SCOPE OF PERSONALITY BUILIDING IN POST GRADUATE BUSINESS EDUCATION DEGREES: A STUDY BASED ON PAKISTANI UNIVERSITIES By Huma Nawaz* BBA and MBA Graduate of COMSATS, Lahore, Pakistan Paper Publications: 1. Huma Nawaz (2012). Customer behavior approach for using mico-credit:Analysis of rural community of Pakistan. 2nd international conference on contemporary issues in business management. University of central Punjab Lahore,Pakistan. 2. Huma Nawaz & Hira Nawaz,(2013). Compliance of investment sukuk with shariah. Global forum on islamic finance(GFIF). COMSATS :Lahore,Pakistan. Page 1 Abstract Business education degrees have become more scrummy as organizations vie for managers attention in an over saturated market. One such scrummy approach is the use of ‘personality appeals’ that led to widespread fast-andeasy’ assessment tool. This study investigates the scope of personality building in postgraduate business education degrees of Pakistani higher education institutions, as well as market need towards this trait. The result should assist marketers to ascertain whether personality building consider as widespread tool or whether just flimsier tool in learning process of postgraduate business education degrees. The study measures post graduates of business education personality traits based on big 5 traits (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness).A descriptive analysis of twenty four randomly selected business education institutes in Pakistan found statistically significant differences among universities ways of polishing graduates skills. As marketers take, personality appeal is one of the most important traits in buttonholing and addressing objective of organizations. The result suggests that HEI need serious consideration regarding fulfilling competitive market needs. This study contributes to business education of Pakistani universities by evaluating quality of education. Marketers should, however. Carefully evaluate the specific job description; the level of theoretical and practical applications according to need should be justified. Keywords: Business education; Big 5;Pesonlaity; BIG 5 and Business education; Analysis of Pakistani universities; Personality traits based on universities learning; Organizations perspective towards university graduates. Page 2 1. Introduction Human Personality differs radically from one another due to natural and learning environment. An individual self-confidence, communication, interpersonal relationship, social values, norms may be inconsistent with other society members. For example, a person who has enthusiasm and self-confidence will try to bend others with his/her views and opinions. It makes sense that personality characteristics may be more important for the decision to become a founder than for success (Begley & Boyd, 1987; Heron & Robinson, 1983). At marketplace, one of the key tools to trade is ‘appealingness’.Good personality led to chase and perform this in a subsequent way. Previous researches suggest that the reasons for failure are most often associated with decision-making problems and/or interpersonal conflicts resulting from arrogance, untrustworthiness, insensitivity, inability to confront issues, and an inability to delegate (Hogan, Curphy, & Hogan, 1994).) Hence, a teaching practice motive for preparing successful future business manager and leader evaluate the personality building trait in business education degrees. Although some researches have paid attention to importance of personality building in business phenomena extensive research of Leading electronic journal databases i.e. emerald, Google scholar, Elsevier etc suggest no practical research in the way of interpreting scope of personality building in business education degrees of Pakistani education institutes. The continuing proliferation of business and education institutes in Pakistan arose a need of identifying quality and market needs. In Pakistan, currently all of higher education institutes are operating after recognition of higher education commission of Pakistan.Uptill now HEC has recognized 199 fully functional institutes. Total output of HEIs reached to thousands per year in business education of postgraduate level (HEC, 2012). Moreover, several growing trends in industry competition are bringing attention towards increasing importance of social interaction and appeal. To be optimally active and to develop effectively— they require nutrients from the social environment (Deci & Vansteenkiste, 2004, pp. 23-24). Because of growing need of marketplace, many business education providing institutes drawing its attention towards personality development, that is a key part of cognitive ability. But the lack of much attention on enhancing personality development in various Pakistani business education institution lead to increasing unsuccefull graduate at market place. This understanding created a challenge for Pakistani business education institutes for enhancing effort in practical way. Past research on business and education degrees in Pakistan has concentrated only on developing theoretical and practical knowledge rather on Personality building (cognitive abilities). Page 3 Considering the issue of personality development, the literature is almost silent on the personality building ways with its effect on student’s market productivity in Pakistani education institution. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of personality building in business education on student’s ability to face market challenges and to investigate performance capability of higher education institutions. In our study for empirical and descriptive study, we made theory of big 5 traits as a basis for research for personality study in post graduate business education degree. In Pakistani education system, master and doctorate level are consider for postgraduate degree (HEC, 2002). The Big 5 traits—Neuroticism (Anxiety, Hostility, Depression, Self-Consciousness, Impulsiveness, Vulnerability), Extraversion (Warmth, Gregariousness, Assertiveness, Activity, Excitement-Seeking, Positive Emotions), Openness (Fantasy, Aesthetics, Feelings, Actions, Ideas, Values), Agreeableness (Trust, Modesty, Compliance, Altruism, Straightforwardness, Tender-Mindedness), and Conscientiousness (Competence, Self-Discipline, AchievementStriving, Dutifulness, Order, Deliberation) —emerged from decades of research. These have been celebrated for their ability to simplify an otherwise overwhelming number of traits (Hofstee, 1994; John, 1990; McCrae & Costa, 1987), their cross-cultural applicability(McCrae & Costa, 1997b). Against this background, more specifically, the main objective of this research study is to: 1. Find out the significance of post business education degree with personality applications. 2. How much a personality building playing a part in students success at marketplace. 3. Taking perceptions about the quality of students of twenty-four Pakistani universities in terms of personality traits (Big 5). The rest of the paper has following major sections: First literature review. This is followed by a methodology used to get study objective. Thirdly, described conclusion driven from this study. Finally at the end is appendix and references. 2. Literature review Personality is the set of psychological traits and mechanisms within the individual that are organized and relatively enduring and that influence his or her interactions with, and adaptations to, the intra psychic, physical, and social environments (Larsen & Buss, 2005, p. 4). The higher education structure in Pakistan is consisting of two main sectors: the university/Degree Awarding Institutes (DAI) sector and the affiliated Colleges sector. In this study, our focus is towards the postgraduate degree of business education. Page 4 2.1 An overview of the Pakistani education institutions: In Pakistan, all of higher education institutes are working under recognition of higher education commission of Pakistan. 2.1.1 About higher education commission The Higher Education Commission has been set up by the Government of Pakistan to facilitate the development of indigenous universities to be world-class centers of education, research and development. Through facilitating this process, the HEC intends to play its part in spearheading the building of a knowledge-based economy in Pakistan2 (Higher Education Commission). 2.2 Characteristics of business education degree Literature on the higher education sector has highlighted the problems associated with operational issues; internationalization of business education (Yu, 1996; Teichler, 1999;Dobson & Holtta, 2001, Altbach, 2004) and the issues of quality assurance, and control in educational administration (Lloyd & Wiser, 2006; Fallshaw, 2003). In Pakistan, from different secondary data, it has has been found that near about more than 50,000 students are enrolled in different universities of Pakistan for business education of which approximately 10%-25% are master level students. 2.2.1 Importance of personality building in business education degree Different authors have designed different measures as personality indicators. The active traits that have an important spectrum in business world are good attention span for completion of tasks, empathy, self-regulation, hyperactivity, emotionality, conduct, pro-social behavior and peer-to-peer relations (Jen Lexmond, Richard Reeves, 2009). For the business career success the right objectives, personality and skills, and a helpful degree are important characters (Donald W. Mitchell 2008).Some authors find out the direct relationship of educational degrees with cognitive ability at a major level..Evans reported that “the statistical evidence…indicated formal education for African-American Business professionals, as measured by the DIT, results in increased levels of cognitive moral development (CMD)” (2004, p. 81). 2.2.2 Measuring students enrollment in post graduate business education degree With the establishment of new universities, student’s enrollment in Pakistani universities increases gradually. Today, however, large number of students still tried to find a way in abroad universities for education, With almost $30 billion in revenue collected as tuition fees from an Page 5 estimated two-million students studying abroad. Higher education is a large global enterprise where both public and private sectors universities in the West cater to the demand for higher education generated by foreign students. The huge sums received for higher education resulted in a dramatic expansion in the higher education sector in Pakistan where university enrolment jumped from under 100,000 in 1998-99 to an estimated 1.1 million in 2011. (Dawn news, 2012). According to QS worldwide university ranking, based on different indicators including student enrollment, six Pakistani universities come in top 300 universities of Asia. National University of Sciences And Technology (NUST) Islamabad, University of Karachi, Aga khan university, University of engineering and technology, University of Lahore, LUMS rank wise got 108,191,201,201,251,251 position respectively. 2.3 Attitudinal and behavioral impact of personality relationship with industry requirement The Big 5 traits— Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness—emerged from decades of research and have been celebrated for their ability to simplify an otherwise Overwhelming number of traits (Hofstee, 1994; John,1990; McCrae & Costa, 1987), their cross-cultural applicability (McCrae & Costa, 1997b), and their ability to predict health-relevant and other outcomes (e.g., Emmons, 1995). McCosta and McCrae’s NEO-PI-r application for this purpose is commercially used in global arena. The NEO-PI-3 is the updated version of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PIR) - the standard questionnaire of the Five-Factor Model (FFM). It is a concise measure of the five major domains of personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness) and the six facets that define each domain (SIGMA Assessment Systems, 2012). Furthermore, Moscoso and Slagado (2004) also examined negative types of personalities, which they refer to as the ―dark side and its effect on job performance. The study showed that there were seven types of personality styles that negatively affected job performance—shyness, suspiciousness, sadness, pessimism, suffering, eccentricity, and riskiness. 2.4 Potential moderator of the personality building and postgraduate business education degree Hurdles in delivering and developing learning led to pessimistic output of degrees. Different moderators affect the degree of acceptance and learning abilities of students. One by one, each item is briefly described at following sub headings. 2.4.1 Fundamental cultural differences In Pakistan, diversity and different cultural difference (Sindhi culture, Punjabi culture, Pashto culture etc.) causes difference in fundamental landscape of Pakistani education system .To cover Page 6 overlaps in delivering education to Pakistani students required major level of transformation. Educational spaces should build a culture of learning awash with uncertainty and in which uncertainty provokes transformative yet precautionary commitment rather than paralysis.” Togo (2009, p. 34). Students who self-regulate on one occasion may not self-regulate their studying on another occasion, despite the acknowledged benefits (Learning and Instruction,1997). 2.4.2 Intelligence quotient (1Q) Many authors study human intelligence in different subjects in different ways. Recent views of intelligence have much enlarged on this traditional but narrow conception of intelligence (e.g., Brown, 1978; Carroll, 1993; Sternberg, 1985a, 1985b). Many scientists had found a positive relationship between IQ and personality. But IQ is naturally build characteristic of human whose presence level is different in humans. A major purpose of business administration degree is to develop and prepare human resources for corporate world. It tends to involve students in delivering practical and theoretical knowledge of the industry and polished cognitive ability for future market commitments. Thus cognition play a most important role in this degree relative to other educational degrees i.e medical, engineering etc. Where only grades are considered important variable for success. Intelligence is usually not controlled, so we do not know whether actually a personality variable (namely cognitive ability) is the third variable producing the correlation between educational level and success1 (Rauch, A., & Frese, M. 2000). Binet and Simon (1905/1961, 1908/1961) argued that they wished to separate "natural intelligence from instruction" by “disregarding, in so far as possible, the degree of instruction which the subject possesses" (as translated by Kite in Binet & Simon, 1908/1961, p. 93). That is, Binet and Simon attempted to provide an estimate of individual differences in intellectual ability, which was, to a great degree, separated from influences of experience, social privilege, and other confounds of socioeconomic status. 2.4.3 Faculty training Teaching of future business runners is perquisite challenge for professional teaching staff. From Conclusions of Intensive Feedback Method, It had been seen that, teaching will not improve on its own and teaching without intervention, may deteriorate (Skeff, American Journal of Medicine, 1983) This demands full diagnosis of theoretical and practical applications for learners. There are many obstacles in designing and adopting teaching ways. The lack of information on the actual needs of faculty members and the type of format that should be utilized for those training needs (Galanouli, Murphy, & Gardner, 2004). Page 7 A study by Richardson and Arker (2010) suggested that personality styles need to be recognized to meet individual students’ needs. Understanding personality profiles allows educators to be proactive in determining a better fit for each student (Richardson & Arker, 2010). Teachers training in the way of teacher and student relationship pursuing student personality development. Davis (2006) and McCombs and Miller (2006) emphasized that good relationships between students and teachers often lead to increased student performance. 2.4.4 Market familiarity Competitiveness in world market demands competitive and highly skilled workforce that also knows the norms and ways of living at marketplace according to market need. As a reflection of this competition, employers have raised their demand for quality of recruits (Saunders & Zuzel, 2010) who apply for jobs. For complying with high quality standards, students are reconstructing their perceptions about university education (Lawrence & Sharma, 2002) and demanding knowledge that meets worldwide acceptable standards (Nagy, 2006). Business education, course structures, is specially designed to fulfill market compatibility need. This situation provides power to the employers to raise the demand for quality of graduate. For fulfilling this demand, universities need development and application of specific quality standards (LeBlanc & Nguyen, 1997; Dinham, 2006) for instruction and curricula (Seah & Edward, 2006) such as provided by The National Commission on Excellence in Education (1983) and Education Sector Reforms Action Plan 2001-2004 (Government of Pakistan, 2001) to respond to international standards in higher education and its implications for universities (Seah & Edward, 2006). Universities are under pressure to meet standards (Nagy, 2006; Mishra, ates (Raza, Majid, & Zia, 2010; Saunders, & Zuzel, 2010).Universities need to follow road map of business education provided by higher education system on 2012. This study is exploratory and descriptive. Some empirical evidences were also found about personality of randomly selected HEIs.Details of randomly selected HEI with measuring parameters are described in Table 1. Page 8 Table 1: Variables of study Serial NO.(N) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Pakistani higher education institutions Institute of Management Sciences Fatima Jinnah Women University Imperial College of Business Studies Allama Iqbal Open University Minhaj International University Kinnaird College Virtual University of Pakistan Virtual University of Pakistan Air University Hajvery University Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Faculty of Management & Social Science National College of Business Administration & Economics National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences - FAST Iqra University National Defence University Lahore School of Economics University of Central Punjab Quaid-i-Azam University, Quaid-i-Azam School of Management Sciences (QASMS), Lahore College for Women University COMSATS Institute of Information Technology International Islamic University, Faculty of Management Sciences, Islamabad, NU FAST Lahore University of Management Sciences Bahria University Government College University Respondents of industry 1. HBL 2. ZONG 3. FFC 4. Askari bank Limited 5. PPAF Personality traits(Content items) Neuroticism(Anxiety, Hostility, Depression, Self-Consciousness, Impulsiveness, Vulnerability) Extraversion(Warmth, Gregariousness, Assertiveness, Activity, Excitement-Seeking, Positive Emotions) Openness(Fantasy, Aesthetics, Feelings, Actions, Ideas, Values) Agreeableness(Trust, Modesty, Compliance, Altruism, Straightforwardness, TenderMindedness) Conscientiousness(Competence, Self-Discipline, AchievementStriving, Dutifulness, Order, Deliberation) Page 9 3. Methodology The target population for this study consisted of 24 higher education institution graduates of Pakistan out of 199 HEIs that are offering postgraduate business education degrees. The unit of analysis was personality of passing out students. A computer-generated database of these twentyfour educational institutions was collected from primary data, with established validity, and secondary data of these institutions. In order to find the personality trait of postgraduate students of different institutions, selected experts of heterogeneous number of companies of different sector of Pakistani market (service and production sector) works as a rater. These are belong to Habib Bank Limited, Zong, Fauji fertilizer company Limited, Askari commercial bank limited, Pakistan poverty alleviation fund (PPAF), For this study percentile, rating system was used due to its simplification, cost effectiveness and time constraints to measure expert perception about university students. Experts rated survey items Neuroticism (Anxiety, Hostility, Depression, Self-Consciousness, Impulsiveness, Vulnerability), Extraversion (Warmth, Gregariousness, Assertiveness, Activity, ExcitementSeeking, Positive Emotions), Openness (Fantasy, Aesthetics, Feelings, Actions, Ideas, Values), Agreeableness (Trust, Modesty, Compliance, Altruism, Straightforwardness, TenderMindedness), and Conscientiousness (Competence, Self-Discipline, Achievement-Striving, Dutifulness, Order, Deliberation) of twenty four education institutions graduates of Pakistan. Mail survey have been used previously in studies on perceived value (cf.Yi & Jeon, 2003:229240 Zaichkovsky:2000;320-351).Questionnaire items were send for percentile rating to experts through emails. By following the pattern of different reputed researchers, the study used descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics (Mean. Err.,95% Conf.,Interval, Std. Dev., Skewness, Kurtosis) of each content item(Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness)of each university was determined. Composite scale score of universities derived after multiple items measurement, (Feldman (2004:3) .The data interpretation was analyzed by composite values. Table 2: Composite results by descriptive statistics Scale items categories Obs Mean Std. Err. Neuroticism HBL ZONG FFC Askari Bank PPAF HBL ZONG FFC 24 24 24 24 57.70833 60.875 59.41667 59.29167 24 24 24 24 66.25 51.54167 60.875 60.41667 Extraversion Interval Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis 2.92136 3.167608 2.28092 3.043453 95% Conf. 51.66504 54.3223 54.69822 52.9958 63.75163 67.4277 64.13511 65.58753 14.31168 15.5180 11.17418 14.90981 -.3854466 -.7129152 .623799 -.6059299 3.311637 3.724409 2.901347 3.105198 1.807041 2.235241 3.167608 2.139955 62.51185 46.91772 54.3223 55.98983 69.98815 56.16561 67.4277 64.8435 8.852659 10.9504 15.51805 10.4836 -.8248061 -.6982104 -.7129152 .7164402 3.896253 4.187735 3.724409 2.954261 Page 10 Openness Agreeableness Conscientiousness Askari Bank PPAF HBL ZONG FFC Askari Bank PPAF HBL ZONG FFC Askari Bank PPAF HBL ZONG FFC Askari Bank PPAF 24 60.20833 3.167989 53.65485 66.76182 15.51991 -.6240475 2.883338 24 24 24 24 24 67.75 53.5 62.625 58.83333 60 1.374259 2.406212 2.033071 2.417978 2.87102 64.90713 48.52237 58.41927 53.83136 54.06084 70.59287 58.47763 66.83073 63.8353 65.93916 6.732465 11.78798 9.959974 11.84563 14.06507 .0038205 -.6005506 -.0840092 -.3648437 -.3934325 1.838441 4.153998 2.064111 2.409409 2.486589 24 24 24 24 24 52.58333 50.91667 52.875 45 56.25 2.456075 3.908796 3.637223 3.34599 3.144612 47.50255 42.83071 45.35083 38.07829 49.74487 57.66411 59.00263 60.39917 51.92171 62.75513 12.03226 19.14911 17.81868 16.39194 15.40539 -.4192553 .1051263 .0970733 .3635602 -.0724036 3.748742 1.954753 1.58549 2.001335 1.54794 24 24 24 24 24 63.25 50.91667 60.41667 55.20833 53.5 2.615623 3.908796 2.139955 3.778745 2.406212 57.83917 42.83071 55.98983 47.3914 48.52237 68.66083 59.00263 64.8435 63.02526 58.47763 12.81389 19.14911 10.4836 18.51199 11.78798 -.3332454 .1051263 .7164402 -.4808885 -.6005506 2.504699 1.954753 2.954261 3.030883 4.153998 24 54.66667 3.187763 48.07228 61.26106 15.61679 .0865978 2.126467 3.1 Results The composite mean irritability rating of post business education degrees of selected HEIs was presented with descriptive statistics in Table 2.The highest irritation is associated with neuroticism with Composite high mean and composite lowers standard deviation. The lowest irritation is associated with agreeableness with lowest composite mean and highest composite standard deviation. On average, openness is perceived as most irritating. The respondent profile revealed that Government College University, Lahore post business education degree holders percentile rank of neuroticism was highest (HBL: 78,Zong:67,FFC 87,Askari commercial bank 81 and PPAF 79). While Allama Iqbal Open University post business education degree holders percentile rank of neuroticism was lowest (HBL: 22,Zong:19, FFC 49,Askari commercial bank 21 and PPAF 41). Government College University, Lahore post business education degree holders percentile rank of extraversion was highest(HBL: 55,Zong:67,FFC 87,Askari commercial bank 81 and PPAF 73).While Institute of Management Sciences, Lahore post business education degree holders percentile rank of extraversion was lowest (HBL: 33,Zong:34,FFC 55,Askari commercial bank 35 and PPAF 55). Quaid-i-Azam University, Quaid-i-Azam School of Management Sciences (QASMS) post business education degree holders percentile rank of openness was highest (HBL: 76,Zong:76,FFC 65,Askari commercial bank 71 and PPAF 76). While Institute of Management Sciences, Lahore post business education degree holders percentile rank of openness was lowest (HBL: 33,Zong:55, FFC 54,Askari commercial bank 35 and PPAF 33). National Defence University post business education degree holders percentile rank of agreeableness was highest(HBL: 54,Zong:77,FFC 65,Askari commercial bank 45 and PPAF 76).While Hajvery University Lahore post business education degree holders percentile rank of agreeableness was lowest (HBL: 55,Zong:34,FFC 25,Askari commercial bank 36 and PPAF 54). Minhaj International University Lahore post business education degree holders percentile rank of conscientiousness was highest(HBL: Page 11 54,Zong:77,FFC 65,Askari commercial bank 45 and PPAF 76).While Bahria University post business education degree holders percentile rank of conscientiousness was lowest (HBL: 76,Zong:78,FFC 75,Askari commercial bank 49 and PPAF 63). The column six and seven of the Table 2 provides 95% confidence with internal value, that depicted significance level of 0.05%.So that the study depicted 95%confident on the true value of the parameter is in confidence interval. Standard error was high on agreeableness data while lowest at extraversion data .The level of skewness was highly at right skewed on Conscientiousness (PPAF) while highly negatively skewed on left side at neuroticism (PPAF). Column 10 provides kurtosis values that have peaked distribution. Thus, this shows problems in postgraduate business education of HEIs on the quality of theoretical and practical application regarding personality development. 3.2 Discussion and implications This study investigated the characteristics of postgraduate business education degrees of HEIs regarding market needs. Results of observed samples indicate that outputs of HEIs regarding market needs are not as such good. This is in line with previous studies conducted on Pakistani universities. This state of affairs highlights the need for improvement in teaching learning process of universities for which teachers play their pivotal roles. After answering and rating, one respondent of service sector (PPAF) said, “In Pakistan, all the above traits of building personality characteristics are considered highly acknowledged and strongly approved. “Current situation of HEIs are actually confirmed by actual comments since one respondent mentioned the following: “Personality building traits for business education graduates in HEIs are not implemented practically in the true sense of the word, especially in the education institutions established in Pakistan. Compromises on quality, based on the doctrine of necessity are the common practices in public and private sectors education institutions in our country. Being on the principled level of personality development, I am of the view that complete adoption of BIG 5 traits are although difficult to be adjusted in our country-learning environment, yet is ultimately rewarded with real success in the long run by the grace of Allah”.(Habib Bank Limited, Pakistan Respondent in Multan, March 2013) With respect to personality characteristics, performance of university student at market shows quality of business graduates that are poor in case of many HEIs.No one university in our study fulfilling the criteria of best business education degree. Therefore, the current situation speaks of relative weakness of teachers of universities in playing their instructional, professional, and organizational roles (DeRuntz & Meier, 2004; Clayton & Ash, 2005; Lasley, Sciedentop, & Yinger, 2006;; Doyle, 2008; Tierney,2008; Raza,Majid, and Zia ,2010), Page 12 Our study indicates serious tangles in quality of postgraduate business degrees. Employer’s perception about universities graduates shows non-satisfactory situation by keeping in view market requirements. This shows bad standard of business education learning process. Today, managers as well as academics recognize the importance of personality trait for increased market competitiveness. This study sheds some light into HEIs situation of building personality traits. Obtruding student’s personality development causes serious concerns for business education providing HEIs. Although, giving much importance to theoretical knowledge cannot be antecede. However, these could be wrapped up with building personality traits equally. These issues cannot only be seeing on micro level. Micro level importance for economic progression also affected with these concerns. The result of this suggest that post graduate business education degrees should not only limited to delivering theoretical and some practical knowledge but also on personality development.HEIs administration are, therefore advised to continue lerning process through theoretical way.It is important to increased attention on building students personality enhancement by keeping in view personality traits. In this study, personality traits (The Big 5 traits)—Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness were the most important factor in determining validity and quality of post graduate business education degrees of HEIs. Building personality traits that is likely to increase graduates output in competitive market situation. Similarly, business education degree offering HEIs should be careful in that their learning ways are perceived as not market compatible. They should try to fulfill market needs by wrapping up theoretical knowledge with personality building. As with other costly effort to enhance quality of business degrees, faculty training, studying environment and practical application in structuring of degree programs should be enhanced. This would play a significant role in quality enhancement. 3.3 Limitations Measurement tool were not such sufficient for deep and complete precise analysis of this study. Secondly, small sample frame of underlying raters may lead to biasness regarding accuracy, quality and validity of data results. Thirdly, results of study on postgraduate business education degree in a one context (managerial level) cannot necessarily be generalized on other contexts (i.e. technical level, logistics etc.).At last, Study based on some probability samples students cannot be generalized to whole population(Doherty, M. (1994). Study focus only on students sample that are rated by experts of some market segment. 4. Conclusion Page 13 Large number of higher education institutions offering post graduates business education degrees, but most of them could not impart quality education according to market needs. Since from last few years, many revolutions embarked on improving business education system, by monitoring business education roadmaps, could bring a few on the track based on the HEC policies. This research paper has touched some already discussed topic of weakness in Pakistani business education degrees, but reported major flaws and effective tools to enhance quality output of graduates. This research conclude that our business education in universities can be improved if gives importance to enhance cognitive abilities of students. Though our HEIs has knowledge and resources for improvement, yet, teachers and department heads reluctant to implement because of the environmental and lack of proper framework to implement this in Pakistani institutions. Pakistani nation has diversity (Balochi, Sindhi,Punjabi etc.) in cultural norms,values,traits that lead to lethargic behavior. Further, it also concludes that many HEIs institution focus is on enhancing student’s enrollment quantity on the cost of quality. As Pakistani teachers have lesser inspiration to update because of increased burden than then their capacity to deliver. In this regard, HEC must specify the enrollment of specific number of students in a batch of business education students according to each university capacity to deliver.HEC needs to strictly regulate and monitor the role of each university in imparting market needs. Our business education set up can improve HEC by regarding the universities output according to market performance. Some of the HEC highly ranked institutions have the potentiality to be internationally recognized, but still lack some of the modern techniques for enhancing student’s capacity (Nadir Ali Kolachi; Abu Zar Wajidi 2008). 5. 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