Lesson 2.04 Objectives (Learning Goals) At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Generate questions to focus research Conduct research to answer a question Organize information from informational texts. Academic Vocabulary - - - Positive Effect o Definition: o Example: Negative Effect o Definition: o Example: Supporting Details o Definition: o Example: Research questions: o Definition: o Example: Reliable Resources o Definition: o Example: In this lesson, you will begin writing your Informational Article for Module 2. In order to begin this process, you will first need to choose your topic from one of the 6 cause and effect topics from the course: What are the effects of the automobile on our lives? What was the cause for this invention? What are the effects of antibiotics on our lives? What was the cause for this invention? What are the effects of solar power on our lives? What was the cause for this invention? What are the effects of cellular phones on our lives? What was the cause for this invention? What are the effects of the Video Games on our lives? What was the cause for this invention? Which topic did you choose?________________________________________________________________ Once you pick your topic, you will begin researching that topic using RELIABLE RESOURCES. We’ve learned that RELIABLE RESOURCES are resources that come from credible places like Universities (.edu), the government (.gov), and most organizations (.org). Perdue Owl does wonderful job of explaining how to know if a source you are using is reliable: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/588/02/ After choosing your topic, and finding reliable sources of information, you will need to READ the information and then start organizing your thoughts about your topic on paper. We are not to the writing stage yet, just the preplanning/organizing stage. Use the 2-3 articles you read about your topic and start organizing your thoughts into this cause/effect organization chart. Remember, we are to focus on the EFFECT our invention has had on SOCIETY. We are not just doing a research paper about the invention itself. There is a significant difference. 2.04 Narrative Organization Chart My TOPIC Choice (*choose from the 5 topics above): Cause of My Invention #1 Positive Effect: #2 Positive Effect: Supporting Details: Supporting Details: #1 Negative Effect: #2 Negative Effect: Supporting Details: Supporting Details: Who: When: Where: Why: 3 Research Questions I have: The ANSWERS to my 3 Research questions are: 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 2-3 RELIABLE (.org, .net, .gov, .edu) sources of information I used to research my topic: 1. 2. 3. When you successfully fill in the graphic organizer, it will look something like this: Assess YOURSELF! GRADE yourself on THIS rubric! It is the SAME rubric your teachers will be using when they grade this assignment for you. 02.04 Rubric Task Success Achieved 50-25 Informational Research Charts Questions ____ I fully completed the chart with useful information for my article. ____ I clearly stated the topic and effects. ____I fully demonstrated that I understand the format of the chart and writing for cause and effect . 40-20 Points I think I Earned ____ I fully identified additional research questions to explore on my topic. ____I fully identified the answers and determined whether they will go in my article. 10-6 Research Earned Points ____I fully researched my article topic. ____I clearly identified my sources of information. 100 OUT OF