HISTOLOGY OF SALIVARY GLANDS Dr. Sobia Ibrahim Assistant Professor Anatomy, KEMU Saliva is produced by Three major salivary glands Parotid Submandibular Sublingual Numerous minor salivary glands Saliva is a hypotonic watery secretion It contains mucous, Enzymes, Secretory antibodies, Inorganic salts. Daily production is 600-1500ml in human GENERAL STRUCTURE OF SALIVARY GLANDS STROMA Capsule Septa Blood vessels & nerves Ducts Lobule PARENCHYMA Accini Duct system Each gland is surrounded by a connective tissue capsule From capsules, multiple septae are thrown inwards to divide the parenchyma into incomplete lobules Within each lobule many secretory acini are surrounded by fine loose C.T . Blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves and excretory ducts travel through septa. PARENCHYMA Glands are tubuloacinar variety Acini consists of secretory cells which have a lumen in middle going to duct Serous, mucous or mix. Myoepithelial cells lie between plasmalemma and basal lamina of secretory cells MUCOUS & SEROUS ACCINI DUCT SYSTEM INTERCALATED DUCTS Lined by cuboidal epithelium STRIATED DUCT Lined by columnar cells & show Radial striations INTERLOBULAR/ EXCRETORY DUCTS- in CT septa Proximallypseudostratified/stratified cuboidal Distally – stratified columnar MAIN DUCT Non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium PAROTID GLAND BRANCHED ACCINAR gland SEROUS Striated & intercalated ducts in parenchyma Interlobular duct in CT septa Plasma cells present in CT septa Secretory products has: Amylase Proline- rich protien which has calcium binding properties SUBMANDIBULAR GLAND BRANCHED TUBULOACCINAR gland Predominantly SEROUS Majority serous accini Mucous accini with serous demilunes-10% Well developed striated ducts Underdeveloped intercalated ducts Secretory products have: Amylase Proline rich protiens Lysozymes SUBLINGUAL GLAND BRANCHED TUBULOACCINAR gland Predominantly mucous Serous cells only as demilunes Striated & intercalated ducts not well developed Secretory products : Amylase Lysozymes COMPARISON MINOR SALIVARY GLANDS Scattered throughout oral mucosa & submucosa Nonencapsulated Usually MUCOUS Exception is von Ebner gland of tongue Short ducts open on oral mucosa B lynmphocytes releasing IgA common MEDICAL APPLICATION Reduced function of major salivary glands due to disease / radiotherapy RESULTS: ◦ Caries ◦ Atrophy of oral mucosa ◦ Speech difficulties SEROUS CELL Pyramidal cells. Broad end facing the basement membrane and narrow end facing lumen. 6-8 in no. Apex has microvilli Basal region has rounded nucleus. Basal region have abundant RER (due to which basal region stain basophilic)and mitochondria. Apical region : zymogen (secretory) granules ,so apical region is acidophilic Adjacent serous cell joined by junction near apices. Intercellular canaliculi FUNCTION: thin and watery secretions MUCOUS CELL Tall cuboidal or low columnar cells with basal flattened nuclei. Apical region has mucinogen granules. H&E stain mucous poorly so muous cells appear empty. Well developed golgi apparatus. E/M: junctional complexes, no intercellular canaliculi. Cells secrete mucinogen which on contact with water form mucous.