Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter

Atoms: The Building
Blocks of Matter
• The particle theory of matter was
supported as early as 400 BC by the
Greeks (Democritus)
– He called these particles atoms (Greek
for indivisible)
• Aristotle followed Democritus and
felt that matter was continuous
Foundations of Atomic
• Several theories proposed in the late
1700’s and early 1800’s
• Law of conservation of mass - mass
is neither created nor destroyed
during ordinary chemical reactions
• Law of definite proportions – a
chemical compound contains the same
elements in exactly the same
proportions by mass regardless of
the size of the sample or source of
the compound
• Law of multiple proportions – If two
or more compounds are composed of
the same two elements, then the
ratio of the masses of the elements
is a ratio of small whole numbers
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
• All matter is composed of extremely
small particles called atoms
• Atoms of a given element are
identical in size, mass, and other
properties; atoms of different
elements differ in size, mass, and
other properties
• Atoms cannot be subdivided, created,
or destroyed
• Atoms of different elements combine
in simple whole-number ratios to
form chemical compounds
• In chemical reactions, atoms are
combined, separated, or rearranged
Modern Atomic Theory
• Today we know that atoms
themselves are divisible
• We also know that individual atoms
can have different masses (isotopes)
• In general however, Dalton’s original
atomic theory still holds
The Structure of the
• The atom is defined as the smallest
particle of an element that retains
the chemical properties of that
• Atoms consist of the nucleus (core –
protons and neutrons) and the
electrons traveling around the
The Structure of the
• The first subatomic particle discovered
was the electron (mid 1800’s)
• The discovery involved the use of a
cathode ray tube
Gases at
atmospheric pressure
don’t conduct
electricity well
• The current passed from the cathode to
the anode
– The rays created shadows and could turn a
paddle wheel
– They deflected as though they were negative
– Called these cathode rays
• JJ Thomson was able to use these
cathode ray tubes to determine the
charge to mass ratio of the particles
(electrons) in 1897
• Robert Millikan performed an oil drop
experiment that allowed him to
calculate the charge on a single
• With this information, he was able to
calculate the charge and mass of an
• Since atoms are neutral and the
presence of electrons was confirmed,
atoms were assumed to have some
sort of positive charge
• Thomson proposed
the plum pudding
• Ernest Rutherford
performed the
gold foil
experiment and
disproved the plum
pudding model
• Atoms are very small (40-270 pm)
– Nuclei are 0.001 pm
– Nuclei are very dense (2 x 108 metrictons/cm3)
Counting Atoms
• The atomic number (Z) of an element
is the number of protons in the
nucleus of each atom of that element
– The identity of the element is based on
this number
• Isotopes are atoms of the same element
(same number of protons) with different
numbers of neutrons
• The mass number is the number of protons
and neutrons in the nucleus
• Nuclide is the general term for any isotope
of any element
• Nuclides can be referenced with a hyphen
notation or a nuclear symbol
• One atomic mass unit is defined as 1/12th
of the mass of the carbon-12 atom
– The mass is therefore approximately the
mass of a proton or a neutron
• The mass of an electron is 0.0005486
amu, a proton is 1.007276 amu, and a
neutron is 1.008665 amu’s.
• Although isotopes have different masses,
they do not differ significantly in their
chemical behavior
• Average atomic mass is the weighted
average of the atomic masses of the
naturally occurring isotopes of an element
Formed when an atom gains or loses an electron
a. Charge = # of protons - # of electrons
Ex) Mg +2 = lost 2 electrons
# of protons: 12 # of electrons: 10 Charge: +2
Ex) N-3 = gained 3 electrons
# of protons: 7 # of electrons: 10 Charge: -3
Molar Mass and
Avogadro’s number can
be used for conversions
Nuclear Forces
• The number of
protons is the
atomic number (Z)
• The number of
protons and neutrons
is the mass number
General Symbol
• The protons and neutrons of a
nucleus are called the nucleons
• A nuclide is the general term applied
to a specific nucleus with a given
number of protons and neutrons
– Can be shown with a symbol (previous
– Can also be shown with name (radium –
• Isotopes are nuclides with the same
number of protons, but different numbers
of neutrons
Radioactive Decay
• Radioactivity is the spontaneous
change of an unstable nucleus to
form a more stable one
• The release of particles and energy
from this process is called
• If a nucleus has too many neutrons, it can
decay by turning a neutron into a proton and
emitting a beta particle
– Occurs if the N/Z number is too large
• Electron capture is the reverse of this
• Some nuclei that have too many protons can
become more stable by emitting positrons
(the antiparticle of an electron)
• These will collide with an electron and
annihilate each other to release energy
• Very large atoms will emit alpha
• An alpha particle consists of two
protons and two neutrons
• Many decay processes leave the
nucleus in an unstable state in which
it releases gamma radiation
• Nuclear equations must be balanced
– The superscripts and subscripts must be equal on
both side of the arrow
Nuclear Fission
• Nuclear fission occurs when a very heavy
nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei
• When Uranium-235 is bombarded with a
neutron, it undergoes fission
• The three released neutrons can
strike other nuclei and cause them to
• If there is a critical mass, the
reaction will continue
• This continuation is called a chain
• The fission of 1 gram of uranium
generates as much energy as the
combustion of 2700 kg of coal
• This process is used in a nuclear reactor
• The radioactive material decays to
release heat, which creates steam, that
runs a steam turbine to produce energy
• The moderator slows the neutrons
down, so that they can be captured
• Control rods absorb neutrons to stop
the chain reaction
• There is a subcritical mass of U-235
in nuclear reactors
– Cannot explode
– Can overheat and “meltdown”-many
safety mechanisms to prevent this
• In Chernobyl (1986) technicians
briefly removed the control rods
during a safety test
• Nuclear fusion occurs when small nuclei
combine to form a larger atom
• Stars perform fusion is their cores
• Scientists are attempting to create a
fusion reaction for energy generation
– So far, we are only at a break even point
with energy generation/consumption
• Currently done in a strong magnetic
• Currently 100 nuclear reactors
generate 20% of the energy needs in
the United States
• Nuclear waste disposal is an issue
Half Life
• The rate of radioactive decay is measured in
half lives
• Half life is the time it takes for half a
radioactive sample to decay
• Can be used to date materials
– Carbon-12/Carbon-14
• The more unstable the nucleus, the
shorter it’s half life
• A body was found in the Alps in 1991
– Was dated to 3500-3000 BC using C-14
• C-14 dating is only good for living
things in the last 50,000 years
• K-40 can be used for geologic dating
– Half life of 1.28 billion years