Type D personality traits may influence health, study shows August 21, 2009|By Melissa Healy, Tribune Newspaper In work and play, we all recognize the classic signs of a "Type A" personality. And most of us know that these hardchargers seem to be at higher risk of heart attacks and strokes. But who has heard of the Type D personality? Depending on whom you ask, D stands for distressed. Or it follows sequentially from Type A: Type B (opposite of A -- laid-back, cooperative, slow to anger); Type C (a martyr -- compliant, eager to please and prone to hopelessness and depression; studies have shown Type C's to be vulnerable to cancer and other malfunctions of the immune system). In any event, Type D's are notable for negative thinking, worrying, suppressed anger and a tendency to respond to stress by withdrawal and denial. And when it comes to feelings, they're given to stoicism: They rarely give voice to strong emotions, such as anger, and are likely equally disinclined to acknowledge them, say, in daily journal entries. Turns out, being a Type D isn't a personality type given to robust health, either, a fact that a new study underscores. In an article in this week's Archives of Surgery, Dutch researchers found that Type D personalities who suffer from peripheral artery disease -- a build-up of plaque in the lower body's veins and arteries that causes cramping and pain in the legs and pelvis -- were more likely to die in the four years they were studied than fellow patients with peripheral artery disease who were not identified as Type D's. The study followed 184 patients diagnosed with peripheral artery disease and who had filled out questionnaires that identified their personality traits as Type D. They were strong on social avoidance and tended to fret a lot. They were mostly likely to agree strongly with statements such as "I often find myself worrying about something," or "I would rather keep people at a distance." By the end of the study period, 16 of the Type D peripheral artery disease patients had died -- three times the number expected among a group of their average age (64) and health status. That's despite the fact that the Type D's on the whole had no greater risk factors for death than did any of the peripheral artery disease patients in a larger study. Most -- seven -- died of cancer, and six of cardiovascular disease. The study's authors -- led by Annalies E. Aquarius -- said research has shown that Type D personality types tend to respond to stress with a surge of stress hormones, and that their blood carries physiological markers of inflammation higher than those not identified as Type D. Inflammatory processes over time are widely believed to give rise to cancer and erode the function of arteries. The authors say the importance of personality types in influencing treatment decisions, quality of life and outcomes will be ever more important. mhealy@tribune.com Example of an In the News Write Up In this article about Type D personality traits influencing people’s health the author claims that people who suffer from Type D personality (the D stands for distressed) tend to be notable for negative thinking, worrying a lot, suppressing their anger and have a tendency to withdrawal from stressful situations. Type D personalities seem to withdrawal from their issues and hide their emotions. Another important point the author addresses is people suffering from Type D personality are linked greater to major health issues such as being at higher risk for heart attacks and strokes. The author also mentions that patients suffer from both Type D personality and Peripheral Artery Disease are four times likely to die opposed to those who simple suffer from Peripheral Artery Disease only. Some readers may think that either they are not Type D personality or they won’t ever experience Peripheral Artery Disease but I would argue that their future is not set in stone and has yet to be written. Our lifestyles change on a daily basis going from one extreme such as being active daily and eating a well balance diet to leading a sedentary lifestyle and using drugs such as alcohol and/or tobacco. On a daily basis, I feel like I am a Type A personality, but I can see where sometimes I may have fallen into the Type D category because of things that have happened at school and with my extracurricular activities. Knowing my risk factors such as heredity is important to me because I want to build happy, positive memories with my family. Realizing that every decision has consequences impacts me as well as my family makes me want to make positive decisions daily.