Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No: RES14735 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF THE ENERGY SECTOR STRENGTHENING PROJECT LOAN 7994-PY OCTOBER 25, 2010 TO THE REPUBLIC OF PARAGUAY November 6, 2015 ENERGY AND EXTRACTIVES GLOBAL PRACTICE LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN REGION This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. 1 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ANDE DMS EMS OMS PDO PIU SCADA SGIDE Administración Nacional de Electricidad Demand Management System Energy Management System Operations Management System Project Development Objective Project Implementación Unit Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition Sistema de Gestión Integral de Distribución Eléctrica (Integrated Electrical Distribution Management System) Regional Vice President: Country Director: Senior Global Practice Director: Practice Manager/Manager: Task Team Leader: Jorge Familiar Jesko Hentschel Anita Marangoly George Antonio Alexandre Rodriques Barbalho Sergio Gonzalez Coltrinari 2 PARAGUAY Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Project CONTENTS A. B. C. SUMMARY PROJECT STATUS PROPOSED CHANGES 5 6 6 3 DATA SHEET Paraguay PY Energy Sector Strengthening Project (P114971) LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Energy & Extractives . Report No: RES14735 . Basic Information Project ID: P114971 Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Regional Vice President: Jorge Familiar Calderon Original EA Category: Partial Assessment (B) Country Director: Jesko S. Hentschel Current EA Category: Partial Assessment (B) Senior Global Practice Director: Anita Marangoly George Original Approval Date: 30-Nov-2010 Practice Manager/Manager: Antonio Alexandre Rodrigues Barbalho Current Closing Date: 31-Dec-2015 Team Leader(s): Sergio Augusto Gonzalez Coltrinari . Borrower: Ministerio de Hacienda Responsible Agency: ANDE . Restructuring Type Form Type: Full Restructuring Paper Restructuring Level: Level 2 Decision Authority: Country Director Approval . Financing ( as of 24-Aug-2015 ) Key Dates Project Ln/Cr/TF P114971 IBRD-79940 Status Approval Date Effective 30-Nov-2010 Signing Date Effectiveness Original Revised Date Closing Date Closing Date 23-Feb-2011 09-Feb-2012 31-Dec-2015 31 Oct 2017 Disbursements (in Millions) Project Ln/Cr/TF P114971 IBRD-79940 Status Currency Effective USD Origin Revised al 100.00 100.00 . Policy Waivers 4 % Cancelle Disburse Undisbur Disburse d d sed d 0.00 42.85 57.15 43 Does the project depart from the CAS/CPF in content or in other significant respects? Yes [ ] No [ X ] Does the project require any policy waiver(s)? Yes [ ] No [ X ] . A. Summary of Proposed Changes The main proposed changes are: (i) a 22-month extension (first extension) of the closing date of the project from December 31, 2015 to October 31, 2017, to enable timely completion of all ongoing activities and achievement of PDO; (ii) changes in investments in all three components and approval and completion of new proposed investments; (iii) reallocation of loan proceeds; and (iv) changes of some indicators in the results framework. Change in Implementing Agency Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Project's Development Objectives Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Results Framework Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change in Safeguard Policies Triggered Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change of EA category Yes [ ] No [ X ] Other Changes to Safeguards Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Legal Covenants Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Loan Closing Date(s) Yes [ X ] No [ ] Cancellations Proposed Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change to Financing Plan Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Disbursement Arrangements Yes [ ] No [ X ] Reallocation between Disbursement Categories Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change to Components and Cost Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change in Institutional Arrangements Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Financial Management Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Procurement Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Implementation Schedule Yes [ X ] No [ ] Other Change(s) Yes [ ] No [ X ] Appraisal Summary Change in Economic and Financial Analysis Yes [ ] No [ X ] Appraisal Summary Change in Technical Analysis Yes [ ] No [ X ] Appraisal Summary Change in Social Analysis Yes [ ] No [ X ] Appraisal Summary Change in Environmental Analysis Yes [ ] No [ X ] Appraisal Summary Change in Risk Assessment Yes [ ] No [ X ] . B. Project Status The Loan was approved by the Bank on November 30, 2010, but only became effective on February 9, 2012 (15 months later). This is the first World Bank operation for the Client in 20 years. The Project consists of 5 3 Components, with 11 investment packages under Components 1 and 2 and TA to strengthen the sector under Component 3. At Mid-term review of the project (December 2013) disbursement was around 3%. ANDE sent a letter to the Bank, through the Ministry of Hacienda in February 2014, requesting a 12-months extension of the Closing Date but the extension was not granted. In March 2014, disbursement increased to US$ 17.8 million (17.8% of total loan amount). However, disbursement continued to be low at 17.8 %, with only one package under implementation (Guarambaré Substation) for approximately one year. Disbursement to date from the US$100 million Loan is US$42.8 million (or 42.8% of the total Loan amount). This amount represents 65% of actual commitment for ongoing contracts including the allocated amount in the Designated Account. Two packages estimated at approximately US$40 million: (i) SCADA/SGIDE with an estimated budget of US $30 million and (ii) the construction of two new substation with an estimated budget of US $9.8 million) do not have contracts yet.. With the completion of one package by the end of the year (design and installation of a Reactive Power compensator at the Guarambaré Substation), disbursement is likely to increase by another US$12 million. Results to date are: Out of ten (10) feasible investment packages under the Loan, nine (9) are currently under implementation and the Bidding Document for the last package (construction of two transmission substations at Barrio San Pedro and Minga Pora) was published on August 5 and the Bid submission deadline is November 2015. This package is key to meeting the PDO. As for other packages, which are mainly (goods) equipment, factory testing has been done for most of them and delivery is scheduled for the end of the calendar year. The remaining equipment will be factory tested and delivered in 2016. In addition, 24 transformers for 10 substations are scheduled for delivery in March 2016, of which eight will be delivered ahead of schedule by the end of the calendar year. Furthermore, significant efforts have been made by ANDE to improve the project environmental management, as witnessed during the last mission and the rating was upgraded to 'S.' In addition, ANDE took actions on restructuring to strengthen implementation of the project by replacing the PIU and Technical Department Directors to the satisfaction of the Bank. The supervision mission of July 2015, noted significant progress made by ANDE in implementation which allowed to upgrade the Project Development Objective (PDO) and Implementation Progress (IP) ratings to ‘Moderately Satisfactory,’ from the previous mission of January 2015.. This is mainly due to the fact that while progress has been achieved and ANDE has established a sustainable strategy by signing several contracts, and consequently committing up to 65 percent of the Loan funds, the issue of completion of all activities within the remaining time to the Closing Date is still not possible, especially on the package (i.e. construction of two (2) new substations) which is crucial to meeting the PDO. All other ratings are ‘S’. . C. Proposed Changes . Development Objectives/Results Project Development Objectives Original PDO The development objective of the Project is to increase the quantity and quality of the provision of electricity services by the Borrower, while improving the Borrower’s performance. Change in Project's Development Objectives Change in Results Framework 6 Explanation: The current indicators are difficult to track and measure because they measure overall system parameters (losses, service interruptions, energy transferred, etc.) in the country instead of the project related investments. Therefore, a revision of the indicators is also proposed, to better reflect the expected outcomes of the project, (as well as the new proposed investments, if approved) and actual progress made towards the PDO. Out of the five (5) indicators for the PDO, three (3) are being replaced and two (2) are being dropped. The ones being dropped are: increased quality of service (improved voltage profile) and Direct Project Beneficiaries. Out of five (5) Intermediate Indicators, four (4) are being replaced and one (1) is being dropped. The updated indicators will be included in the Project Operations Manual to comply with the provisions of Section 5.08 of the General Conditions of the Loan Agreement. . Financing Change in Loan Closing Date(s) Explanation: The extension of the Closing Date from December 31, 2015 to October 31, 2017, will allow for the project to be completed successfully and the PDO to be achieved through the implementation of all the ongoing nine (9) investment packages. The extension will also enable additional time needed to complete: (i) (ii) the construction of two substations at the Minga Pora and Santo Domingo (the 10th investment package), which will require installation and construction work. The Bidding Document was published on August 5, 2015 with Bid submission deadline of November, 2015; the installation of 24 transformers at ten (10) sub-stations in various parts of the country. The equipment (already ordered) will need to be installed, tested, and operational readiness will have to be confirmed. These two investments are key to meeting the overall project targets for strengthening of the sector and, if not implemented, could affect the reliable and secure operation of the Paraguayan interconnected electrical system. Furthermore, the extension of the current Closing Date will make possible to undertake some activities under Component 1 given that it will not be possible to implement the full SCADA/EMS/DMS/OMS/SGIDE system even within the anticipated extension but it will be possible to use the funds for SCADA/EMS and communications equipment. In addition, savings incurred from the purchase of transformers under Component 2 (bids came in lower than budgeted. Estimate was US$22.1 and the contract was awarded for US$11.5m) will be used to purchase 11 additional transformers for 7 more substations Ln/Cr/T Status F IBRD79940 Original Closing Date Effective 31-Dec-2015 Current Closing Date Proposed Closing Date Previous Closing Date(s) 31-Dec-2015 31-Oct-2017 31-Dec-2015 Reallocations Explanation: i. It will not be possible to complete the full SCADA/EMS/DMS/OMS/SGIDE under Component 1, as there will not be time to do so even within the proposed extension. It is, therefore, proposed to reduce the scope of the full system to only SCADA/EMS and use the funds for much needed communications equipment (some not contemplated originally) for connecting Remote Terminal Units to the existing SCADA system and the update of the obsolete SCADA/EMS system at 48 critical transmission substations to improve the system’s operational responsiveness. . To this effect, 7 ii. iii. No Objection has already been given to Bidding Documents for three (3) new proposed investments out of five (5): (i) SCADA/EMS; (ii) Mobile transformer; and (iii) Mobile substation, truck and trailer. Savings occurred from the purchase of 24 transformers for 10 substations under Component 2. The estimated budged for the purchase of 24 transformers was US$22.1m but due to the low metal prices on the market, the lowest bid was around US$11.5m and the contract was awarded for that price. It is proposed to use the savings for the purchase of additional 11 transformers for another 7 substations and a mobile substation with accessory equipment and some of the funds for the SCADA/EMS under Component 1. Some costs are reduced under Component 3 as well. A new TA ‘The analysis of ANDE's organizational structure and human resources needs’ is being undertaken. As can be seen in the table below, funds are being reallocated from Components 2 and 3 to Component 1 given that additional communications equipment not envisaged under that component are being purchased.. The full list of new investments for all three (3) component is in the section below ‘change to components and costs.’ Ln/Cr/TF Currency Current Category of Expenditure Current IBRD-79940 USD Disbursement % (Type Total) Allocation Proposed Current Proposed GO, CW, CS, Non-CS, TR for PART 1 20,000,000.00 25,631,000.00 100.00 100.00 GO, CW, CS, Non-CS, TR for PART 2 77,000,000.00 71,769,000.00 100.00 100.00 GO, CS, Non-CS, TR for PART 3 2,750,000.00 2,350,000.00 100.00 100.00 Premia for CAPS/COLLARS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Designated Account 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 FRONT END FEE Total: 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 Disbursement Estimates Change in Disbursement Estimates Explanation: A realignment of actual and estimates till the current Closing Date is needed and estimates for the anticipated extension are to be provided. Fiscal Year Current (USD) Proposed (USD) 2011 0.00 0.00 2012 0.00 0.00 2013 0.00 0.00 2014 0.00 17.00 8 2015 31.50 33.00 2016 68.50 50.00 100.00 100.00 Total . Components Change to Components and Cost Explanation: Component 1 – Modernizing the Borrower’s Distribution Management System and Installing an /advanced Metering System for Large Consumers. (IBRD US$20m). Sub-Component 1.1: Installation of a state-of-the art integrated distribution management system. Sub-Component 1.2:Installation of a 66kV advanced metering system. It will not be possible to complete the full SCADA/EMS/DMS/OMS/SGIDE system even within an extension of 22 months. Therefore, new investments proposed instead are: (i) Supply and installation of SCADA/EMS for transmission US$ 4,942,153 (ii) Supply and installation of fiber optic network US$ 7,690,000 (iii) Supply and installation of active communication equipment US$ 6,235,000 (iv) Supply and installation of wireless meshed network US$ 3,700,000 (v) Supply and installation of digital carrier equipment US$ 928,000 Component 2-Improving the Performance of the Transmission Network (IBRD US$77m). Sub-Component 2.1: Construction of two (2) new substations (Bidding underway). Sub-Component 2.2: Extension of about 10 existing substations (transformers purchases and savings incurred as bid was lower than estimated budget). Sub-Component 2.3: Installation of Reactive Compensator at Guarambare Substation. (underway and completion by end year). Additional equipment is being purchased resulting from savings in purchase of transformers from package under 2.2. . New investments proposed are: (i) Supply of 11 three-phase power transformers for additional US$13,230,000 7 substations (3 lots) (ii) Supply of mobile substation 66/23kV-30MVA US$ 2,500,000 (iii) Purchase of 8x6 truck with modular trailer to transport power transformers US$ 1,900,000 (iv) Purchase of mobile 23kv distribution center compact 23kv cells and SSAA US$ 1,600,740 Component 3-Strengthening Paraguay’s Electricity Sector and the Borrower’s Institutional Capacity (IBRD US$2.75m). Sub-component 3.1: Improvement of the performance of the electricity sector Sub-component 3.2: Institutions strengthening of the Borrower’s capacity in Investment and project planning and implementation New proposed TA is: Technical assistance for the analysis of ANDE's organizational structure and human resources US$800,000 On Components 1 and 2, there is no 66kV as part of the restructuring. Some items have been combined, e.g. telecom fiber and network mobile substation and trailer, because they constitute components of one whole item and are broken down into procurement packages. A technical mission took place in May 2015, to carry out a technical assessment and feasibility of the proposed investments by ANDE, after which, critical investments needed that could be implemented under this Loan were identified. During the mission of July 2015, the technical team worked closely with ANDE and carried out an assessment of the identified proposed new investments and the feasible implementation schedule within the anticipated 22 months extension. 9 The proposed new investments will be financed from reallocation of funds between the components in the project and there will be no change in the current total Loan amount. The list of new proposed investments was agreed upon during the mission of July 2015, and were assessed by FM and Procurement and were included in the revised Procurement Plan. An assessment was carried out and this project does not trigger the Bank's social safeguard policies (OP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement or P 4.10 Indigenous Peoples).There will be one Environment Management Plan (EMP) for additional seven (7) substations where 11 transformers will be installed. (that's my understanding from the Environmental Specialist). Consultations will be carried out prior to work starting. There will be no land acquisition. Current Component Name Proposed Component Name Current Cost (US$M) Component 1 Modernizing ANDE's Distribution Management System and Installing an Advanced Metering System for Large Customers Component 2 Improving the Performance of the Transmission Network Component 3 Strengthening Paraguay's electricity Sector and the Borrower's Institutional Capacity Front end Fee .25 Action 20.0 25.63 Revised 77. 71.77 Revised 2.75. 2.35 Revised ,25 100 Totals Proposed Cost (US$M) 100 . Other Change(s) Change in Implementation Schedule Explanation: Additional time is needed to complete ongoing activities and to complete new activities. A new proposed implementation schedule, including ongoing and new activities has been prepared, discussed, and agreed upon with the Bank during the mission of July 2015. 10