PES Form How To Compute Rating? PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM for ADMINISTRATORS (PESA) School Year 2013-2014 After rating yourself in the four major components, add all your rating for each component, divide the sum by the number of items and multiply by the weight assigned to the component. Do the same in Components B, C, and D. Get the total rating by adding the ratings in the four (4) Principles. What to Rate? This performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) is a self-rating tool. The indicators used in this PESA is based on the four (4) Principles of the School Based Management (SBM) as contained in DepEd Order No. 83, s. 2012 issued in November 29, 2012. The following are the principles with their assigned weight: SBM Principles A. B. C. D. Leadership & Governance Curriculum & Instruction Accountability & Continuous Improvement Resource Management Weight Assignment 30% 30% 25% 15% How to Rate? Read each item carefully and rate yourself according to the specified performance indicators. Indicate the score using the rubrics provided in every item of the components. Do the same for the rest of the items. Enter your score under the rating. These shall be based on the targets and accomplishments under QUANTITY, QUALITY and TIME. ______________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 The Final PES Rating What you did is your self-appraisal. The Public School District Supervisor and the Education Program Supervisor will in turn rate you based on the documentary evidences presented per component. The Schools Division Superintendent shall approve the rating upon the recommendation of the District Consultant. Below is the breakdown of your final rating: Self-rating PSDS EPS - 30% - 35% - 35% A. Principle 1: School Leadership and Governance 1 Crafting/Review of the School Improvement Plan (SIP)/Annual Improvement Plan (AIP). SIP/AIP collaboratively prepared by the School Planning Team (represented by School Head, Teachers, Students, LGU, PTA, Private Organization, Alumni) _______________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 2 QUANTITY a) b) c) d) e) Presence of 7 representatives Presence of 6 representatives Presence of 5 representatives Presence of 4 representatives Presence of 3 representatives QUALITY 2. Installation of required mechanism/systems to practice shared leadership = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 a) SIP is crafted/revisited with the community performing the leadership role and the school providing technical assistance b) Plan is crafted through shared leadership of school and community c) Plan is crafted with the school taking the lead and participated by the community d) Plan is crafted by the school and internal stakeholders e) SIP/AIP is crafted/revisited by the School Head only Number of Organizations present in school (School Governing Council (SGC), PTA, SGO, DORP, Teachers’ Organization, Grievance Committee, Disaster Coordinating Council, M & E, T & D, Fiscal Mgt Structure, Alumni Association) QUANTITY = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 TIME a) Monthly = 10 b) Quarterly = 8 c) Semestral = 6 d) Yearly = 4 e) No review done = 2 __________________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 3 a) b) c) d) e) Presence of all Presence of 9 Presence of 7 Presence of 5 Presence of 3 = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 QUALITY a) Community leads defining roles & functions and the school providing technical and administrative support to the organization = 10 b) The school and community collaboratively define the structure and the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders =8 c) The school defines the organizational structure and the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders = 6 d) School has structure with no roles & responsibilities defined = 4 e) There is only a listing of organization = 2 ___________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 4 TIME a) b) c) d) e) Beginning of SY 1ST Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter Last Quarter = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 All of the 6 indicators present Any 5 of the 6 indicators present Any 4 of the 6 indicators present Any 3 of the 6 indicators present Any 2 of the 6 indicators present 3. Network/Linkage Management = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 TIME 3.1 State of the School Address given by the School Head once a year. QUANTITY a) 85% attendance of parents, tchrs & students = 10 b) 75% attendance of parents, tchrs & students = 8 c) 65% attendance of parents, tchrs & students = 6 d) 55% attendance of parents, tchrs & students = 4 e) 45% attendance of parents, tchrs & students = 2 QUALITY Documentary evidence on: a) b) c) d) e) f) Notice prior to meetings With organized plans With records of attendance With minutes of meeting With photos of activities capturing success of the activity Success as evidenced in the pledges & commitments by stakeholders ______________________________________ June = 10 July = 8 August = 6 September = 4 October onwards = 2 3.2 Garnered a total donation in cash and in kind from different external stakeholders QUANTITY a) 75,000 for a sch with 100-300 population = 6 b) 150,000 for a sch with 301-500 population = 6 c) 250,000 for a sch with 501-1,000 population = 6 d) 50,000 for a sch with less than 100 population (NOTE: Compute 15% of the amount to get 8, then another 15% to get the 10 pts.) ______________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 5 6 QUALITY QUALITY Documentary evidence showing technical assistance provided to teachers Brigada Eskwela Plus supported by different stakeholders. a) b) c) d) e) 6 or more groups 5 groups 4 groups 3 groups 2 or 1 = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 Monthly donations Quarterly donations Semestral donations Annual donations 100 % of the teachers 85% of the teachers 70% of the teachers 55% of the teachers 40% of the teachers = = = = = 10 8 6 4 2 TIME TIME a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) e) = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 3.3 Instructional/Supervisory Activities of School Head a) b) c) d) e) Weekly Monthly Quarterly Semestral Yearly =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 B. Principle 2: Curriculum and Instruction QUANTITY 1 Instructional supervision/technical support done at least 20 x a month a) 30 x a month b) 25 x a month c) 20 x a month d) 15 x a month e) 10 x a month ___________________________________ = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 The curriculum provides for the development needs of all types of learners in the school community QUANTITY Held at least 4 school activities geared towards student improved learning outcomes =6 ___________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 7 8 (NOTE: Compute 15% of the 4 to get 8, then another 15% to get the 10 pts.) QUALITY (NOTE: Compute 15% of the 3 to get 8, then another 15% to get the 10 pts.) QUALITY Documentary evidence of these activities done at least twice a quarter with at least 80% participation from different types of stakeholders = 6 Documentary evidences on materials used and activities done to localize the curriculum per grade/curriculum level with at least 75% evidence of increase in student performance =6 (NOTE: Compute 15% of the 80% to get 8, then another 15% to get the 10 pts.) (NOTE: Compute 15% of 75% to get 8, then another 15% to get the 10 pts.) TIME a) b) c) d) e) 2 June-August Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-Apr May =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 Implemented curriculum is localized to make it more meaningful to the learners and applicable to life in the community QUANTITY School leadership initiative of at least 3 activities localizing the curriculum at all grade/year levels TIME a) b) c) d) e) June-August Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-Apr May =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 3 A representative group of school community stakeholders develop the methods and materials for developing creative thinking and problem solving _________________________________ Initiative from stakeholders per grade/year level geared towards developing creative thinking and problem solving skills of pupils/students _______________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 =6 9 10 a) b) c) d) e) QUANTITY 4 per grade/year level in a year 3 per grade/year level in a year 2 per grade/year level in a year 1 per grade/year level in a year None at all =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 QUALITY Documentary evidence of at least 75% increase of pupils/students’ academic performance showing use of the initiatives prepared by the stakeholders = 6 (NOTE: Compute 15% of 75% to get 8, then another 15% to get the 10 pts.) TIME a) b) c) d) e) June-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-Apr May =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 4 Learning systems are regularly & collaboratively monitored by the community using appropriate tools to ensure the holistic growth and development of learners and the community. a) b) c) d) e) Five stakeholders group Four stakeholders group Three stakeholders group Two stakeholders group One stakeholders group =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 QUALITY Documentary evidence showing of an appropriate monitoring tool prepared and used by the stakeholders per learning activity a) b) c) d) Four monitoring tools Three monitoring tools Two monitoring tools One monitoring tool = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 TIME a) b) c) d) e) June-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-Apr May =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 5 Appropriate assessment tools for teaching learning are continuously reviewed and improved, and assessment results are contextualized to the learner and local situation and the attainment of relevant life skills QUANTITY Group of stakeholders work with the school in monitoring school activities that take care of the holistic growth and development of the learners _________________________________ _________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 11 12 QUANTITY TIME School level initiated assessment tool per grade/year level for the continues review, improvement and assessment of results of activities which are designed to localize the curriculum a) b) c) d) Four assessment tools Three assessment tools Two assessment tools One assessment tool = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 June-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-Apr May =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 6 Learning managers and facilitators nurture values and environment that are protective of all children and demonstrate behaviors consistent to the organization’s vision, mission and goals QUANTITY School Head takes the lead in initiating school activities that develop the values and love of environment among pupils/students QUALITY Documentary evidence showing standard increase in academic performance of students as a result of the localization of the curriculum For Elementary: a) 87 % up b) 77% c) 67% d) 57% e) 47% down a) b) c) d) e) a) b) c) d) = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 At least four activities in a sch year At least three activities in a sch year At least two activities in a sch year At least one activity in a sch year = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 QUALITY 75% of the school initiated activities have documentary evidence linking them to the DepEd overall VMGO Learning managers and facilitators nurture values and environment For Secondary: a) 62% up =10 b) 55% = 8 c) 48% = 6 d) 41% = 4 e) 34% = 2 _________________________________ (NOTE: Compute 15% of 75% to get 8, then another 15% to get the 10 pts.) _______________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 13 14 QUALITY TIME a) b) c) d) e) June-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-Apr May =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 7 Methods and resources are learner and community friendly, enjoyable, safe, inclusive, accessible & aimed at developing self-directed learners. QUANTITY Installed a mechanism per grade/year level showing methods and resources which are learner and community friendly, enjoyable, safe, inclusive, accessible & aimed at developing self-directed learners. a) b) c) d) Four mechanisms per grade/year level Three mechanisms per grade/yr level Two mechanisms per grade/yr level One mechanism per grade/yr level = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 _______________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 15 Have documentary evidence showing each mechanism working effectively with positive results: a) b) c) d) Four positive results Three positive results Two positive results One positive result = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 TIME a) b) c) d) e) June-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-Apr May =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 8 Learners are equipped with essential knowledge, skills and values to assure responsibility and accountability for their own learning QUANTITY Pupil/Student initiated activity per grade/year level showing leadership application of knowledge & skills which are values driven done in at least 4 times in a school year a) 1 pupil/student activity 4 x a sch year = 10 b) 1 pupil/student activity 3 x a sch year = 8 c) 1 pupil/student activity 2 x a sch year = 6 d) Pupil/student activity with tchr intervention= 4 ___________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 16 QUALITY Documentary evidence of at least 1 for every 2 pupil/student initiated activities with 75% proof of success shown in figures and pictures. QUALITY Documentary evidence: =6 (NOTE: Compute 15% of 75% to get 8, then another 15% to get the 10 pts.) TIME a) b) c) d) e) 9 June-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-Apr May =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 Conduct of School Level INSETs QUANTITY a) 75% of sch INSET/staff development activities are based on NCBTS-TSNA/relevant documents showing need b) With program design c) With training matrix d) Standard Trainer-Facilitator ratio (at least 50 in a group) e) With Training Completion Report f) With approved letter of proposal by the SDS endorsed by the PSDS All of the 6 indicators present Any 5 of the 6 indicators Any 4 of the 6 indicators Any 3 of the 6 indicators Any 2 of the 6 indicators School Head is able to take the lead in conducting a school level INSET a) b) c) d) Four INSET/staff dev’t activities in a SY Three INSET/staff dev’t activities in a SY Two INSET/staff dev’t activities in a SY One INSET/staff dev’t activity in a year = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 TIME a) b) c) d) e) May-July Aug-Oct Nov-Jan Feb -Mar April _________________________________ _________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 17 =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 18 10 Utilization of books from the Library Hub All of the 8 indicators present Any 7 of the 8 indicators present Any 6 of the 8 indicators present Any 5 of the 8 indicators present Any 4 of the 8 indicators present QUANTITY Is a regular borrower of the books from the Library Hub a) b) c) d) e) Borrowed 7 x with 7 titles in a SY Borrowed 6 x with 6 titles in a SY Borrowed 5 x with 5 titles in a SY Borrowed 4 x with 4 titles in a SY Borrowed 3 x with 3 titles in a SY = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 TIME QUALITY Documentary evidences of the ff: Increase of at least 2% in the NAT MPS in English and Filipino as a result of the regular implementation of the School Wide Synchronized Reading Program a) School Program indicating the reading schedule using the books from the Library Hub b) Borrowers’ book/logbook showing pupils/students borrowing books borrowed from the Library Hub c) School Head’s initiative encouraging the use of the books from the Library Hub d) Borrower’s sheet e) School level initiative showing use of the Library Hub f) Designation of a School Library Hub Coordinator g) No losses/damages of books borrowed from the hub _________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 Monthly = 10 Quarterly = 8 Semestral = 6 Yearly = 4 Principle 3: Accountability and Continuous Improvement 1 Roles and responsibilities of accountable persons(s) and collective body(ies) are clearly defined and agreed upon by the community stakeholders QUANTITY An official designation per accountable person shown in documents a) b) c) d) e) 6 accountable persons with designations 5 accountable persons with designations 4 accountable persons with designations 3 accountable persons with designations 2 accountable persons with designations ______________________________________ =10 = 8 = 6 =4 =2 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 20 19 2 QUALITY Documentary evidences needed: a) b) c) d) e) Organizational structure Well defined roles & functions Signed designations by the SH Designation marked “received” by the addressee Minutes of the activities involving designated persons performing as expected f) Minutes of meeting of SH informing the school on the designations made g) An external stakeholder designated to a task/responsibility h) Minutes of PTA meetings informing the community of school officials with designations All 8 indicators present Any 7 of the 8 indicators present Any 6 of the 8 indicators present Any 5 of the 8 indicators present Any 4 of the 8 indicators present =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 June-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-Apr May QUANTITY School has the following structures: a) Fiscal Committee (with BAC, inspectorate, designated Book keeper, etc) b) Has a School Planning Team/School Implementation Team c) Has a School INSET Team d) Has a functional Teachers’ League/Organization e) Has an active pupil/student org or SGC f) Has a concerned and active PTA g) Has other organizations/NGO collaboratively helping the school in increasing the academic performance All of the 7 indicators present Any 6 of the 7 indicators present Any 5 of the 7 indicators present Any 4 of the 7 indicators present Any 3 of the 7 indicators present TIME a) b) c) d) e) Achievement goal is recognized based on collaboratively developed performance accountability system; gaps are addressed through appropriate action = 10 = 8 =6 =4 =2 =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 ____________________________________ _________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 21 22 QUALITY Documentary evidence on the following: a) 100% liquidation of all types of funds with evidences of liquidation done at least a week after consumption of funds b) Prompt submission of liquidation documents to the division office as evidenced with the mark “received” by authorized officer c) On purchases using the usual standard operating procedures by the COA in acquiring school properties/supplies/goods using school funds d) Records of properties whether governmentowned/acquired or donated e) Documentation on resolutions done addressing gaps/issues relating to accountability and continuous improvement of school through school head’s initiative f) Timely resolution to gaps/issues/concerns collaboratively done by the school with the help of the community g) Copy of action plan for every undertaking done by the school indicating specific targets for every school activity undertaken by the different structure/mechanism organized h) Evidence of a positive result to a resolution provided _______________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 All 8 indicators present Any 7 of the 8 indicators present Any 6 of the 8 indicators present Any 5 of the 8 indicators present Any 4 of the 8 indicators present = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 TIME a) b) c) d) e) 3 June-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-Apr May =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 Participatory assessment of performance is done regularly with the community. Assessment results and lessons learned serve as basis for feedback, technical assistance/recognition of plan QUANTITY 50% of the parents per class are involved in the assessment of performance of pupils/students as evidenced in the attendance and minutes of meeting. (NOTE: Compute 15% of 50% to get 8, then another 15% to get the 10 pts.) _________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 23 24 TIME a) b) c) d) e) QUALITY Documentary evidence of the following: a) Notice of meetings with agenda specific to include assessment of pupils/students performance b) Minutes of meeting capturing discussion on interest of parents to the assessment performance of their children c) Minutes/Resolutions made in the interest of performance of pupils/students d) Evidence of parents taking the lead in the assessment performance of pupils/students e) School initiated intervention to address concerns/issues on performance of pupils f) Supervisory plan of School Heads showing technical assistance measures for teachers needing technical help g) Minutes of small group discussion/mentoring sessions of School Heads with teachers h) Results of Classroom Observation with agreements drawn between the School Head and the teachers concerned All 8 indicators present Any 7 of the 8 indicators present Any 6 of the 8 indicators present Any 5 of the 8 indicators present Any 4 of the 8 indicators present = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 _________________________________ 4 June-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-Apr May =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 On performance Indicators QUANTITY A marked increase of NAT result over the previous year 5 pt increase over the past year 4 pt increase over the past year 3 pt increase over the past year 2 pt increase over the past year QUALITY = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 Over all NAT result of the school against the 2015 EFA revised targets: For Elementary: 85% and above 84% -75% 74% - 65% 64% - 55% 54% - 45% _________________________________ =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 25 26 TIME (A generic grade of 10 is given to School Heads under this indicator) 5 Training and Development Needs a) b) c) d) QUANTITY e) 60% of the teachers have documentary evidence to have accomplished NCBTS/TSNA and the school head the NCBSSH/TDNA (NOTE: Compute 15% of 60% to get 8, then another 15% to get the 10 pts.) QUALITY 60% of the teachers have documentary evidence to have prepared their IPPDs/ and the school head to prepare the SPPD (NOTE: Compute 15% of 60% to get 8, then another 15% to get the 10 pts.) TIME (A generic grade of 10 is given to School Heads under this indicator) 6 School Administrator efforts for professional development relevant to the position _________________________________ f) QUANTITY Full-fledge doctor or its equivalent Full-fledge Masters or its equivalent Action research on relevant topics to education/professional growth School Head tapped as trainer/facilitator in the division/district training Officership/membership of community organization Special assignment/task done by the School Head relevant to the position All of the 6 indicators present Any 5 of the 6 indicators present Any 4 of the 6 indicators present Any 3 of the 6 indicators present Any 1 of the 6 indicators present =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 QUALITY School innovation/research which is conceptualized by the SH: a) Data-driven b) Product of collaboration with teachers c) Community involved in the discussion during planning and actual implementation d) With well-defined steps of actions & critical processes to reach the targets ___________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 27 28 e) Must be a response/action of a pressing issue/concern/need in school or district f) With documents showing positive results g) Results validated by the community and teachers All of the 7 indicators present Any 6 of the 7 indicators present Any 5 of the 7 indicators present Any 4 of the 7 indicators present Any 3 of the 7 indicators present = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 TIME a) b) c) d) e) 7 June-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-Apr May =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 Number of Readers in the school (NOTE: Compute 15% of 80% to get 8, then another 15% to get the 10 pts.) QUALITY Documentary evidence of the following: a) Documentation of the results b) Appropriate intervention for non readers designed c) Tracking system as to the progress of pupils/students provided with intervention d) Collaborative work among teachers in providing the intervention e) School Head providing technical support in the reading remediation/intervention activities All of the 5 indicators present Any 4 of the 5 indicators present Any 3 of the 5 indicators present Any 2 of the 5 indicators present Any 1 of the 5 indicators present =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 TIME (in providing intervention) QUANTITY 80% of the school population are readers (frustration, instructional or independent) Ref. Phil-IRI for elem/ORV for secondary ___________________________ a) June-Aug b) Sept-Nov c) Dec-Feb d) Mar-Apr e) May _________________________________ =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 29 30 8 All of the 4 indicators present Any 3 of the 4 indicators present Any 2 of the 4 indicators present Any 1 of the 4 indicators present On the conduct of SReYA (for Kindergarten) QUANTITY = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 Conduct of SReYA is characterized by the following: TIME a) b) c) d) Done at the end of March Done to 100% of children in kindergarten With report on the result of SReYA Involvement of community/parent in the conduct of the SReYA All of the 4 indicators present = 10 Any 3 of the 4 indicators present = 8 Any 2 of the 4 indicators present = 6 Any 1 of the 4 indicators present = 4 Beginning of March Middle of March End of March April May 9 = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 Organization of SPED classes QUANTITY QUALITY Indicators: a) School Head provides technical assistance to teachers in the conduct of the assessment b) Documentary evidence on the interpretation done in the results of the assessment c) Collaborative discussion of the results between the Kindergarten teacher and the Grade 1 teachers d) School Head provides assistance to teachers in the preparation of action plan _________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 One SPED class organized a) With 5 exceptionalities b) With 4 exceptionalities c) With 3 exceptionalities d) With 2 exceptionalities e) With 1 exceptionality QUALITY = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 SPED classes characterized by the following features: a) Inclusive education b) Self-contained _______________________________________ 31 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 32 c) Accessibility of learning materials to special children d) Presence of school structures that are friendly to special children e) Modality of instruction to special children (i.e. distance education) f) School programs involve presence of special children All of the 6 indicators present Any 5 of the 6 indicators present Any 4 of the 6 indicators present Any 3 of the 6 indicators present Any 2 of the 6 indicators present =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 TIME a) b) c) d) 10 May-June July-Sept Oct-Nov Dec-Jan =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 Awards received by the school QUALITY Is able to send to the National Level Is able to send to the Regional Level Is able to send to the Division Level Is able to send to the District Level At the school level = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 TIME (A generic grade of 10 is given to the school head under this category) 11 On performance indicators QUANTITY Completion Rate (current ) 95% 85% 75% 65% 55% =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 QUANTITY National Level Regional Level Division Level District Level School Level =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 _______________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 33 QUALITY (against last year) Increase of 7% over the last year data Increase of 6% over the last year data Increase of 5% over the last year data Increase of 4% over the last year data Increase of 3 % over the last year data ___________________________________ =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 34 TIME Submitted on March Submitted on April Submitted on May Submitted on June of the following SY =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 13 Drop out Rate Formula: Saved SARDO divided by Identified SARDO multiply by 100 to get the % of saved SARDO QUANTITY 12 Survival Rate (current data) QUALITY 95% 85% 75% 65% 55% QUALITY (against last year data) Increase of 7% over the last year data Increase of 6% over the last year data Increase of 5% over the last year data Increase of 4% over the last year data Increase of 3 % over the last year data =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 QUALITY Indicators: =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 TIME Submitted on March Submitted on April Submitted on May Submitted on June of the following SY 100% saved SARDO 75% saved SARDO 50% saved SARDO 25% saved SARDO Below 25 % =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 a) b) c) d) e) School DORP Plan implemented Best practices documented School DORP team organized School DORP council organized DORP capability building conducted All 5 indicators present Any 4 of the 5 indicators present Any 3 of the 5 indicators present Any 2 of the 5 indicators present Any 1 of the 5 indicators present _______________________________________ =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 ___________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 36 35 TIME Monthly Quarterly Semestral Yearly QUANTITY All of the 7 indicators present Any 6 of the 7 indicators present Any 5 of the 7 indicators present Any 4 of the 7 indicators present Any 3 of the 7 indicators present =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 QUALITY School has organized a system of inventory of human resources with the following features: Principle 4: Management of Resources 1. Inventory of School Resources A. On Teaching & Non-Teaching A.1 Compilation of the following: 1. 201 files of teaching and non-teaching staff in school 2. Summary of teaching & non-teaching profile 3. Updated record of teaching & non-teaching training & staff development activities attended by both the teaching & non-teaching staff 4. BEIS documentation showing analysis of critical needs of the school 5. Tracking system of teaching & non-teaching welfare 6. School initiated program/activities that take care of the health and wellness of the teaching & non-teaching staff 7. School initiated efforts to give awards/incentives to teaching & non-teaching staff with exemplary performance ___________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 37 1) A well-defined structure that is tasked to do the regular inventory 2) Composition of the structure involves external stakeholders 3) Parent representative present in the structure 4) With documents showing the critical analysis of the resources available in school showing gaps if there are 5) With documents showing actions undertaken to address the gaps if there are 6) School initiative/efforts to close the gaps if there are All of the 6 indicators present = 10 Any 5 of the 6 indicators present = 8 Any 4 of the 6 indicators present = 6 Any 3 of the 6 indicators present = 4 Any 2 of the 6 indicators present = 2 __________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 38 TIME 7) With organized school guidance program 8) With feeding program or similar school initiative Beginning of the SY 2nd Quarter of the SY 3RD Quarter of the SY 4th Quarter of the SY End of the SY = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 All 8 indicators present Any 8 of the 8 indicators present Any 7 of the 8 indicators present Any 6 of the 8 indicators present Any 5 of the 8 indicators present B. On Student Development 1 Increase of enrolment = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 TIME QUANTITY 4% increase over the previous school year 3% increase over the previous school year 2% increase over the previous school year 1% increase over the previous school year Below 1% increase over the previous SY = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 QUALITY 1) Absence of child-teacher conflict in school 2) Absence of parent-school-teacher conflict 3) Minimal contribution by pupils/students 4) Presence of external stakeholders’ support to pupils/students’ welfare 5) Clean environment 6) Presence of guards/barangay tanods providing peace/security in the school campus ____________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 End of July End of August End of September End of October = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 C. On School Physical Facilities Files of the following: 1) Inventory of school buildings with appropriate comments 2) Inventory of books & other learning materials properly labeled with status of usability 3) Inventory of laboratory equipment with status of usability 4) Inventory of school furniture & status of usability 5) Inventory of equipment both government acquired and donated with status of usability _____________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 39 40 6) Report on property damages 7) Report on gaps/issues/concerns on school physical facilities 8) Relevant documents to physical documents on file QUANTITY All 8 indicators present Any 8 of the 8 indicators present Any 7 of the 8 indicators present Any 6 of the 8 indicators present Any 5 of the 8 indicators present = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 QUALITY School Physical Facilities Inventory is characterized by the following features: 1) Updated 2) Collaborative (with the school heads and a parent representative) 3) With appropriate comments 4) Loses are properly recorded 5) Loses/breakage and similar issues properly documented 6) Care, use and maintenance system of the school facilities well defined 7) Care, use and maintenance system of the school facilities practiced ______________________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 41 All of the 7 indicators present Any 6 of the 7 indicators present Any 5 of the 7 indicators present Any 4 of the 7 indicators present Any 3 of the 7 indicators present =10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 TIME End of August End of November End of February End of May = 10 = 8 = 6 = 4 ______________________________ Performance Evaluation System for Administrators (PESA) Division of Negros Oriental, SY 2013-2014 42 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education DIVISION OF NEGROS ORIENTAL Dumaguete City PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS (PESA) For the Division of Negros Oriental School Year 2013-2014 Prepared by the Members of the Promotional Staff DepEd, Division of Negros Oriental