Welcome to Physical Science

Clover High School – Mrs. Kathryn Stabell 2014
(803)810-8200 ext. 8253
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Biology is a laboratory-based course designed to familiarize
students with the major concepts of biological science. The course focus will include nine major
themes: inquiry, biochemistry, cells, cell cycle, cell energy, DNA, heredity, evolution, and
ecology. Course work provides opportunities for students to develop science process skills,
critical thinking, and an appreciation for the nature of science through in depth inquiry-based
laboratory activities. Unit assessments will include EOC style, rigorous, higher level thinking
questions as preparation for the EOC exam. All South Carolina Biology Standards will be
covered; for a list of these standards, please consult the teacher website.
END OF COURSE EXAM (EOC): Your final exam for this course will be a state-prepared end
of course (EOC) test consisting of about 65 multiple-choice, higher-order thinking questions.
The questions will be cumulative from the entire course. This test will count for 20% of your
final course grade.
CLASS WEBSITE and My Big Campus: On these sites, students and parents will find a daily
agenda with classroom goals, assignments, assessments, and important dates. PLEASE utilize
these websites for up-to-date information, especially if you are absent from class.
PARENT COMMUNICATION: Parents are welcome to telephone the school and leave a
message. However, it is more expedient to send an email to kathryn.stabell@clover.k12.sc.us.
Expect a response within 24 hours unless school is not in session. Parent conferences are
scheduled through the CHS guidance department.
PARENT PORTAL: Online view of the grade book that is updated weekly.
(1) 1½ - 2" 3 ring binder (stays in the classroom for class work-recycle an old one if you can)
5 divider tabs or post it note tabs or colored paper (divide your notebook for each science
standard...I'm not picky)
300 index cards or composition notebook (vocabulary) (Use which ever system you prefer and
learn best using)
plastic 2 pocket folder (take unfinished class work home to finish)
writing utensil (pencil or pen: your choice...just have something everyday
ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS: Students are expected to maintain an organized notebook,
participate in class activities, complete all required assignments, and come to class prepared with
all assignments completed and the proper materials.
ABSENCES: The “Clover School District Policy” for absences allows five days for students to
collect missing assignments and an additional five days for them to complete the missing work.
If a student misses a class, it is solely his or her responsibility to consult the website or teacher
within the first five days back concerning missing work or missed assignments. Students are
responsible for collecting their make-up work.
Laboratory Safety/Inquiry
Cell Cycle
11, 12, 13, 14
8, 9
Cellular Energy
3, 4, 5, 6
15, 16, 17, 18
Biological Evolution
All Chapters
Review & EOC exam
 Chapter references indicate that selected sections of the chapters will be used.
 Time allotted for topics are estimates. They can and will be modified if necessary.
GRADING: All graded assignments will be noted in advance. Be sure to note due dates and
point values. See below for differences between major and minor assignments.
Calculating grade percentage: Divide the points earned by total points possible and move the
decimal point 2 places. For example, if a student earned 78 points and 100 were possible, the
grade is 78  100= 0.78 or 78%.
Grades for this class will come from several different types of assignments including:
Major grades: 60% of class grade  Test (conclusion of each unit)
 Formal lab report (1 per
 Project (2 per quarter)
 Vocabulary flashcards
(conclusion of each unit)
Minor grades: 40% of class grade  Participation/class management (noted
 Assignments/Homework/Quizzes (at
least 2 per week)
 Informal lab/activities (at least 1 per
Final course average will be calculated by averaging the 9-weeks scores from both quarters and
the Semester exam/End-Of-Course Test Score as follows:
Semester Coursework (Two 9-weeks averages)
Semester Exam/End of Course Test
LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments are accepted late with penalty points deducted each day.
Homework is NEVER accepted late.
CLASSWORK: Includes labs, activities and projects.
HOMEWORK: Lecture notes, completion of any unfinished work in class, and vocabulary
TESTS: Written tests will be given after each unit. Test dates are posted on our class website, in
the classroom and it is the student’s responsibly to check this calendar. Tests consist of
multiple choice questions, matching; fill in the blank and free response. Tests may include items
from notes, labs, reading assignments, videos, and any classwork.
EXTRA CREDIT: As extra credit is not available, please complete all assignments to the
best of your ability.
LAB: Lab is an integral part of the science course. At least one lab per unit and approximately
50-75% of class time will be spent completing hands on activities. Students must have a lab
safety contract on file to complete the labs; students not having a signed lab contract on file
will receive no points for labs until it is turned in! Students will work in groups on most labs
and are expected to work as a cohesive unit to complete the activity; however each student is
responsible for completing their own formal or informal lab write-up.
INTERIM AND REPORT CARDS: An interim will be sent home half way through each nine
weeks, with a complete list of assignments and points earned. Emails will also be sent to parents
of student’s in danger of failing.
TUTORING AND MAKE UP WORK: Additional help is available before and after school.
See Ms. Stabell for available times.
BATHROOM PASSES: Students will be given nine bathroom passes to use each quarter. No
additional passes will be issued for lost or stolen passes. Students may only use passes when
direct instruction or discussions are not occurring. Unused passes will be noted in your
participation the end of each quarter.
BEHAVIOR: Students are expected to follow the classroom guidelines posted in the classroom
and listed below:
Classroom Guidelines:
1. Interruptions to the learning process are not acceptable. This means students must
act in a manner that does not disrupt the class or distract others.
2. Arrive on time every day prepared for class. This means in the classroom when the
bell rings and immediately beginning your Bell Ringer activity.
3. Do your own work. There will be times for group work and times to work
individually. Using someone else’s work is never tolerated.
4. No inappropriate language or gestures in the classroom.
5. Class ends when the teacher dismisses the class.
6. Comply with ALL other school rules as outlined in the handbook.
Lab Guidelines:
1. Transition quietly to and from your assigned lab station.
2. Follow ALL lab safety rules and actively participate.
3. Students at each station are responsible for their lab equipment/materials. Check
inventory before beginning any lab.
4. Clean up your assigned area, returning all equipment to its original location.
1st Offense: Student is warned, private teacher conference.
2nd Offense: Student is removed and conferenced, referral, parent contact.
3rd Offense: Student is removed from the classroom and referred to an administrator,
parent contact.
4th Offense: Student is removed from the classroom and referred to an administrator,
behavior contract.
*NOTE: If a student risks the safety of anyone in the classroom, he or she must be removed
from class and sent to an administrator immediately.
Clover High School
Classroom Rules & Expectations
Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Ready
All rules for this classroom exist for two primary purposes:
1. To prevent all disruptions of the learning process
2. To insure the safety of all students in the classroom
To achieve the goals set above, students are expected to:
1. Be in assigned seats, working quietly on the Bell Ringer, at the second bell.
2. Be respectful at all times; raise your hand to speak.
3. Be an “On task” student, not a distraction
4. Remain in assigned seats unless given permission.
5. Absolutely no eating or drinking in the classroom/lab except water.
6. Refrain from speaking while the teacher is speaking.
7. Be an active listener while the teacher is speaking.
8. Use equipment and materials exactly as instructed.
9. Keep independent and group work areas clean.
10. Be your own student doing your own work. Note CHS Academic Dishonesty
11. Restroom passes to be used only at the beginning, end or when independently
First Offense:
Second Offense:
Third Offense:
Fourth Offense:
Verbal Warning
Out-of-Class Discussion for Clarification
(If infraction occurs during lab
the consequence is immediate
removal from the lab)
Date, Information, Referral
Change of Seat if Appropriate
Call to Parent
Lunch Detention
If infraction occurs during lab, removal from
lab and recommended ISS.
Date, Information, Notification to
Administrator, Referral
Call to Parent
If infraction occurs during lab, student will
lose lab privileges for remainder of semester
Date, Information, Referral, Administrator to
In the event that classroom rules are broken, the following steps will be taken:
The best discipline plan is a PROACTIVE plan! If you are feeling at all
frustrated with your work or your instructor, please discuss the situation
with your teacher as soon as possible
Print Name:_____________________________________
Please sign the following and return to teacher.
I have read and agree to adhere to the rules and expectations in the classroom as
described above:
Student Signature:___________________________
Parent Signature:____________________________
Please complete this portion of the letter and return by:
Monday, August 25, 2014.
Print Student Name Here
I have read, understand and agree to follow the information in the syllabus,
classroom expectations, and course timeline.
Student Signature_________________________________
Parent Signature _________________________________
Parent Best Contact Information:
Please print clearly
Parent First Name:____________________ Parent Last Name:_____________________
Parent e-mail ____________________________________________________________
Best Phone Number ___________________________
Parent First Name:____________________ Parent Last Name:_____________________
Parent e-mail ____________________________________________________________
Best Phone Number ___________________________
Please note any questions you have about the information your student brought
Please tell me anything of importance or interest you would like for me to know that
might help me better teach your student:
Activity Log: (For school use)
Event Description:
Phone Annedote:
Phone Number:
Action Taken:
Reason for Call: