of the “”beforeafter” design. No other study designs were identified such as randomised controlled clinical
trials. In 2009, Albon et al carried out a similar systematic review of the effectiveness of
structural neuroimaging in psychosis.1 In this context, structural neuroimaging was either
computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Similarly, the authors’ search
strategy returned only observational before-after studies and they found that no validated
quality assessment tools existed for systematic review of this study design. In response, two
of the authors, Meads and Davenport, reported the development and validation of a quality
assessment tool for before after studies.2 This was an adaptation of the original QUADAS
The aim of this pilot study was to trial the quality assessment tool of Meads and Davenport
using the rapid scope papers identified for the current systematic review. In order to
maintain validity, any modifications would be restricted to presentation only, thus preserving
the content of the tool developed by Meads and Davenport.
Materials and methods
The rapid scoping exercise identified six studies that met the inclusion criteria. In a further
refinement of the inclusion criteria, the study by Fortin3 was removed from the rapid scope
studies. The reason for this was that this study concerned only implants that were placed in
the posterior maxilla. Since other studies had been identified which included the anterior
mandible, it was considered appropriate to remove this study from further consideration.
The remaining five studies were:
Diniz 2008 4, Frei 2004 5, Reddy 1994 6, Schropp 2001 7 and Schropp 2011 8
Meads’ and Davenport’s modified quality assessment tool removed two questions from the
original QUADAS and added a further four. The original QUADAS form was therefore
modified to represent Meads’ and Davenport’s tool. This is reproduced in Appendix A. First,
the original numbers were retained from QUADAS and the new questions, as in Meads and
Davenport, were assigned letters A to D. The QUADAS responses, “Yes”, “No” or “Unclear”
were also retained. As a preliminary modification of presentation the questions were
renumbered, using roman numerals to distinguish them from the original source numbering.
This tool was then used to assess the quality of the five rapid scope studies.
Several problems were identified:
Questions B and D, which were new questions added by Meads and Davenport, did not lend
themselves to a “Yes”, “No” or “Unclear” answer. For example, question D asks, “Who
performed the clinical evaluation and image analysis?” Furthermore, in the original
QUADAS tool, a single box is available for each question in which to answer “Yes”, “No” or
“Unclear” (Appendix B). These problems do not permit a visual interpretation of the quality
Some items do not take into account that the question may not be applicable. For example,
QUADAS question 14 is, “Were withdrawals from the study explained?” If there had been no
withdrawals from the study then the answer would not fall into one of “Yes”, “No” or
“Unclear”. It was therefore decided to include a further category of “Not applicable”. Similar
considerations applied to QUADAS question 13, “Were uninterpretable/intermediate imaging
results reported? “ and Meads’ and Davenport’s question B, “What was the explanation for
patients who did not receive CT or MRI?”
To address these problems, the form was modified as follows: First, separate boxes were
included for each of “Not applicable (N/A)”, “Yes”, “Unclear” and, “No”. The answer,
“Unclear”, was considered to be best placed between “Yes” and “No” allowing visual
interpretation. Further the answer “N/A” was considered to be best placed separately, so
that it would not form part of the interpretation. In addition, a method of allowing a common
interpretation of “Yes”, “Unclear” and “No” questions with the two questions that could not be
answered in this way was developed. First, these questions were placed in a separate
section at the foot of the form. Secondly, a green to red gradient was placed behind the
answer boxes so that a tick mark could be placed at any point along it. Green would signify
an answer consistent with good study quality and red with bad study quality. The gradient
was extended behind all of the “Yes”, “Unclear” and “No” questions so that answers from all
sections of the form could be interpreted visually with a common measure. This also
separated the “N/A” answers, visually removing them from consideration in the quality
assessment. It was, of course, appreciated that this visual guide would form only part of the
quality assessment and that some questions would have greater weights than others.
Question 5 from QUADAS is, “Did the whole sample or a random selection of the sample
receive verification using a reference standard of diagnosis?” At first reading this did not
seem at first to require a “Yes”, “No” or “Unclear” answer. On further consideration,
however, this was indeed a question requiring a “Yes”, “No” or “Unclear” answer.
Nonetheless, it was felt to be helpful to include some clarification as follows, “Yes for whole
sample or random selection. No if neither.”
In the QUADAS tool for quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy tests, a “reference
standard” is compared with an “index test”. In the context of diagnostic accuracy, the
“reference standard” will be the current gold standard test against which the new, “index
test”, is assessed. For the purposes of quality assessment in their neuroimaging study,
Meads and Davenport considered the “before” diagnostic strategy to be the index test. This
was conventional neurological examination. They considered the “after” strategy, CT or
MRI, to be the reference standard on the basis that a reference standard is defined as the
best test practically available. It seemed that similar considerations would apply in the
current review. Conventional imaging should be seen as the reference test and three
dimensional imaging as the reference standard. Nevertheless, this could be confusing in the
form where an assessor would have to remember which was the reference standard and
which the index test. Therefore, in the quality assessment form, it was decided to substitute
the words index test with “conventional imaging” and reference standard with “three
dimensional imaging”.
When completing the form it was found that, on occasion, it was necessary to consult the
guidance notes given with the QUADAS quality assessment tool. The renumbering of the
questions made it difficult to find the correct section of these notes. Therefore, the original
numbering system from QUADAS and from Meads and Davenport was re-introduced. To
avoid confusion by future users, an explanatory note was made at the foot of the form. The
amended quality assessment form is shown in Appendix C.
Conclusion and discussion
The quality assessment tool of Meads and Davenport with the modified presentation does
seem to visually capture the outcome of the assessment. This should now be trialled with a
small number of co-reviewers to assess its clarity, ease of use and effectiveness
Post script
After discussion with co-authors, it was felt helpful to include an overall subjective score for
the quality assessment. This was added to the form using the same visual format that had
been established. The final form is presented in Appendix D.
Appendix A
Modified Quadas according to Meads & Davenport
Study title
Was the spectrum of patients representative of patients who
will receive the test in practice?
Were the selection criteria clearly described?
Were patients recruited consecutively?
Is the period between reference standard and index test short
enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not
change between the two tests?
Did the whole sample or a random selection of the sample
receive verification using a reference standard of diagnosis?
Did the patients receive the same reference standard
regardless of index test?
Was the execution of the index test described in sufficient
detail to permit replication of the test?
Was the execution of the reference standard described in
sufficient detail to permit its replication?
Who performed the clinical evaluation and image analysis?
Were the index test results interpreted without knowledge of
the results of the reference standard?
Was the study and/or collection of clinical variables
conducted prospectively?
Were the reference standard results interpreted without
knowledge of the index test?
Were the same clinical results available when test results
were interpreted as would be available when the test is used
in practice?
Were uninterpretable/intermediate test results reported?
Were withdrawals from the study explained?
What was the explanation for patients who did not receive CT
or MRI?
Modified Quadas according to Meads & Davenport (renumbered)
Study title
Was the spectrum of patients representative of patients who
will receive the test in practice?
Were the selection criteria clearly described?
Were patients recruited consecutively?
Is the period between reference standard and index test short
enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not
change between the two tests?
Did the whole sample or a random selection of the sample
receive verification using a reference standard of diagnosis?
Did the patients receive the same reference standard
regardless of index test?
Was the execution of the index test described in sufficient
detail to permit replication of the test?
Was the execution of the reference standard described in
sufficient detail to permit its replication?
Who performed the clinical evaluation and image analysis?
Were the index test results interpreted without knowledge of
the results of the reference standard?
Was the study and/or collection of clinical variables
conducted prospectively?
Were the reference standard results interpreted without
knowledge of the index test?
Were the same clinical results available when test results
were interpreted as would be available when the test is used
in practice?
Were uninterpretable/intermediate test results reported?
Were withdrawals from the study explained?
What was the explanation for patients who did not receive
3 dimensional imaging?
Appendix B
Original QUADAS quality assessment form
Appendix C - Quality Assessment Tool (Modified from Quadas 1 by Meads & Davenport)
Study title
Was the spectrum of patients representative of patients who
will receive imaging in practice?
Were the selection criteria clearly described?
Is the period between conventional imaging and 3D imaging
short enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition
did not change between the two tests?
Did the whole sample or a random selection of the sample
receive verification using a reference standard of diagnosis?
(Yes for whole sample or random selection. No if neither.)
Did the patients receive the same 3D imaging regardless of
conventional imaging?
Was the execution of the conventional imaging described in
sufficient detail to permit replication of the test?
Was the execution of the 3D imaging described in sufficient
detail to permit its replication?
Were the conventional imaging results interpreted without
knowledge of the results of the 3D imaging?
Were the 3D imaging results interpreted without knowledge
of the conventional imaging?
Were the same clinical results available when imaging results
were interpreted as would be available when the imaging is
used in practice?
Were uninterpretable/intermediate imaging results reported?
Were withdrawals from the study explained?
Were patients recruited consecutively?
Was the study and/or collection of clinical variables
conducted prospectively?
What was the explanation for patients
who did not receive 3D imaging?
Who performed the clinical evaluation
and image analysis?
(Green for good quality, red for poor quality.)
(Green for good quality, red for poor quality.)
Numbering is unchanged from original sources. Numbered items are from Quadas 1. Questions 3 & 7 were removed by Meads
and Davenport. Letters are additional questions from Meads and Davenport
Appendix D - Quality Assessment Tool (Modified from Quadas 1 by Meads & Davenport)
Study title
Was the spectrum of patients representative of patients who will
receive imaging in practice?
Were the selection criteria clearly described?
Is the period between conventional imaging and 3D imaging short
enough to be reasonably sure that the target condition did not
change between the two tests?
Did the whole sample or a random selection of the sample receive
verification using a reference standard of diagnosis?
(Yes for whole sample or random selection. No if neither.)
Did the patients receive the same 3D imaging regardless of
conventional imaging?
Was the execution of the conventional imaging described in
sufficient detail to permit replication of the test?
Was the execution of the 3D imaging described in sufficient detail to
permit its replication?
Were the conventional imaging results interpreted without
knowledge of the results of the 3D imaging?
Were the 3D imaging results interpreted without knowledge of the
conventional imaging?
Were the same clinical results available when imaging results were
interpreted as would be available when the imaging is used in
Were uninterpretable/intermediate imaging results reported?
Were withdrawals from the study explained?
Were patients recruited consecutively?
Was the study and/or collection of clinical variables conducted
What was the explanation for patients
who did not receive 3D imaging?
(Green for good quality, red for poor quality.)
Who performed the clinical evaluation
and image analysis?
(Green for good quality, red for poor quality.)
Numbering is unchanged from original sources. Numbered items are from Quadas 1.
Questions 3 & 7 were removed by Meads and Davenport
Letters are additional questions from Meads and Davenport
Overall subjective quality assessment (Green for good quality, red for poor quality.)
Albon E, Tsourapas A, Frew E, Davenport C, Oyebode F, Bayliss S et al. Structural
neuroimaging in psychosis: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health
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Meads CA,Davenport CF. Quality assessment of diagnostic before-after studies:
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Diniz AF, Mendonca EF, Leles CR, Guilherme AS, Cavalcante MP,Silva MA.
Changes in the pre-surgical treatment planning using conventional spiral
tomography. Clinical oral implants research 2008; 19:249-253.
Frei C, Buser D,Dula K. Study on the necessity for cross-section imaging of the
posterior mandible for treatment planning of standard cases in implant dentistry.
Clinical oral implants research 2004; 15:490-497.
Reddy MS, Mayfield-Donahoo T, Vanderven FJ,Jeffcoat MK. A comparison of the
diagnostic advantages of panoramic radiography and computed tomography
scanning for placement of root form dental implants. Clinical oral implants research
1994; 5:229-238.
Schropp L, Wenzel A,Kostopoulos L. Impact of conventional tomography on
prediction of the appropriate implant size. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology,
oral radiology, and endodontics 2001; 92:458-463.
Schropp L, Stavropoulos A, Gotfredsen E,Wenzel A. Comparison of panoramic and
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Clinical oral implants research 2011; 22:424-429.