MYTH • Myth emerged at the childhood of human being ,when they were in a society of primitive clan system. • Character:pre-logic; anti-reason • Essence: • the spiritual produce of gregarious living of human being at childhood. Background of Greek Myth • • • • • 一 The period of ancient Greek The five ancient civilization 1 Egypt ; China 2 India; 两河流域 3 Greek Because the Greek civilization emerged at latest,it is the most mature and its myth is the most glorious. 二 The environment of Greek • Geographic condition:including 巴尔 干 peninsula、western coast of 小亚细 亚、islands and islets in Aegean Sea. • Weather condition: comfortable mediterranean sea weather,which facilitates many singing poets. • Social condition: at first it was a primitive commune society,and afterwards turned into numerous little kingdoms,which all were slavery states and seek for democratic politics of noblemen. • culture and art had been developed sufficiently due to the liberal and cosy atmosphere. the four periods of Greek history • The first phase :named as “heroic(or Homeric) period”(12th century bc—— 8th century bc),the interim period between primitive commune society and slavery society, main achievement of literature are myth and epic. ancient Greek myth includes stories of immortals and legends of heroes. • stories of immortals( include Preolympus gods and olympus gods) : narrates the births of gods, the relationship and genealogy of gods, the origin of heaven and earth and all things on earth ,the birth of men and the activities and exploits of gods in man’s world。 Legends of heroes • narrates the sons of immortals, who were ordinary men, achieved exploits and created miracles. Actually “ heroes” were the embodiment of leaders of tribes and the power of groups。 • As the stories of gods,the legends generally move aroud a main hero, and constitute their systems automatically. The clue of Preolympus gods • 大地之母盖亚生乌拉诺斯(被儿子克洛诺斯 阉割,生殖器掉入大海,诞生美神),两人 生提坦神六男六女,包括瑞亚与克洛诺斯, 克洛诺斯夺权生出六个新俄林普斯神,包 括宙斯、赫拉、波赛东、哈得斯、得墨忒 尔、赫斯提亚 。 Aphrodite • Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. The goddess known as Venus in Roman mythology. Aphrodite also appeared in many literary and painting in the West. The most influential works of art is the statue of Venus found in the cave in the Island of Milo in 1820. • The goddess of love,desire, beauty sex,and attaction. • The wife of Hephaistos. In addition to her natural gifts. she has a magical girdle 腰带 that compels anyone she wishes to desire her. • She represented sex, affection and attraction that binds people together Zeus • Zeus is the King of the Gods in Greek Mythology. Zeus was viewed as a king who oversaw the universe. In Hesiod‘s Theology , he assigns the various gods their roles. In the Homeric Hymns, he is referred to as the chieftain of the gods. He is also called the “Father of Gods and men”.He ruled the Olympians of Mount Olympus in ways representative as both a father as head of the family and a king. • Zeus was the god of sky and thunder in Greek mythology. His symbols are the thunderbolt , eagle , bull bul, and oak . Zeus is frequently depicted by Greek artists in one of two poses(身份): standing, striding forward, with a thunderbolt leveled in his raised right hand, or seated in majesty(王权). • The ruler of all the Olympian Gods. • The god of the sky, rains, and thunders 雷 • He has unbreakable aegis 保护and his weapon are thunderbolts, • He is married to Hera, but is famous for his many affairs. • He is also known to punish those that lie or break oaths Hera goddess • Zues's wife and sister. She is the supreme goddess, godess of marriage and childbrith,and takes care of married women. Many stories concerning Hera have to do with her jealous revenge for Zeus's infidelities. Poseidon • The brother of Zeus, the god of seas and all the waters. • His weapon is a trident which can shake the earth. • He is second only to Zeus in power amongst the gods. • He is also the creater of all the horeses--even the sea horeses. Hades • The brother of Zeus,the god of wealth(mines),earth and death. • He has an ungerground palace to rule the dead. • He has a speacial helmet that could made him invisible . • He is cruel but keep faith to others. • Demeter: Zues's sister ;goddess of agriculture. • Hestia: Zues‘s sister; virgin goddess; she has no interest in politics and is in charge of family affairs. She is goddess of health and cooking. Demeter Athena • Athena is the Greek virgin goddess of logic,intellegent activity,arts and literature.Athena is the dauter of Zeus. She sprang full grown in armour from his forehead, thus has no mother. And she's also Zeus's favorite child. • Athena is the goddess of war, civilization, wisdom, strength , strategy , crafts , justice and skill. • She is the virgin patron of Athens雅典. The Athenians built the Parthenon (帕台 农神庙)on the Acropolis(雅典卫城) of her namesake(同名的) city, Athens, in her honour (Athena Parthenos). • • • • three virgin goddess: Athena ; Artemis ; Hestia Apollo • Son of Zeus, brother of Artemis. The most handsome god, and he is the god of bow shooting, healing, light, music, poem,the truth and the prophecy. • Apollo's most important daily task is to harness 治理 his chariot with four horeses and drive the Sun across the sky. • Ares:the son of zeus and hero ;god of war; • cruel and barbarian ,but not a brave man. • 的就是丘比特 Artemis • The daughter of Zeus, the sister of Apollo. Artemis is the goddess of chastity, virginity, the hunt, the moon, and the natural. She is also the protector of the young. Hepheastus • He is the son of Zeus and Hera. • Hepheastus is the god of fire and the forge. • He is the smith and the amrorer of the gods. • Hepheastus is the only god to be phsically ugly ,and also lame. • But he is kind and peace loving. • Aphrodite • goddess of love, beauty and desire,she is born from foam in sea。 • Eros • son of Aphrodite ;little god of love . His weapon is a bow which make the shot people fall in love with the first opposite sex. Feature of Greek Myth • Its form: • Gods and worldly people have the similar appearance and character. • It is full of fancy and unreal material and has many abundant and integrated stories,which compose a large myth system。 Its content: • 1 it is full of human nature and liberal ideal. • 2 it emphasizes expression of vital force,meanwhile, reflects the disorder of social regime and the deficiency of moral standard. • 3 it symbolizes the truth of real life through unreal image, which is philosophic and symbolism. Homeric Epic • refers to The Iliad and The Odyssey • Written possibly by the mythical ancient Greek author Homer. • in dactylic hexameters(长短格六部格诗) • Reflects Mycenaean civilization • about the Trojan War and its aftermath The Iliad • Describes concentratedly the affairs in the last 51 days of Trojan War which lasted 10 years. • The backgrouds:the love and marriage of 珀琉斯和忒提斯 and the b irth of Achilles ; The story • The goddess of conflict threw a gold apple in the marriage banquet ,three goddess contended for it .The prince of Troy Paris who had been banished in field got the change to judge its owner, and he give it to Aphrodite who gave him a promised and help him induced Hellen from King Menelaus of Sparta ,which enraged the greek. • The unit army appointed Agamemnon as commander, Achilles as general,and started to assault Troy ; • Achilles quit from the war because Agamemnon grabed his female capture,which lead to the defeat and retreat of the unit army. His good friend join in war and was killed by 阿波罗和赫克托尔. • Achilles entered into war in indignation. He killed 赫 克托尔,and shot by Paris and died due to his prophesy; • Paris was shot by poison arrow and died; • Finally ,Odysseus designed the strategy of wood horse and attacked and occupied Troy . • • • • • • • • • the king of troy trust his the prophesy of his dream and abandoned his son Paris, Who judged the gold apple to Aphrodite when he was herding in remote hills. Achilles who pretended to a woman Achilles in angry and agony The odyssey • It describes the story of odyssey’s course of his going home of 10 years in the last 42 days after the Troy war. • Two clues:1 The son went out to find scheme when his mother was tangled and persecuted by suitors,and was help by Athena ,and encountered his father when he came back。 • 2 odyssey passed the kingdom of 菲爱克斯人 and told his experience to the king: • Run into the giant of single eye 吕斐摩斯 、 evil goddess 喀尔克、塞壬; escaped from monster卡律布狄斯和斯库拉; traveled in hell, lived with仙女卡吕浦索 in 7 years. • At last he went home in the order of Zeus and the help of Athena, and pretended to a beggar, killed all the suitors。 • • • The giant who only has a eye Cultural connotation of Homeric Epic • 1 the idea about vita of Greek • Emphasize desires, beauty, force, glory; • Ardently love life, but further love the glory and value of life. • The value of life exceed the life itself in Greek thoughts. • 2 individualism • Emphasize individual value and power, meanwhile , praise the heroes who sacrifice himself respectively to achieve the profit and harmony of groups. • The independent individuals compose the groups. • 3 the relation of gods , men and destiny • Gods surpass men, and destiny surpass and control gods and men. • Gods can precognize and influence the destiny of men ,but they can’t substitute for it. • Gods surpass men in term of force,they are equal in term of life qualification.( God surpass men in Christian)。