Student Portfolio Example 05 - Community School Corporation of

Southern Hancock Expected Results
Adam Cox – Class of 2009
Extra Curricular Activities
Academic Teams
Church Ministries
School Musical Production of
1. A mastery of skills necessary
to gather and process
information and to effectively
communicate information and
1. A mastery of skills necessary to gather and process
information and to effectively communicate information and
• AP English Language/Composition – 12th
– A Case of Mistaken Identity
• Reflection
• AP US History – 11th
– Coming Together: Nationalism Ascendant
• Reflection
2. The ability to acquire and
apply content of core subjects
(math, science, language arts,
and social studies) as a vehicle
for development of the creative
and critical thinking necessary
for making informed decisions
and for continued learning.
2. The ability to acquire and apply content of core subjects (math, science,
language arts, and social studies) as a vehicle for development of the
creative and critical thinking necessary for making informed decisions and for
continued learning.
• Honors English – 9th
– Freshman Literary Terms PowerPoint
• Reflection
• Extracurricular – 11th
– Brain Game
• Reflection
3. Knowledge of their own and
other cultures needed for them
to become involved and
responsible citizens of their
community, state and world.
3. Knowledge of their own and other cultures needed for
them to become involved and responsible citizens of their
community, state and world.
• Spanish I – 9th
– El Libro de Mi (hardcopy in brown folder)
• Reflection
• Spanish II – 11th
– “Proyecto de gente latina con mucha influencia”
(Project of a Latino person with much influence.)
• Reflection
4. Develop values that are
common and expected in
society and the workplace, ex.:
honesty, dependability,
responsibility, cooperation,
courtesy, and the desire to
4. Develop values that are common and expected in society
and the workplace, ex.: honesty, dependability, responsibility,
cooperation, courtesy, and the desire to learn.
• Honors English – 9th
– Romeo and Juliet Rewrite and Movie
• Reflection
• Extracurricular – 9th
– “Oklahoma!” Program
• Reflection
5. Develop a knowledge and
appreciation of the fine arts.
5. Develop a knowledge and appreciation of the fine arts.
• Journalism – 9th
– Photo Story
• Reflection
• Beginning Men’s Choir – 9th
– Winter Concert Program
• Reflection
6. Acquire the skills necessary to
be successful in their chosen
life roles and to function as lifelong learners.
6. Acquire the skills necessary to be successful in their
chosen life roles and to function as life-long learners.
• AP English Language/Composition – 12th
– Utopia on the Gridiron, Soviets on the
Hardwood, and Americans on the Diamond
• Reflection
• Spanish II – 11th
– My Day (A movie in Spanish)
• Reflection
Test Results, Awards & Achievements
• SAT score:
– Math - 790
– Verbal - 750
• AP Tests:
– US History - 5
– Calculus AB - 5
– English Literature and
Composition - 4
– Physics C: Mechanics - 3
– Physics C: Electricity and
Magnetism - 2
• Achievements
Academic “A” Team
4th Place Quiz Bowl State
National Honor Society
National Merit Semifinalist
• Top 10% of all juniors who
took PSAT
– AP Scholar with Honors
– HHC Champion in Math
for Academic Super Bowl