Advanced Topics In Applied Sciences Disclosure (Syllabus) I

Advanced Topics In Applied Sciences Disclosure (Syllabus)
I. COURSE: Advanced Topics in Applied Sciences (Instructor: Jay Marshall, M.D.)
II. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Advanced Topics in Applied Science is a discussion
course designed to go beyond AP Chemistry, AP Physics and AP Calculus in
exploring the physical bases of selected chemistry concepts and the mathematics
(including vector calculus) that support them. In particular we will focus on the role
of our understanding of electromagnetic radiation in the development of atomic
theory and the natural outgrowth of laboratory techniques that accompanied this
development—namely, the various forms of spectroscopy—along with their roles in
laboratory analysis. Wherever possible, we will apply our learning to applications
in the real world, including those associated with organic chemistry and
environmental issues. As time and resources permit, we will also supplement our
learning with hands-on laboratory activities.
Pre-requisites: AP Chemistry, AP Calculus-BC, and AP Physics 1, 2 or C (or
concurrent enrollment in either of these courses).
III. TEXT: There is no text for this course. Source material will consist primarily of
notes handouts and materials from on-line sources.
We will begin with a discussion of the perception of electromagnetic radiation and
the development of spectroscopy and spectrophotometry as a tool in laboratory
analysis. From there we will develop the mathematical skills necessary to
understand the history of the development of our understanding of electromagnetic
radiation. Finally, we will discuss the influence our understanding of EMR had on
the development of an understanding of the structure of the atom. As our
discussions occur, a variety of tangential topics will arise and we will try to take
advantage of as many of these as possible.
Required Materials—
-Please obtain a three ring binder, (preferably a two to three-inch binder) to
be used just for this class—this binder will be used to maintain notes
Lecture— Class notes for lectures will be regularly provided on the web site in
advance of the corresponding class time. This will contain material to be used to
guide our discussions of the outlined topics and should be available to the student at
the time of the discussion. A participation grade of up to 10 points per class period
will be awarded.
SAHS Adv Topics Chem 2015-2016
Syllabus-Course Disclosure
Labs— Lab activities will be dispersed throughout the course of the year and will be
hands-on experiences related directly to the development of an understanding of
spectroscopic techniques. For most labs there will be a pre-lab handout and
discussion to review concepts and expectations for performance and write-up of the
lab. The lab handouts should be maintained in the binder. From this discussion,
students will need to write a title, purpose, procedure and any data tables necessary
for performance of the lab prior to the actual lab. If this is not completed by lab time,
the student will not be able to participate in the lab and will lose all points for the
lab (although the student may be able to recoup some of these points). Following
the lab, the lab handout will also direct you in writing a results and conclusion
section. The lab notebook will be due the class period following the lab activity.
Depending on the nature of the lab, each activity will be worth between 20 and 50
A laboratory safety contract will be issued the first day of class and this must be
signed by both the student and parent by the first lab period or the student will not
be allowed to participate.
Homework—although periodic short writing activities will be assigned, as this is
primarily a discussion class with most of the work being performed during class
time, the amount of homework will be minimal. Point totals will vary depending on
the activity.
Tests—Tests will generally occur at the end of every major topic. Point totals will
vary but will usually range between 100 and 150 points. Semester finals will be
comprehensive. A detailed study guide will be provided for each test on the web
Quarter Grade
The quarter grade will be based on a simple summation of all available points.
Weight is given to each type of activity simply through the number of points
available for that activity.
The quarter grade will be determined based on the percentages outlined by school
Class Rules—see class rules posted online.
Students can meet with me from 7:30 to 8:15 am on Monday and Wednesday or
after school on most days. You may also contact me as necessary through the school
email, If you are struggling please do not hesitate to get
help. I am committed to your learning.
SAHS Adv Topics Chem 2015-2016
Syllabus-Course Disclosure