Ch. 22 Study Guide

Chapter 22 Study Guide
______ 1. Circulates blood through
the body; moves materials
______ 2. Absorbs oxygen and releases
carbon dioxide
a. Digestive system
b. Skeletal system
c. Lymphatic System
______ 3. Helps you move.
d. Respiratory system
______ 4. Supports and protects body parts
e. Nervous system
______ 5. Sends and receives messages
f. Muscular system
______ 6. Helps your body get rid of bacteria and viruses
g. Circulatory system
______ 7. Breaks down food into nutrients
8. ________________________ - is the maintenance of a stable internal environment in the
9. A group of cells working together forms a __________________.
10. Four Kinds of tissue:
a. _________________ tissue – The type of tissue you see when you look at the
surface of you skin.
b. __________________ tissue – sends electrical signals through the body.
c. __________________ tissue – is made of cells that produce movement.
d. _________________ tissue – joins, supports, protects, insulates and nourishes
11. Two or more types of tissue working together to do a job forms an _______________.
12. Organs work together to make up an _____________________.
Skeletal System:
13. # of bones in the human body =
14. Describe the four functions of bones. (4 points)
15. _________________________ is the cushion in the area where bones meet.
16. What are two differences between compact and spongy bone. (2 points)
17. ____________________ is connective tissue that connects the bones in a joint.
18. A disease of the skeletal system in which bones become weak =
19. Describe how the 3 types of joints allow you to move.
Muscular System:
20. Muscles that straighten parts of your body =
21. Muscles that flex parts of your body =
22. What are the three muscles and where are they found? Which are voluntary and
23. What are the two types of exercise? Provide 2 examples of each.
Integumentary System:
24. What are the four functions of the skin?
25. What type of skin is more likely to get skin cancer?
26. Damage to the genetic material in your skin cells can result in =
27. A hair follicle =
28. Describe the two layers of skin? (4 points)
29. How does the skin heal wounds? (2 points)