BIO 238 Test 1 Review Chapter 1 Compare Anatomy and

BIO 238 Test 1 Review
Chapter 1
1. Compare Anatomy and Physiology.
2. What are the levels of organization?
3. Review over the 11 organ systems.
4. What is the anatomical position?
5. Review over the directional terms in Slide 20. Be sure to include anterior and posterior.
6. Look over Slide 22 to review the body portions and names.
7. Describe the following:
a. Transverse plane
b. Sagittal plane
c. Coronal (frontal) plane
8. Compare the dorsal and ventral cavities.
9. What are Meninges?
10. Where would you find the following?
a. Parietal pleura
b. Visceral pleura
c. Visceral pericardium
d. Parietal pericardium
e. Parietal peritoneum
Visceral peritoneum
11. Review the abdominopelvic regions and quadrants.
12. What is Metabolism? Compare Anabolism and Catabolism.
13. What is homeostasis?
14. Compare the Negative-feedback and Positive-feedback mechanisms.
Chapter 2
1. What is Chemistry?
2. Define the following:
a. Matter
b. Atoms
c. Molecules
d. Ionic bonds
e. Anions
g. Electrolytes
3. Compare Synthesis and decomposition reactions.
4. Compare inorganic and organic chemicals.
5. Why is water important?
6. Compare intracellular and extracellular fluid.
7. Compare acids and bases.
8. What is pH?
9. Describe the pH scale.
10. What are Buffers?
11. What are Salts?
12. Describe carbohydrates. What is the main function of them?
13. Describe and give examples of the following:
a. Monosaccharides
b. Disaccharides
c. Polysaccharides
14. What are lipids?
15. What are the functions of these types of lipids:
a. Triglycerides
b. Phospholipids
c. Steroids
16. What are amino acids? What are peptide bonds?
17. What are the functions of enzymes?
18. Compare the two nucleic acids
a. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
b. Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
19. What are nucleotides?
20. What is the function of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)?
Chapter 3
1. What are cells?
2. What is the function of the plasma membrane?
3. What does “selectively permeable” mean?
4. What is the cytoplasm?
5. What are organelles?
6. What is the function of the nucleus?
7. What are chromosomes? How many does a human cell have?
8. What are the functions ribosomes?
9. Compare the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticula.
10. What is the function of the golgi complex?
11. What is the function of the mitochondria?
12. What are the functions of lysosomes?
13. What is the general function of the cytoskeleton and its components?
14. What are the functions of the following:
a. Centrioles
b. Cilia
c. Flagella
d. Microvilli
15. Compare active and passive transport.
16. Define the following passive transport terms:
a. Diffusion
b. Osmosis
i. Hypotonic solution
ii. Hypertonic solution
iii. Isotonic solution
c. Filtration
17. Describe these three basic mechanisms of active transport.
a. Carrier proteins
b. Endocytosis
c. Exocytosis
i. Phagocytosis
ii. Pinocytosis
18. Compare anaerobic and aerobic respiration.
19. What is a gene?
20. Understand how DNA and RNA work together in the process of protein synthesis.
21. Compare mitotic and meiotic cell.
22. What is interphase?
23. Understand the mitotic phases:
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
24. What is cytokinesis?
25. Compare malignant and benign tumors. What are mutations?
Chapter 4
1. What are tissues?
2. What are the characteristics of epithelial tissue?
3. What are the functions of epithelial tissue.
4. Compare endocrine and exocrine glands.
5. Describe connective tissues.
6. Describe connective tissue proper.
7. What are some examples of the following type of connective tissue:
a. Loose
b. Fibrous
c. Elastic
8. Compare cartilage and bone.
9. Why is blood a connective tissue?
10. Describe muscle tissue.
11. Compare the following types of muscle tissue:
a. Skeletal Muscle
b. Cardiac Muscle
c. Smooth Muscle
12. Compare Neurons and neuroglia.
13. Describe these types of membranes:
a. Serous membranes
b. Mucous membranes
c. Cutaneous membrane
d. Meninges
e. Perichondrium
g. Synovial membrane
14. Define these terms that relate to tissue repair:
a. Regeneration
b. Fibrosis
c. Keloid
d. Adhesions
15. Which tissues regenerate well? Which ones do not regenerate well?
16. What are carcinogens?
17. Compare carcinomas and sarcomas.
18. Additional Question: What are the four signs of inflammation?