Charlemagne and the Rise of Medieval Culture

Chapter Nine:
Charlemagne and the
Rise of Medieval Culture
Culture and Values, 6th. Ed.
Cunningham and Reich
Ruler and Diplomat
Papal Coronation
Leo III, Christmas 800
– Revival of Western Roman Empire
Feudal Administration
Legal decrees
– Bureaucratic system
– Literacy
Foreign Relations
Byzantines, Muslims
Economic Developments
Stabilized the currency
Trade Fairs
 Jewish merchants
 Trade Routes
 Import / Export Relationships
Iron Broadswords
in the Time of Charlemagne
“Palace School” at Aachen
 Scholar-teachers
 Curriculum
Trivium, quadrivium
– Mastery of texts
Text reform
Literary revival = Liturgical revival
Literacy as prerequisite for worship
in the Time of Charlemagne
Alcuin of York
– Corrected errors in the Vulgate Bible
– Developed Frankish school system
Literacy and Women
– Illuminated manuscripts
Benedictine Monasticism
Early monasticism
Varying monastic lifestyles
– No predominate rule
The Rule of St. Benedict
“Magna Carta of monasticism”
– Poverty, stability, obedience, chastity
– Balance of prayer, work, and study
– Horarium
Women and the Monastic Life
Scholastica (d. 543)
St. Benedict’s sister
Brigid of Ireland (d. 525)
 Hilda, abbess of Whitby (614-680)
 Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)
Writer, painter, illustrator, musician, critic,
– Scivias, Physica, Causae et Curae,
Symphonia, Ordo Virtutum
and Gregorian Chant
Monasteries and Opus Dei
Centrality of liturgy
– Lectio divina
Development of sacred music
Gregorian Chant
– Ambrosian music
– Mozarabic chant
– Frankish chant
and Gregorian Chant
Gregorian chant and Carolingian reform
 Gregorian characteristics
Cantus planus
Liturgical Music
and the Rise of Drama
The Liturgical Trope
Verbal elaborations of textual content
– Added to the long melismas
– Aid in memorization
– Origin of drama in the West
 Quem
The Morality Play: Everyman
Links liturgical and secular drama
 Allegorical, moralistic
Instructs for moral conversion
Religious themes
Life as a pilgrimage
– The inevitability of death (memento mori)
– Faith vs. Free Will
Liturgical overtones
Nonliturgical Drama
Hroswitha (d. 1000)
Wrote in Latin
– Roman stylistic influences
– Poetry, legends, plays
 Theophilus
 The
Conversion of the Harlot Thaïs
Heavily moralistic to educate and convert
The Legend of Charlemagne:
Song of Roland
Charlemagne canonized 1165
Reliquaries and commemoratives
Epic poem
Charlemagne’s battle with the Basques (778)
Chansons de geste, chansons d’histoire
Oral tradition, jongleurs
 Military and religious ideals
11th c. martial virtues and chivalric code
Anti-Muslim bias
The Visual Arts:
The Illuminated Book
Carolingian manuscripts on parchment
 Gospel Book of Charlemagne
Utrecht Psalter
Masterpiece of the Carolingian Renaissance
Dagulf Psalter
Roman, Byzantine, Celtic styles
Carved ivory book covers
Carolingian miniscule
Charlemagne’s Palace at Aachen
Kingdom modeled on ancient Rome
 Palace
Large royal hall, lavishly decorated
Joined to chapel by a long gallery
Church of San Vitale (Ravenna) as model
Altar to the Savior (liturgical services)
Chapel to the Virgin (reliquary)
Charlemagne’s Throne
“…this most wise Solomon.”
The Carolingian Monastery
Monastery as “miniature civic center”
Complexity of function and design
– Center of life for rural populations
Saint Gall plan
Basilica style
– Designed to house 120 monks, 170 serfs
The Romanesque Style
Large, “Roman-looking” architecture
 Influenced by travel, expansion
Heavy stone arches
Larger, more spacious interiors
– Fireproof stone and masonry roofs
– Church of Saint Sernin in Toulouse
The Romanesque Style
Exterior decoration (sculpture)
Lack of interior light
– Portal (doorway)
– Jamb, capital, trumeau
– Tympanum (mandorla, archivolts)
 Church
of Sainte Madeleine at Vézelay
Chapter Nine: Discussion Questions
Explain the function of the Song of Roland as both
religious and political propaganda during the
eleventh and twelfth centuries. What values are
extolled within the text that would serve religious
and political leaders as they shape their culture? Do
we, as a culture, subscribe to these same values
today? Why or why not?
Why was Charlemagne so interested in developing
literacy? Explain his motives and methods for
establishing schools and supporting scholars.
Describe the role of the liturgical trope in the
development of drama in the West. For example,
how does one begin with the Quem Quæritis trope
and arrive at Everyman? Explain the evolution of the
art form.