Metro School Lesson Plan Teacher : Katti Koehl and Tammy Cox Date: 3/24 - 3/28 Grade: 9-11 Content Area: Language Arts Objective/Essential Question: -Students will identify the main idea, setting, and main characters -Students will support their opinion with pre-generated facts -Students will participate in Chapter 3 through the use of adaptive devices and answering comprehension questions. -Students will sequence the events of the chapter. -Students will identify vocabulary words Physical Skills:Fine Motor, Large Motor Cognitive Skills: Recalling basic information from the story and answering WH questions. Sequencing events. Locating the title and author. Identifying vocabulary from the story. Hypothesizing what the story might be about by looking at pictures and listening to the title. Writing journal entries using pictures to assist. Social Skills (learning teams):Collaborating in teams during small group activities built into the lesson. Completing group projects/ worksheets. Turn taking. Listening. Curriculum Standard -Demonstrate understanding of text while actively engaged in reading or listening to literary non-fiction for clearly stated purpose. -Demonstrate knowledge of new vocabulary drawn from English language arts, math, and science content. -Initiate and participate in communicative exchanges. -Write a claim. -Write the topic. Technology Smart board AAC devices Boardmaker symbols Plan for Differentiation: Using Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy 21st Century Skills Students will actively participate in the lesson by using the Smartboard and utilizing their AAC devices. Metro School Lesson Plan Materials Vocabulary cards Worksheets Smartboard lessons The book The Outsiders AAC devices Data Sheets Picture cards Vocabulary (Literacy) Outsider Lesson Procedures Review(Links to Prior Knowledge, Anticipatory Set): The students will review that every book has a title and an author. They will identify each for the book The Outsiders. The students will review Chapters 1-2 and discuss the main characters, setting, repeated story line and facts of the story. What the teacher will do: The teacher will read the title and give students an opportunity to point to/say the title, read the author’s name and give students an opportunity to say/point to author’s name, model opening the book and have students do the same thing, have students turn the page, ask a prediction question and give each student an opportunity to answer, point to each word in a chosen sentence while reading aloud, have each student point to the words as reading a chosen line, have students identify the repeated story line, have students identify vocabulary words in text and after given a definition,have students sequence the story through pictures, provide journal writing opportunities and assess students based on comprehension questions. What the teacher assistants will do: Teacher assistants will assist students in assessing the materials used in the lesson and be attentive to any behavioral or disruptive concerns. They will also take data when needed. Guided/Independent Practice Each student will review the previous vocabulary words and identify the vocabulary word outsider in Chapter 3. They will state their opinions on journal writing activities and support them with pregenerated facts. Assessment/Check for Understanding The students will be assessed on individual IEP goals and objectives and/or on their ability to correctly identify comprehension questions and complete activities. Metro School Lesson Plan Closure/Summary Remind students that we are able to make connections to the characters and their stories. How does the story The Outsiders apply in the school, in the community, and in the world? Reflection (after teaching the lesson) Comments Differentiation Low 1 High 2 5 3 4 Student Engagement Low High 1 2 3 4 5 Data Collection Low High 1 2 5 3 4 Higher Level Question Low High 1 2 5 3 4 Lesson Effectiveness Low 1 What would you do differently and what worked well? 2 High 3 4 5