Science and technology

Science and technology
Mankind has come a long way during its existence. In pre-historic times peoples lives were
simple, because they had everything for life. They made tools from stones and simple
clothes. The only tool was the human hand. People then started changing the world; they
wanted to make their lives easier and more comfortable. The invention of wheel according
to me was the biggest technical invention in the human history. Then people built water
mills, windmills to use energy. Important discoveries came in 15th century for example the
discovery by Europeans of new continents such as America, Asia, Africa, the invention of the
printing Press, than true sciences developed for example philosophy, astronomy.
In the 18th and 19th centuries was the industrial revolution, which completely
changed the world. Important inventions: the stream engine, the electric light bulb, the
electric motor. Small manufacturing business changed into large factories, and in these large
factories products were made by machine. Traditional materials were still used, for example
silver, gold, steel, wood, but new materials were introduced too, f. e. rubber, plastics, paper
and glass.
In the 20th century were invented airplane, the television, computer, mobile phone,
the Internet. In medicine new drugs and in chemistry new pesticides were invented.
At the beginning of the 3rd millennium science and technology have a deep influence
on our lives. We can talk to our relatives in any part of the world in online discussions using
phones or computers. These are the advantages, but we don’t realize, that we communicate
with a computer only. And these new technologies bring an increase number of people who
became unemployed. We use credit cards and phone cards, which is very simple today,
because we don’t need coins and paper money to bring with us to the shops.
In medicine like the lasers are used in surgery and shortens the time a person to
spend in a hospital, after the operation.
Genetic engineering is used to produce more and better fruits and vegetables. But
some people refuse these products, because they are afraid of ills side effects.
New technologies are everywhere, f. e. at home there are freezers, computers, TV, DVD
players, microwave ovens. All these appliances make our lives much easier and more
comfortable than the lives of our grandparents.