Course Guidelines

Class Period:
Ms. Revill
Contact Information:
Room: M320
Phone: 713-865-440 (x450)
Dear Student,
Welcome to English 2 at Reagan High School. Students who work hard and follow instructions
will have a great experience in this class.
General Rules and Expectations:
1) Be on time.
2) Come prepared (binder, pen/pencil, paper, brain).
3) No cell phones.
4) Actively participate.
Bathroom/Hall Pass Policy:
Each student will have a restroom pass with his/her name on it. You may use this pass 4 times
per six weeks (that is a VERY generous amount). Each time you use the pass, I will cut off one
corner (Hence, 4 corners, and 4 uses). Once all 4 corners have been cut, your pass is void. I will
cut it in half, and you may no longer leave the room for any reason, short of a life-threatening
and cut one of your 4 corners anyway. You may ONLY use your pass during independent work
time. Take your pass out, come to me for permission and a corner cut, and then go about your
business. This pass will stay with me and you will take the classroom pass to the bathroom. If
the bathroom pass goes missing and you were the last person to use it you are responsible for
replacing it.
Tardy Policy:
If you are tardy, you must go get a tardy tracker from the main office. When you come in the
room, write your name and the date on the tardy sheet, pick up your handouts, and quietly join
in the lesson. DO NOT come in talking/explaining yourself because you are further disrupting
the lesson. When instructional time is over, I will cut a corner of each tardy student’s restroom
pass. Because you were not on time, you lost one of your four hall pass privileges.
English 2 Binder:
Each student is REQUIRED to bring a binder for this class. This binder will be a critical element
of your success in my class. I will have a designated file cabinet for each class period, and you
may leave your binders there, if you do not trust yourself to take them home. Each student
must keep track of all his or her assignments in this binder. You will have a table of contents
sheet that must be up to date, as well as a calendar to be completed with important dates/due
dates, etc. You must have this binder in class by Friday, August 30, 2013 FOR A DAILY GRADE.
Additionally, this binder’s contents and organization will be checked once per six weeks for a
grade. We will organize/set up your binders next week.
Teacher Absences:
I will always try to tell you in advance if I am going to be absent for any reason. Usually, you will
know what your assignment is before you come to school that day. No matter what the
substitute teacher tells you, you MUST turn in your completed work BEFORE you leave class
that day. If your substitute teacher tells you to take it home and finish it, politely tell them that
Ms. Johnson has asked that your work be turned in before you leave the room. While I am
gone, YOU ALL are the ones who know how this classroom runs, so YOU ALL are expected to
run it accordingly. Do your work, and turn it in THAT DAY, whether my absence is planned or
Student Absences:
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to gather the assignments you have missed. Missed
assignments will always be in the appropriate folder in the “Missed Assignments” section of the
student paper box. I will not remind you to get your assignment. This is on you if you want to
get a grade for it. You have three school days to complete and turn in any missed assignments.
Late Work:
If you were IN CLASS for the assignment, I will not accept it late. You may have opportunities to
replace these grades at a later date. If you choose not to do an assignment/homework you
must fill out a Pink Slip from the Student Paper Box. I use the papers you turn in as a way to
take attendance. If you don’t turn anything into the box I will assume you weren’t here and
mark you absent.
To Bring Your Grade Up:
Your restroom passes have the ability to directly affect your grade in this class. For however
many corners of you pass that remain uncut (i.e. you have not used the restroom all 4 times), I
will replaced one daily grade with a 100. For example, if you only left class twice, you get two
daily 100s in place of your lowest two grades. If you never left class, you get 4 daily 100s in
place of your 4 lowest grades. This could make a big difference for your grade, so use your
passes wisely.
Ms. Revill’s Pet Peeve:
1) Do not ask if me we can have a free day or “just chill today.” We have a goal in this class, and
in order to reach it, we need to MAXIMIZE instructional time. Any free day we do have will be
premeditated. You asking me for one will NEVER influence me to give you one so don’t do it.
2) Do not talk/text/sleep while I am teaching or refuse to work. That’s rude and disrespectful,
and I am here to help you learn and get on track to graduate. You are only hurting yourself by
slacking off.
3) DO NOT leave trash in my classroom or draw/write/whatever on my posters or walls.
EVERY DAY when you enter the room (on time), we will have the same routine.
1) Get your composition notebook from the bookshelf by the door. It is by the door for easy
pick up on the way to your desk.
2) Pick up today’s handouts. Handouts will be on the table by the computer. Obtain any
forgotten utensils from the student resource box on the bookcase and have a seat in your
assigned seat.
3) Warm Ups. There will be a “Warm up” on the board or projector screen. You will have 5
minutes to complete this activity SILENTLY. Do not wait to start your warm up until the bell
rings. It is to be done while you wait.
4) The Day’s Lesson. The lesson will be carried out. If I am instructing, you must be actively
participating and following directions.
5) Turn in assignments (to the appropriate box on the bookcase). Clean up your desk area.
Return any borrowed items to the student resource center.
6) Stay in your seat until the bell rings. DO NOT LINE UP AT THE DOOR.
7) Push in your chairs, and exit the classroom.
*This will be the routine you follow every single day. I should not have to remind you about any
of this after the first week of school.
Student Agreement:
I have read and understood all of the information listed above about what is expected of me in
Ms. Revill’s class. I will abide by these expectations and try my best in this class. I understand
the rewards and consequences associated with following/not following these regulations.
Student Signature