
World History
DUE in class on Thursday 10/11 and Friday 10/12
Technology, scientific changes, and new forms of energy brought about massive social, economic and
cultural changes to this time period.
DIRECTIONS: In a group of 3 or 4, you will provide a biography of an inventor and their invention, as
well as a commercial and slogan for selling it to the world.
1. A typed paper (one page is plenty). This paper will provide a short biography on the life of the
assigned person, and an explanation of the social, economic, and/or political significance of the
invention. This paper will be read aloud to the class. This is your time to teach. Make the paper
exciting as well as informative.
 12 point font
 Times New Roman
 Your title will be: The name of your person and his invention
 Be sure all group member names are included, with date, and period
 You must cite your internet sources, etc.
2. Power Point: A power-point (4 slides) giving details about the invention. You must also have
diagrams/visuals of how the invention works. You will present this to the class. Again, don’t
overload us with information. Know what you are talking about.
 Be sure that your power-point works and is prepared to go with a flash drive (We will
not wait for your technical difficulties). Best to check it out before you go.
3. Info commercial: a 30 second commercial convincing us of the importance of your invention. Sell
us on it and convince us to invest in your idea. Think Shark Tank! You may perform this
commercial live and in front of us (have a prop or props), or you can record your group and
embed it into your power point as the last slide.
 Have a slogan or jingle
 Have fun, but it must be reasonable—remember you are trying to attract investors.
 You will lose points for pure craziness!
Possible topics: Random Draw for your choice
Henry Bessemer/Bessemer Process
Eli Whitney/Cotton Gin
Thomas Edison/ Lightbulb
James Watt/Steam Engine
John Kay/Flying Shuttle
James Hargreaves/Spinning Jenny
Samuel Crompton/Spinning Mule
Louis Pasteur/Pasteurization
Alexander Graham Bell/Telephone
Henry Cort/Puddling
Robert Fulton/ Paddle-Wheel Steamboat
See me if you want to do something other than what’s on this list.