An Urban Society


An Urban Society

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The New Immigrants

 Essential Question: What were some characteristics of the wave of new immigrants?

Partner Discussion

Get to know your partner!!

Where did your family come from?

Which part of your heritage do you most identify with?

When did your family come to the United States?

Old Immigration

Before 1865 , most immigrants to the United States came from Northern and Western Europe

These immigrants are referred to as “ old ” immigrants

Ireland, Germany, England, Scandinavia

Most speak English

New Immigration

“New” immigrants began to arrive after the Civil

War, (1865) seeking opportunities in the United


What kind of opportunities might they be seeking?




New Immigration

New immigrants are arriving from Eastern and

Southern Europe

Greeks, Russians, Hungarians, Italians, Turks and


Also, China, Japan and Mexico

Partner Discussion

Would your family be considered old or new immigrants? Why?

Discuss with your partner what the differences is between old and new immigrants.

New Immigration

Many newcomers are Catholics and Jews

Many do not speak English

Have more difficulty blending into American society than “old” immigrants have

Often cluster together in neighborhoods made up of people of the same ethnicity

Leaving Troubles Behind

 Why do so many people leave their homelands for the US?

Pushed away by economic troubles, overcrowding, poverty, crop failures, religious persecution of ethnic groups

Pulled by lure of opportunity

Seeking Opportunity

 Immigrants saw US as a land of opportunity



Better life

Difficult journey to America

 Could only afford cheapest tickets and often traveled in steerage

Cramped quarters on lower decks

Entering America

Encountered the Statue of Liberty as they sailed into

New York Harbor and to registration on Ellis Island

Asian Immigrants registered at Angel Island on West


New immigrants were given health examinations and could be turned away

Ellis Island

The Immigrant Experience

 Greatest challenge was finding work and a place to live

 Some fast growing industries hired large amounts of unskilled immigrants

 Many immigrant women and children worked in sweatshops

Dark, crowded shops where workers made clothing

Work was repetitious and hazardous

Long hours, low pay

Adjusting to America

Immigrants wanted to preserve their own culture while trying to assimilate to American culture at the same time

This creates conflict

Building Communities

People of the same ethnic group tended to form separate communities

Sought to recreate some of the life they had left behind

Developed houses of worship, published newspapers in their Native Language, opened stores and theatres, organized social clubs

All of this helped to preserve their cultural heritage

Partner Discussion

 Can you think of any “immigrant communities” in buffalo?

Buffalo Cultural Heritage

Reactions Toward Immigration

 At first when immigrants arrived in the United States they were extremely disliked because people thought they were taking away jobs from native born citizens.

 However, they were not treated very badly because there was a steady demand for labor . During the 19 th century, the United States had an open immigration policy mainly because there were plenty of jobs going around.


 The flood of immigrants in the late 1800s brought with it a new wave of nativism . What is nativism?

Belief that native born Americans and their ways of life were superior to immigrants and their ways of life.

Partner Discussion

Can you think of any modern reactions toward immigrants? Positive or negative?

Can you think of any modern hate crimes against immigrants?


 Nativists had the following beliefs

Religion, customs and language were a negative impact

Stealing work away from native born citizens

Believed laws should be passed to limit immigration


As jobs became more scarce because more immigrants were coming to the United States, immigrants were often met with prejudice and discrimination.

Nativists became very vocal and active in trying to influence legislation to be passed against immigrants.


Major groups and laws that developed out of this nativist movement

Know Nothing Party: Anti-immigrant organization set up to pass laws against immigrants

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882: No Chinese were permitted into the United States

Immigration Act of 1917: Required immigrants to pass a literacy test in order to enter the country

National Origins Act of 1924: Only immigrants from

Northern and Western Europe are allowed to enter the US

Partner Discussion

 Do the languages and customs of immigrants have a negative impact on American culture? What kinds of things do we get from the presence of immigrants and their cultures?

Making Connections

 How did immigration change after 1865?

Moving to the Cities

 Essential Question: How did cities change in the late


Growth of the Cities

Immigrants and others flooded to American cities, where extremes of wealth and poverty existed

Industrialization made it possible to produce crops with fewer farm workers

Women in rural areas no longer had to make clothing or household goods

African Americans flocked to Southern and especially Northern cities

Tenement Living

 The poorest residents, usually immigrants lived in tenements located in the slums of the city

Several people living in each room

Cold tap water (if lucky)

Communal toilets

The Middle Class

Doctors, lawyers, ministers, managers, office clerks, etc.

Comfortable life in the suburbs made possible by new transportation





Might have servants

Leisure time to enjoy music, art and literature

The Very Rich

 Built enormous mansions in the cities and large estates in the country

 Because of their extravagant wealth and the terrible poverty that lay beneath it, this period became known as the Gilded Age

Something covered with a thin layer of gold

Carnegie and Vanderbilt Mansions

Cities in Crisis

Growing cities suffered from

Health and sanitation problems




High infant mortality rates



Poor received assistance from people dedicated to improving urban life

Settlement Houses

Jane Addams – Hull House (1889)

The Changing City

 New technology in transportation and architecture reshaped cities

Sky scrapers

Bring nature to the cities (Frederick Law Olmstead –

Central Park)

Making Connections

Listing. What problems did cities face in the late


Disease, poor sanitation, poverty, crime, fire

Cause and Effect. What effect did the new forms of transportation have on city life?

Helped people travel within cities. Contributed to growth of suburbs

Answer the Essential Question: How did cities change during the late 1800s?

A Changing Society

Changes in Education

In 1865, most Americans attended school for an average of 4 years

By 1914, most states required children have some schooling

Education opportunities were extended to many more Americans as the system of public schools and colleges expanded

Southern African Americans received little or no education

Boarding Schools were possible for Native


A Nation of Readers

Educated Americans found new reading material in public libraries, a growing literary culture and thriving newspapers

More realistic approach to literature

Paperback books (late 1880s)

Technological advances in printing, papermaking and communication spread news quickly

Leisure Activities

Middle class has leisure time for sports, art and music

Sports including baseball, basketball and football grow in popularity

Vaudville shows, traveling circuses and the first movies offer new forms of entertainment

Jazz and ragtime (Distinctively American forms of music)

Answer the Essential Question:

 In what ways did American culture change in the late

