Iwamura Open disclosure Senior Sem

Senior Seminar
Mr. Iwamura
To prepare seniors for college and life beyond high school.
SAT preparation
Aina based activities
Christian education
College application preparation
Securing scholarships and financial aid
Earning potential
Understanding budgeting, credit and FICO scores
Buying a home or renting an apartment
Computer applications – Excel
Checking, taxes
Ho’ike Nui presentation preparation. The presentation date is Nov. 10
THIS IS NOT A HO’IKE NUI CLASS. You should already be done with your
Ho’ike Nui paper and product. We will only spend time working on the presentation.
KSM’s HS vision is to develop “Hawaiian leaders prepared for college and a global society.”
The KSM HS mission provides further detail regarding what KS means by “prepared for
college.” Specifically, KSM seeks to have ALL students at least minimally qualified to
attend our state flagship university, i.e. – UH-Manoa. To this end, this seminar class will
focus on getting students prepared for college. To ensure that students have as many options
available to them as they decide where to attend college, all students will be expected to
apply to UH Maui Campus as well as other “target schools”. Please note that there is no
application fee for students applying to UH-Maui, however other schools may require fees in
which KSM will not cover.
KSM is a “college-prep” school and the expectation is that students will be pursuing further
schooling beyond the high school level. Most of the assignments in this class are done with
the idea that they will help students to matriculate into four year universities. Students will
not be excused from these college preparatory-type assignments unless they first submit a
thesis-driven, persuasive paper, written in MLA format with full in-text citations, detailing
what their post-secondary plan is and why that plan will better prepare them for a global
society. Upon completion of the paper, a student-led parent conference will also be held to
confirm that there is parental approval of that post-secondary plan. Subsequent to both of
these prerequisites being satisfactorily concluded, the student will be required to complete
alternate assignments, in place of the normal class assignments.
Classroom Rules:
Every student in this class is a senior. The expectation is that everyone will act like
the mature, student-leader role model that they are. The underclassmen look up to you and
you should act so as to inspire them; not to be ridiculed by them.
Do not address the teacher as “Mister.” It is rude and unbecoming of a KS student.
All the school rules that you agreed to abide by are applicable in this class. Laptops
should only be used when assigned and for instructional purposes only. Do not even turn
on your laptop in class unless instructed to do so. Games or music are expressly
prohibited. Please be in dress code before entering class. Respect for the personal property
of others and of the school is expected. Obviously, you must do your own work on all class
assignments (including note taking), papers, homework and exams. Please do not give me
any reason to be suspicious.
(points) for assignments that are completed on time. You will receive a maximum of ½
credit (points) for assignments that are not completed on time, BUT YOU WILL STILL
HAVE TO COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT. Should you choose to not complete all
your assignments (whether you earn the full points or not), your quarter grade will be
reduced by half a grade (an A would become an A-, a B- would become a C+, etc.). All
assignments and homework must be done BEFORE class. If you are unexcused tardy or
unexcused absent you will not be allowed to submit or receive work for that day. In the case
of excused tardies or absences it is your responsibility to secure and complete any missed
assignments within 3 days of your return to school. After three days, the score for any
missed assignment, quiz or test will be a zero.
Participation in class is critical. You will be expected to contribute your ideas,
understandings, experiences and beliefs. You will be evaluated not on the quantity of what
you say, but on the quality of your contribution to the class. It’s not cool to act silly or to
make asinine comments. This is a class for upperclassmen who should be working hard to
prepare for higher educational pursuits and I expect you to act accordingly.
Cheating, academic dishonesty in any form, and copying of homework, quizzes or exams
will not be tolerated.
Grades will based on the percentage of total points earned during the quarter and
semester. A “normal” grade scale will be used: 100-90% = A; 89-80% = B; 79-70% = C;
69-60% = D; 59 and below = F. Pluses and minuses will be awarded with one exception –
there will be no A+. Points may be earned for daily participation, quizzes, exams, and
projects. Although there will be occasions to earn extra-credit points, these opportunities
will be few and far between, so don’t count on them to raise a low grade at the end of the
quarter or semester. This class will cover a lot of information and my best suggestion to you
is to keep up and do all the assignments on time so that you get credit for them.
I, __________________, received this open disclosure statement and have read it. My teacher has
explained each item and I fully understand what is expected of me in this class. I also understand that this
Open disclosure statement is not comprehensive and that the items set forth herein are subject to change
based on classroom circumstances.
Student signature / Date
I, __________________, have been notified of the expectations of this class and fully understand what is
expected of my student and will assist my student to be successful in this class. . I also understand that this
Open disclosure statement is not comprehensive and that the items set forth herein are subject to change
based on classroom circumstances.
Parent signature / Date