TEACHER: WEEK OF: UPPER DARBY HIGH SCHOOL LESSON PLAN Rafferty/Finelli DEPARTMENT: English October 29, 2012 – November 2, 2012 CLASS/SUBJECT: Academic/Honors Prep MONDAY Today’s Objective: The Learner Will: -Demonstrate knowledge of plot elements -Analyze specific themes within a text through prompt -Review relevant skills and terms for assessment -Interact with groups within organized framework Teaching Activities/Classwork: Warmup: -Students will answer a relevant prompt concerning the end of Animal Farm -Students will complete a review packet (which they will be allowed to use as a study aid). -Students will receive framework for Jeopardy review game for Animal Farm. -Students will partake in Animal Farm Review TUESDAY Today’s Objective: The Learner Will: -Assess knowledge of text through unit test -Analyze text through essay assignment -Write for a purpose/with a focus Teaching Activities/Classwork: Warmup: -Students will be provided with five minutes to review test materials -Students will take the test for Animal Farm (Separate Peace for Honors) and demonstrate knowledge of skills and text -(students in honors will complete items for A Separate Peace) Homework: -Complete Review Packet WEDNESDAY Today’s Objective: The Learner Will: Homework: -Test today, no assigned tasks -Identify and define new vocabulary -Make predictions based off of story illustrations Teaching Activities/Classwork: Warmup -Students will view “Big Question” video and construct a response to the question “Is Conflict Necessary” -Students will complete a Venn Diagram, comparing a personal conflict they experience with a larger scale conflict. -Students will use laptops to learn about the new Short Stories unit. Students will read and view introductory materials and complete Cornell Notes. Students will read “The Jade Peony” and complete the corresponding critical thinking questions. Homework: -Students will create flashcards for “Most Dangerous Game” vocabulary quiz on Friday THURSDAY FRIDAY Today’s Objective: Today’s Objective: The Learner Will: -Make predictions based off of story illustrations -Identify different types of conflict in literature -Keep a log of important information regarding setting The Learner Will: -Write for a purpose in a journal entry -Compare and contrast literature with modern media -Read/Analyze fiction -Complete a map of Shipwreck island using details from the story Teaching Activities/Classwork: Warmup -Students will be asked to identify the meaning of the word “game” and to provide examples. -Students will write a one paragraph predictions for Most Dangerous Game based on the movie poster located in the class. -Teacher wil use audio to begin the story in order to set the mood/tone -Students will read first half of story, completing a conflict chart on the various types of conflicts presented in the story. Homework: -Students will read the next three pages of the story and provide a 25 word summary Teaching Activities/Classwork: Warmup: -Students will answer the questions: “The Most Dangerous Game,” Richard Connell, fighten the reader without obvious violence and bloodshed? Consider how he uses the feeling of isolation the setting, the idea of power/powerlessness, conflict, suspense, and a idea of control/lack of control. -Students will finish the story in their groups. -Teacher will provide a clip from the Simpsons which parodies the Most Dangerous Game. Students will compare and contrast the story and the Simpsons episode using a Venn Diagram Homework: -Work on MDG map, due Friday PLEASE NOTE: Plans are subject to change and revision.