Forms of Energy Review Forms of Energy A- alternative

Forms of Energy Review
Forms of Energy
A- alternative- energy from sources such as water and windR- radiant- energy carried by electromagnetic radiation- light, X-rays, microwaves, ultraviolet light, and sun- causes rainbows
E- electrical- energy due to charged matter- a power plant creates electricity to transform into mechanical for radiant (light) energylightning is caused by electricity
C- chemical- energy stored in matter because of its chemical makeup- burning coal transforms to thermal- stored in chemical bonds
T- thermal- energy that is related to heat and the temperature of matter- used to cook and heat objects- all objects have some
thermal energy
M- mechanical- energy of matter caused by its position or its motion- storms create waves which can be used create electrical power
N- nuclear- energy that comes from splitting atoms of radioactive materials, such as uranium- stored in atomic nuclei- can be
transformed into other forms of energy at complex power plants
S- sound- energy made by vibrations
LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY- energy is never created or destroyed- it only changes form
Forms of Energy Review
Forms of Energy
A- alternative- energy from sources such as water and wind
R- radiant- energy carried by electromagnetic radiation- light, X-rays, microwaves, ultraviolet light, and sun- causes rainbows
E- electrical- energy due to charged matter- a power plant creates electricity to transform into mechanical for radiant (light) energylightning is caused by electricity
C- chemical- energy stored in matter because of its chemical makeup- burning coal transforms to thermal- stored in chemical bonds
T- thermal- energy that is related to heat and the temperature of matter- used to cook and heat objects- all objects have some
thermal energy
M- mechanical- energy of matter caused by its position or its motion- storms create waves which can be used create electrical power
N- nuclear- energy that comes from splitting atoms of radioactive materials, such as uranium- stored in atomic nuclei- can be
transformed into other forms of energy at complex power plants
S- sound- energy made by vibrations
LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY- energy is never created or destroyed- it only changes form