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Tuesday 16th June 2015
Dear Parents
School Closures –Summer Holidays.
Please note that school will close for the summer holidays on Friday 26th June at 12 pm.
School will re-open on Tuesday 01st September 2015.
School Term & Tour Costs.
Any outstanding payments should be provided to the office as soon as possible please.
School Tour
The school tour is being held in Trabeg Sports Centre on Monday 22 June. Children will be collected by the
bus from O’Mahony’s Cross at 8:15a.m. Should any parent wish their child to travel with a booster seat
please bring along same on the day and liaise with the bus driver. Children can be collected off the bus at 2:30
p.m. at O’Mahony’s Cross. Please refer to the school website (http://www.gurraneasigns.com/newsletters.html)
for previously issued letter about the tour.
Active Schools – Bring a Bike day.
This Wednesday June 17th will be bring a Bike to school day. If your child is cycling or bringing their bike to
school please ensure your child wears their safety helmet. Other activities for the week include Spikeball
competition, Rounders’, Crab Soccer, Penalties on the Principal, Duathalon, Beach games, Sandcastle
competition, Kick Fada and Slow Bike race.
Bóthar na nGabhar Visit.
The deferred Bóthar na nGabhar primary schools programme will be visiting the school on Friday 19th June.
They will be bringing their goats to help tell the story of what is going on in the developing world to raise
awareness of the difficulties that people face there. Donations from the pupils on the day to support Bóthar
would be much appreciated by the organisation.
FÍS Film Festival.
Congratulations to all the children involved in the making of ‘The Banana Bandits’. It earned them the ‘West
Cork Fís – Best Comedy Film’ at the recent awards in Dunmanway. Many thanks to the Media Team – Karla
Crowley & Pat Crowley for all their help and efforts in its production.
National Parents Council.
The PA were the proud winners of the inaugural Fred O’Connell Award granted by the NPC for their outstanding
efforts in supporting the teachers & children of Gurraneasig NS.
Active School Flag & Green Flag.
We are delighted to proudly display our recently awarded flags. They are a wonderful acknowledgement of the
effort and hard work of all the children in gaining these awards for the school. We will officially celebrate these
Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí
Roll No: 18491V
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flags with Cork County Footballer – Tomás Clancy on Thursday June 18th @1.30pm. Tomás will speak to the
children about his experience as an elite sportsman and the benefits of physical education.
Sports Evening & Graduation.
Our annual sports evening and 6th class graduation will be held on Wednesday 24th June at 7pm sharp. Food can
be dropped in to school from 6.30pm. A great evening of sport & fun to be had by all. Please feel free to invite
other family members, neighbours & past pupils. Hopefully the weather will play its part, so we can bring
another successful year to a close.
Down Syndrome Ireland – Ice Cream Day.
We will mark our annual support of Down Syndrome Ireland by hosting an Ice Cream day on Thursday 25th
June. All contributions from the pupils will be much appreciated.
2015/2016 School Term.
The calendar for the coming school year will be emailed to you before end of term.
Is mise le meas
Edward McCarthy
Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí
Roll No: 18491V
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