Chemistry Stacy Hernandez Rm #: E220 E-mail: Classroom Rules • Be in your seat in time, prepared (with all relevant learning materials) and ready to learn when the bell rings. • Respect others and their property. • Absolutely no drinks, food, or candy. • Observe good classroom manners (use polite and appropriate language, raise your hand to speak, be respectful when someone else is speaking, behave when guests are in the room, avoid disruptive and combative behavior, etc.) • No CD players, MP3s, or other unauthorized electronics. • Follow all directions. Consequences Warning Conference with Teacher Phone call home Referral to the principal’s office; call to parents Positive Reinforcement The student will receive a verbal praise in recognition of exemplary behavior and/or academic behavior. A phone call home will be made to parents to advise of the student’s outstanding behavior and/ or academic performance. When perfect attendance for the class is achieved, every student receives extra points on their daily quiz or assignment. Rewards or allowances are negotiable between the student and the teacher (such as extra time to turn in an assignment, etc.) Perfect attendance points. Tardy Policy You are expected to be in class on time. You must be in your seat, with the necessary materials by the time the tardy bell rings. The campus lock-out policy described in the student handbook will be observed. Grading Policy 45% -- Daily Work: class work, homework, and quizzes 40% -- Major Grades: projects, chapter tests, and notebooks 15% -- Nine Weeks Test Assignments Students will be expected to keep binder for this class and must have it on hand every single class period. If a student fails to bring the notebook to class, he or she may receive an unsatisfactory grade for not being prepared. Any homework that is assigned must be handed in a timely manner. Late work • 10 pts off 1 day late • Nothing else will be excepted after 1 late Procedures Sign in as soon as you arrive in class and then sit down ready to work. Do not stand in front of my doorway Cornell notes will be used and graded Bathroom Policy Every student will be given a label sticker that will have 5 slots for bathroom breaks per semester. This will be put on the front of your binder. Every time you use the restroom I will initial the slots, so you must have your binder in order to use the restroom. If all 5 slots are not used in the semester, 5 extra points will be Course Description In Chemistry, students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students study a variety of topics that include characteristics of matter, use of the Periodic Table, development of atomic theory and chemical bonding, chemical stoichiometry, gas laws, solution chemistry, thermochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Students will investigate how chemistry is an integral Tentative 1st 9 weeks Unit 01: Laboratory Management Unit 02: Matter Unit 03: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table Unit 04: Chemical Bonding Homework 1) 2) Have you and your parents read over the syllabus. Cut and sign the bottom portion and return to me next class period. Have you and your parents read over the safety contract and rules. Cut and sign the bottom portion and return to me next class period. (Coming soon: Safety Pop Quiz) Who are you? Introductions • Name • 2 truths and 1 lie