Societies of Africa

Societies of Africa
African Society
Stateless Societies
Societies with no strong central government
Most of Africa was organized around
villages led by a chief
Age grades appointed certain duties based
on age and gender
Animistic-Spirits aid and control life
Camels' arrival quickened pace of
communication across the Sahara
Ghana taxed and controlled the trade
across the Sahara
Gold from Africa was exchanged for Salt
Founded by Sundiata
Also controlled the gold-salt trade
Mansa Musa converts to Islam and brings
prestige to Mali
Islam in Africa
Introduced by merchants
Trans-Saharan Routes
Blended with African Beliefs and Rituals
Women kept freedoms
 Mostly accepted by rulers and merchants
Swahili Coast
Organized around city-states
Spoke Swahili
Blend of Bantu and Arabic language
Traded with Arab and Indian Merchants
Islam accepted by rulers and merchants as well
 Exported Gold, Slaves, and Raw Materials
Powerful Kingdom in Central Africa
Great herders
Organized trade from Central Africa to the
Swahili Coast