Chapter 10 Nervous System: Nervous Tissue and Brain Elsevier items and derived items © 2007, 2003, 2000 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Slide 1 Introduction • The purpose of the nervous system is to bring information to the central nervous system, interpret the information, and enable the body to respond to the information. Slide 2 The Nervous System: Overview • Divisions of the Nervous System – The central nervous system (CNS) includes the brain and the spinal cord. – The peripheral nervous system includes the nerves that connect the CNS with the rest of the body. Slide 3 The Nervous System: Overview - cont’d • Cells That Make Up the Nervous System – Neuroglia (glia) support, protect, and nourish the neurons. – Neurons conduct the nerve impulse. – The three parts of a neuron are the dendrites, cell body, and axon. Slide 4 The Nervous System: Overview - cont’d • Types of Neurons – Sensory, or afferent, neurons carry information toward the CNS. – Interneurons are located in the CNS (make connections). – Motor, or efferent, neurons carry information away from the CNS toward the periphery. Slide 5 The Nervous System: Overview - cont’d • White Matter and Gray Matter – White matter is due to myelinated fibers. – Gray matter is composed primarily of cell bodies, interneurons, and unmyelinated fibers. – Clusters of cell bodies (gray matter) are called nuclei and ganglia. Slide 6 The Neuron Carrying Information • Nerve Impulse – The electrical signal is called the action potential or nerve impulse. – The nerve impulse is due to the following changes in the neuron: polarization, depolarization, and repolarization. – The nerve impulse is due to flow of ions: polarization (outward flux of K+), depolarization (influx of Na+), and repolarization (outward flux of K+). Slide 7 The Neuron Carrying Information - cont’d • Nerve Impulse—cont’d – The refractory period is the unresponsive period of the neuron. – The nerve impulse jumps from node to node as it travels along a myelinated fiber. Myelination increases the speed of the nerve impulse. – The nerve impulse causes the release of a neurotransmitter. Slide 8 The Neuron Carrying Information - cont’d • Synapse – The synapse is a space between two neurons. – The nerve impulse of the first (presynaptic) neuron causes the release of neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft. The neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to the receptors on the second (postsynaptic) membrane. The activation of the receptors stimulates a nerve impulse in the second neuron. Slide 9 Brain: Structure and Function • Cerebrum – The right and left hemispheres are joined by the corpus callosum. – The four main cerebral lobes are the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes. Functions of each lobe are summarized in Table 10-2. – Large areas of the cerebrum, called association areas, are concerned with interpreting, integrating, and analyzing information. Slide 10 Brain: Structure and Function - cont’d • Diencephalon – The thalamus is a relay station for most sensory tracts traveling to the cerebrum. – The hypothalamus controls many body functions such as water balance, temperature, and the secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland; it exerts an effect on the autonomic nervous system. Slide 11 Brain: Structure and Function - cont’d • Brain Stem – Brain stem: midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. – The medulla oblongata is called the vital center because it controls the heart rate, blood pressure, and respirations (the vital functions). – The vomiting center is located in the medulla oblongata; it receives input directly and indirectly from activation of the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ). Slide 12 Brain: Structure and Function - cont’d • Cerebellum – The cerebellum is sometimes called the little brain. – The cerebellum is concerned primarily with the coordination of voluntary muscle activity. Slide 13 Brain: Structure and Function - cont’d • Structures Involving More than One Lobe – The limbic system is sometimes called the emotional brain. – The reticular formation is concerned with the sleep/wake cycle. It keeps us conscious and prevents us from slipping into a coma state. – The “memory areas” handle short-term and long-term memory. Slide 14 Protection of the CNS • Bone: cranium and vertebral column • Meninges: pia mater, arachnoid, and dura mater • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that circulates within the subarachnoid space • Blood-brain barrier Slide 15 Introduction • The purpose of muscle is to contract and to cause movement. Slide 16 Muscle Function: Overview • Types and Functions of Muscles – Skeletal muscle is striated and voluntary; its primary function is to produce movement. – Smooth (visceral) muscle is nonstriated and involuntary; it helps the organs perform their functions. – Cardiac muscle is striated and involuntary; it is found only in the heart and allows the heart to function as a pump. Slide 17 Muscle Function: Overview - cont’d • Structure of the Whole Muscle – A large muscle consists of thousands of single muscle fibers (muscle cells). – Connective tissue binds the muscle fibers (cells) together (forming compartments in the limbs) and attaches muscle to bone and other tissue (by tendons and aponeuroses). Slide 18 Muscle Function: Overview - cont’d • Structure and Function of a Single Muscle Fiber – The muscle fiber (cell) is surrounded by a cell membrane (sarcolemma). The cell membrane penetrates to the interior of the muscle as the transverse tubule (T tubule). – An extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) stores calcium. – Each muscle fiber consists of a series of sarcomeres. Each sarcomere contains the contractile proteins actin and myosin. Slide 19 Muscle Function: Overview - cont’d • How Muscles Contract – Muscles shorten or contract as the actin and myosin (in the presence of calcium and ATP) interact through crossbridge formation, according to the sliding filament theory. – For skeletal muscle to contract, it must be stimulated by a motor nerve. The nerve impulse releases acetycholine (ACh) from the nerve terminal. ACh diffuses across the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), binds to the muscle membrane and causes an electrical signal to form in the muscle membrane. Slide 20 Muscle Function: Overview - cont’d • How Muscles Contract—cont’d – The electrical signal enters the T-tubular system and stimulates the SR to release calcium. – Actin, myosin, and ATP interact to form crossbridges, which cause sliding or shortening. – Calcium is pumped back into the SR and the muscles relax. Slide 21 Muscle Function: Overview - cont’d • Responses of a Whole Muscle – A single muscle fiber contracts in an all-or-nothing response; a whole muscle can contract partially (i.e., not all-or-nothing). – A whole muscle increases its force of contraction by recruitment of additional muscle fibers. – Two terms describe the contractile activity of a whole muscle: twitch and tetanus. Tetanus refers to a sustained muscle contraction. – Energy for muscle contraction can be obtained from three sources: burning fuel aerobically, burning fuel anaerobically, and metabolizing creatine phosphate. Slide 22 Muscle Function: Overview - cont’d • Terms That Describe Muscle Movement – Origin and Insertion: The attachments of the muscles. – Prime mover: The muscle most responsible for the movement achieved by the muscle group – Synergist and Antagonist: Works with, or has an opposing action. Slide 23 Muscles from Head to Toe • Skeletal muscles are named according to size, shape, direction of fibers, location, number of origins, place of origin and insertion, and muscle action. • See Table 9-1 for a list of the body’s muscles. Slide 24 Introduction • The skeletal system supports the weight of the body, supports and protects body organs, enables the body to move, acts as storage site for minerals, and produces blood cells. Slide 25 Bones: An Overview • Sizes and Shapes – Bones are classified as long, short, flat, and irregular. – Bone markings function as sites of muscle attachments and passages for nerves and blood vessels. – A long bone has a diaphysis (shaft) and two epiphyses (ends). Articular cartilage is found on the outer surface of the epiphyses. – The diaphysis is composed of compact or hard bone. The epiphysis consists of spongy or soft bone; red marrow is found in the holes of spongy bone. Slide 26 Bones: An Overview - cont’d • Bone Formation and Growth – Bones ossify in two ways. In the skull, osteoblasts replace thin connective tissue membrane, forming flat bones. Other bones form on hyaline cartilage models as osteoblasts replace cartilage with bone. – Bones grow longitudinally at the epiphyseal disc, to determine height; bones also grow thicker and wider to support the weight of the body. – Bone growth and reshaping occur throughout life and depend on many factors, including diet, exercise, and hormones. Slide 27 Divisions of the Skeletal System • The names of the 206 bones of the skeleton are listed in Table 8-2. Slide 28 Divisions of the Skeletal System - cont’d • Axial Skeleton – The axial skeleton includes the bones of the skull (cranium and face), hyoid bone, bones of the middle ear, bones of the vertebral column, and the thoracic cage. – The skull of a newborn contains fontanels, which are membranous areas that allow brain growth. – The skull contains air-filled cavities called sinuses. Slide 29 Divisions of the Skeletal System - cont’d • Axial Skeleton—cont’d – The vertebral column is formed from 26 vertebrae, one sacrum, and one coccyx. The vertebrae are separated by cartilaginous discs. The vertebral column of the adult has four curvatures: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral. – The thoracic cage is a bony, cone-shaped cage formed by the sternum, 12 pairs of ribs, and thoracic vertebrae. Slide 30 Divisions of the Skeletal System - cont’d • Appendicular Skeleton – The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the extremities (arms and legs), and the bones of the hip and shoulder girdles. – The shoulder girdle consists of the scapula and the clavicle. – The pelvic girdle is formed by the two coxal bones and is secured to the axial skeleton at the sacrum. Slide 31 Joints • A joint or articulation is the site where two bones meet. Slide 32 Joints - cont’d • Types of Joints (based on the degree of movement) – Immovable joints. – Slightly movable joints. – Freely movable joints or synovial joints. Structures within a synovial joint (knee): articular cartilage, the joint capsule, synovial membrane, synovial fluid, bursae, and supporting ligaments. – The types of freely movable joints include hinge, ball and socket, pivot, gliding, saddle, and condyloid. Slide 33 Joints - cont’d • Joint Movement – Freely movable joints are capable of different types of movement. – Types of movements at freely movable joints include flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, inversion and eversion, supination and pronation, and circumduction. Slide 34 Introduction • The integumentary system includes the skin, which covers the body, protects the internal organs, and plays an important role in the regulation of body temperature. Slide 35 Structures: Organs of the Integumentary System • The integumentary system includes the skin, accessory structures, and subcutaneous tissue beneath the skin. Slide 36 Structures: Organs of the Integumentary System - cont’d • Skin – The skin is called the cutaneous membrane. – The skin has two layers, an outer layer called the epidermis and an inner layer called the dermis. – The epidermis has five layers. The stratum germinativum is the layer in which cell division takes place. The new cells produce keratin (waterproofing) and die as they are pushed toward the surface. The outer layer is the stratum corneum and consists of flattened, dead, keratinized cells. Slide 37 Structures: Organs of the Integumentary System - cont’d • Skin—cont’d – The dermis lies on the subcutaneous tissue. – Skin color is determined by many factors: some genetic, some physiologic, and some due to disease. Melanin causes skin to darken. Carotene causes skin to appear yellow. The amount of blood in the skin affects skin color (e.g., flushing) as does the appearance of abnormal substances such as bilirubin (jaundice) and a low blood oxygen content (cyanosis). Slide 38 Structures: Organs of the Integumentary System - cont’d • Accessory Structures of the Skin – Hair is unevenly distributed over the skin. The location of the hair determines its function. Eyebrows and eyelashes protect the eyes from dust and perspiration. – The main parts of a hair are the shaft and root. – Hair color is determined by the amount and type of melanin. – Nails are thin plates of stratified squamous epithelial cells that contain a hard form of keratin. – There are two major exocrine glands in the skin: sebaceous glands and sweat glands. Slide 39 Structures: Organs of the Integumentary System - cont’d • Accessory Structures of the Skin—cont’d – The sebaceous glands (oil glands) secrete sebum. The sebum lubricates hair and skin. In the fetus, these glands secrete vernix caseosa, a cheeselike substance that coats the skin of a newborn. – The two types of sweat glands (sudoriferous glands) are the apocrine glands and the eccrine glands. The eccrine sweat glands play a crucial role in temperature regulation. – The mammary glands (which secrete milk) and the ceruminous glands (which secrete ear wax) are modified sweat glands. Slide 40 Structures: Organs of the Integumentary System - cont’d • Subcutaneous Tissue – Subcutaneous tissue anchors the dermis to underlying structures. – Subcutaneous tissue acts as an insulator; it prevents heat loss. Slide 41 Regulation of Body Temperature • Heat Production – Heat produced by metabolizing cells constitutes the body temperature. – Most of the heat is produced by the muscles and the liver. • Heat Loss – Most of the heat (80%) is lost through the skin. – Heat loss occurs through radiation, conduction, convection, and evaporation. Slide 42 Regulation of Body Temperature - cont’d • Heat Loss—cont’d – Normal body temperature is set by the body’s thermostat in the hypothalamus. – Heat is lost through sweating and vasodilation. Heat is conserved by vasoconstriction and produced by shivering. Slide 43 When Skin Is Burned • Physiological Effects – Short-term effects: fluid and electrolyte losses, shock, inability to regulate body temperature, infection – Long-term effects: scarring, loss of function, and cosmetic and emotional problems • Classification of Burns – Classified according to the thickness of the burn (partial, full); also first, second, and third degree. – The rule of nines is a way to evaluate burns. Slide 44 Introduction • Tissues are groups of cells similar to each other in structure and function. • Membranes are thin sheets of tissue that cover surfaces, line body cavities, and surround organs. Slide 45 Types of Tissue • Epithelial Tissue Types – Epithelial tissue covers surfaces, lines cavities, and engages in secretion/absorption and protective functions. – Epithelial tissue is classified according to cell shape (squamous, cuboidal, and columnar) and layers (simple and stratified). – The types and functions are summarized in Table 61. Slide 46 Types of Tissue - cont’d • Connective Tissue – The primary function of connective tissue is to bind together the parts of the body. Other functions include support, protection, fat storage, and transport of substances. – Connective tissue has an abundant intercellular matrix that fills spaces between cells. The intercellular matrix may be liquid, gel-like, or hard. The matrix often contains protein fibers that are secreted by the cells. – There are three types of loose connective tissue: areolar, adipose, and reticular. Slide 47 Types of Tissue - cont’d • Connective Tissue—cont’d – Dense fibrous connective tissue forms tendons, ligaments, capsules, and fascia, and is found in the skin (dermis). – Types of cartilage include: hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage. – Bone (osseous tissue) is connective tissue formed by osteocytes. Bone cells have a hard intercellular matrix that includes collagen, calcium salts, and other minerals. – Blood and lymph are types of connective tissue that have a watery intercellular matrix. Slide 48 Types of Tissue - cont’d • Nervous Tissue – Nervous tissue is found in the peripheral nerves, brain, and spinal cord. – The two types of nervous tissue are neurons, which transmit electrical signals, and neuroglia, which support and take care of the neurons. • Muscle Tissue – Muscle cells contract, thereby causing movement. – The three kinds of muscle are skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Slide 49 Tissue Repair • Tissue Repair by Regeneration – Replacement of tissue by cells that undergo mitosis • Tissue Repair by Fibrosis – Formation of scar tissue Slide 50 Membranes • Epithelial Membranes – The cutaneous membrane is the skin. – Mucous membranes are epithelial membranes that line all body cavities that open to the exterior of the body. – Serous membranes are epithelial membranes that line the ventral body cavities, which are not open to the exterior of the body. – Serous membranes form two layers: a parietal layer that lines the wall of the cavity and a visceral layer that covers the outside of an organ. – The three serous membranes are the pleura, the pericardium, and the peritoneum. Slide 51 Membranes - cont’d • Connective Tissue Membranes – Synovial membranes are connective tissue membranes. – Other connective tissue membranes are listed in Table 6-3. Slide 52