Integumentary System Muscular System Skeletal System Your skin, hair and nails protect underlying tissue Your skeletal muscles move your bones Your bones provide a frame to support and protect body parts Circulatory System aka Cardiovascular System Your heart pumps blood through all your blood vessels: veins and arteries. Nervous System Lymphatic System Digestive System Endocrine System Receives and sends electrical messages throughout the body Returns leaked fluids to blood vessels. Also helps to get rid of germs that can harm you. Breaks down the food you eat into nutrients that can be absorbed into your body Certain glands regulate body functions by sending out chemical messengers. Respiratory System Urinary System aka Excretory System Receives and sends Removes wastes electrical messages from the blood and throughout the regulates the body body’s fluids Male Reproductive System Female Reproductive System Produces and delivers sperm Produces eggs and nourishes and shelters the unborn baby