AP Chemistry Chapter 6

AP Chemistry Chapter 6
Electronic Structure and the
Periodic Table
Nature of Light
 Wavelengths
and frequencies
 Wavelength – distance between “troughs”
Measured in meters or nanometer
1nm = 10-9m
– number of of wave cycles
that pass a given point in unit time
 Frequency
Hertz – represents cycles per second
Ex. If 1010 cycles pass a particular point in
one second v = 1010 Hz
 λv
 c = speed of light in vacuum
 2.998 x 108 m/s
 λ expressed in meters
 v in hertz
Photon energies
= hc
Use to determine energy in joules of a
photon emitted by an excited atom
Also use to determine energy, in joules, of a
mole of photons
multiple by 6.02 x 1023
 Remember
to convert to kilojoules if
 103J
= 1 kJ
Bohr model
 Based
on the hydrogen atom
 Why the electrons that were circling the
nucleus did not release their energy and
spiral into the nucleus
 He calculated energies associated with
each allowed orbit
 En
= -2.178 x 10-18 J
En = energy of the electron
n = principal energy level
This formula is included on AP constants
Quantum Mechanical Model of
electron placement
quantum number, n
designates Principal
Quantum Level
 must be an integer
 Important for determining
energy of the electron
l = Second Quantum Number
 Determines
shape of electron cloud
 l = 0, 1,2,3……(n-1)
n = 2
n= 3
n = 4
l = 0, 1
l = 0,1,2
l = 0,1,2,3
ml = Third Quantum Number
 Determines
electrons orientation in space
Corresponds to number of orbitals allowed in
that sublevel (l)
l = 0 ml = 0
(1 orbital)
l = 1 m l = 1,0,-1
(3 orbitals)
l = 2 m l = 2,1,0,-1,-2
(5 orbitals)
l = 3 m l = 3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3
(7 orbitals)
Ms = Fourth Quantum Number;
electron spin
 Electron
has magnetic properties like that
of charged particles spinning on an axis
 Either of two spins is possible – clockwise
or counterclockwise
 +1/2 -1/2
 Electrons
with different ms values
(one +1/2 and the other -1/2)
Said to have “opposed” spins
 Electrons
with same value for ms
(both +1/2 or -1/2)
Said to have “parallel” spins
Pauli Exclusion Principle
 No
two electrons in an atom can
have the same set of four
quantum numbers
 If they occupy the same orbital,
must have opposing spins
 Pg. 140 example 6.4, 6.5
 Review
shape of sublevels
s - sphere, p - figure-8
 Pg.
412 shape of d sublevel orbitals
Hund’s Rule
several orbitals of equal
energy are available, as in a
given sublevel, electrons enter
singly with parallel spins
– is possible to determine number
of unpaired electrons in an atom by their
behavior in a magnetic field
 If unpaired electrons are present, the solid
will be attracted into the field
 Solids
That substance called
 If
the atoms in the solid contain only
paired electrons, is slightly repelled
by the field
Called “diamagnetic”
Review electron configurations and
orbital notation
 Aufbau
Sublevels are filled in order of
increasing energy
Stability exceptions: Cr, Mo, W, Cu, Ag,
• break from strict Aufbau Principle
 Review
“blocks” on Periodic Table
 Lanthanides – filling 4f
 Actinides – filling 5f (all of these elements
are radioactive, only thorium and uranium are
found in nature
Stability decreases with increasing atomic number
Monatomic ions
 Electrons
are added to or removed
from sublevels in the highest principal
energy level
 Want to achieve configuration like a
noble gas – more stable
 Na+1 (1s22s22p6) + e-
(whether ion or not)
with same electron
configuration called
Transition Metal Cations
 When
transition metals from positive ions,
the outer s electrons are lost first
 25Mn
[Ar] 4s23d5
 Mn+2
 After
the outer s electrons are lost, then
the d can be lost
 26Fe
forms Fe+3
 [Ar]3d5
 “first
in, first out” rule
Periodic Trends
Radius – one half the distance
of closest approach between atoms in
an elemental substance (pg. 151
 Decreases across a period from left
to right
 Increases down a group as atomic
number increases
 Atomic
 In
a group, are increasing one whole
pel as you go down
 The inner electrons “shield” the
outer electrons from the positive
 In periods, inner electrons are a poor
“shield” because they are at about the
same distance from the nucleus
Period trend continued
 Effective
nuclear charge (charge felt
by an outer electron) increases
steadily with atomic number
 As effective nuclear charge
increases, the outermost electrons
are pulled in more tightly, and atomic
radius decreases
Ionic Radius
 Increases
moving down a group
 Both cations and anions decrease
from left to right across a period
 Positive ions smaller that their atoms
 Negative ions larger than their atoms
 Pg. 152 Figure 6.13
 Cation – excess of protons draws the outer
electrons closer
 Anion – extra electron adds to the repulsion
between outer electrons (makes the negative ion
larger that the corresponding atom)
Pg. 153 example 6.10
Ionization Energy
 Measure
of how difficult it is to remove an
electron from a gaseous atom
 Energy must always be absorbed to
remove an electron, so always a positive
 First ionization energy – removal of
outermost electron
 X(g)  X+ + eΔE1 = first ionization energy
 Increases
across a period (left to right)
 Decreases down a group (increasing a.n.)
 Indirect relationship between atomic radius
and ionization energy
Large atom, electron far from the nucleus,
easier to remove
Smaller atom, electrons closer to the nucleus,
held tighter, so harder to remove
 Pg.
153 Figure 6.15
 First ionization energies in kJ/mol
 Pg.
154 Example 6.11
 Measure
the ability of an atom in a
molecule to attract electrons to itself
 The greater the electronegativity, the
greater is its ability to attract electrons to
 Dependent on ionization energy and
electron affinity
affinity – tendency to form anions
 EA = energy required to add an electron
 Z + e- + energy  Z EA = energy released on removing e- from
 Z-  Z + e- + energy
 Electron
 If
EA is large and negative, the atom
“wants” to add an electron and form an
 Atom with a very negative electron affinity
and a high ionization energy will attract eand resist any e- being removed from it.
 Is highly electronegative
EN Trends
– generally a steady increase
(metal to nonmetal)
 Period
– decrease within a group (are
some exceptions)
 Scale of electronegativities pg. 154
 Important scale when we get to bonding!
 Group