Week of: 8/27 Subject: STEM Willard Intermediate School Weekly Lesson Plans Grade: 7 Teacher: Faust Key Content Standards/Learning Objective: STEM labs are fully-integrated classroom programs customdesigned to meet our school’s unique academic objectives. STEM labs engage learners of all abilities through hands-on, minds-on projects in STEM, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Measurable Outcome/Assessment: - Students will write the definition of academic STEM vocabulary words and be assessed on the mastery of the words. -Students will demonstrate mastery of Mathematics through computer based enriched curriculum, ST Math. Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Differentiation: Key Vocabulary/Academic Language: - Computer assisted activity for concept development See STEM Module for weekly vocabulary Common Core/ELD Standard: - Draw evidence from literacy texts to support analysis. - Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Daily Focus: Effective Instructional Strategies Student Engagement Checking for Understanding - Teacher will continue with power point presentations. Each presentation will give an overview of how their module came to be and how this module may impact their career choice one day. -Students may take notes on each presentation noting what is expected of them to earn career in this field and will be able to ask clarifying questions when needed. - Pair/share with their partner for understanding of each power point presentation. - Teacher will conclude with power point presentations. Each presentation will give an overview of how their module came to be and how this module may impact their career choice one day. -Teacher will also register each student on Math website, ST Math. -Students may take notes on each presentation noting what is expected of them to earn career in this field and will be able to ask clarifying questions when needed. -Students will log onto ST Math and explore the website. - Pair/share with their partner for understanding of each power point presentation. -Student completion of computer activity. - Teacher presents new vocabulary words per module with working definitions for each word (5 words given per module). - Teacher provides strategies to complete Word assessment. - Student independent creation and study of vocabulary cards. -Students will continue to work with ST Math and learn their password - Teacher will check to make sure vocabulary cards are completed. -Teacher will check to make sure each student has their password for ST Math written down. - Teacher will introduce students to their modules and instruct on how to access their computers to start Day 1 on their module. - Teacher will guide students through the module when guidance is needed. - Students will work in groups of two on their individual modules. - Computer assisted activities are provided to demonstrate what the students’ expectations are and what they will be working on in their module. -Students will work together using the module manuals to complete Day 1 activities. - Students will work in groups of two on their individual modules. - Computer assisted activities are provided to demonstrate what the students’ expectations are and what they will be working on in their module. -Students will work together using the module manuals to complete Day 2 activities. - Pair/share with their partner for completion of Day 1 on the module. - Student completion of computer activity. -Student completion of module activity Friday - Teacher will introduce students to their modules and instruct on how to access their computers to start Day 2 on their module. - Teacher will guide students through the module when guidance is needed. - Pair/share with their partner for completion of Day 2 on the module. - Student completion of computer activity. -Student completion of module activity