1 CP LAB BIOLOGY: COURSE SYLLABUS Instructor: Mrs. Jennifer Smith Spring 2015 School Phone: 856-468-1445 ext. 2775 email: jsmith@gcecnj.org Course credits: 5 Room: 254 Textbook: Available free from the NJ Center for Teaching and Learning – www.njctl.org – select courses and Biology Course Description The aim of this course is to help students build an understanding of modern biology on the foundation of their prior learning in physics and chemistry. Biology is devoted to the study of living things and their processes. A key goal of the course is to give students an integrated insight into the modern scientific view of the world. The separation of the sciences into the discrete disciplines of physics, chemistry and biology is becoming less useful; our world is simply not divided up in that way.Students will explore biological science as a process, cell structure and function, molecular biology, genetics and heredity, evolution and ecology. By the conclusion of this course students should have a perspective on the world, and how it works, which will empower them to follow their interests in any direction after high school, either on to college/university or their career. Course Outline Molecular Biology Origin of Life Large Biological Molecules Membranes & Enzymes Genes Metabolism Respiration & Photosynthesis Cellular Biology Prokaryotes & Viruses Eukaryotes Eukaryotic Gene Expression Mitosis and Meiosis Organismic Biology Mendelian Genetics & Inheritance Patterns Evolution & Population Genetics Ecology Requirements and Expectations Students are expected to arrive in class promptly with their binder, pencils and other required materials. Students will log into SMART Response and be seated, ready to begin, prior to the bell indicating the start of class. During class students are expected to participate and show proper respect to their teacher and classmates. In addition, students are expected to follow all rules of behavior listed in their student handbook. It is suggested that students use a three ring binder, as there will be numerous documents, which will need to be kept in an organized manner. These will include handouts, lab reports, homework assignments. This will be important throughout the semester but will be especially important in preparing for the midterm and final exams. Students will be given homework on most nights. These assignments need to be completed by the designated time in order that the student is prepared for class. while HW is not graded, frequent quizzes will assess student understanding of each HW assignment. 2 All course materials are posted at www.njctl.org Students can download and print any lost SMART Notebooks, HW assignments or labs from that site. In addition, if students are absent, they should review the Notebook and HW from that day so as not to fall behind. Course Work and Assessment Students will be assessed based on their results on quizzes, quests and tests as well as their lab work and lab reports. Tests will occur at the end of each unit and are based on about 100 points. Quests are based on 40-60 points and may be given in the middle of a topic or in lieu of a test. Quizzes will have a point value of up to 25 points, and may be given at any time, with or without prior notice. Students will always be given advanced notice of tests and quests. Students can improve their grade by retaking a new version of a quest or test; the highest score will count. There will not be any “extra-credit” projects to improve a student’s grade; they must show that their current understanding of a topic has improved in order for their grade to be improved. The grade for the course will be determined by computing the mathematical average of the points earned by the student divided by the number of possible points. Participation and other factors will only affect the student’s grade if he or she is on the border between two possible outcomes. Midterms and Finals The midterm exam will be on the work covered through the first two quarters. The final exam will be on the work for the entire semester. It tests the cumulative knowledge retained by the student at the end of the course. Grading Policy: Quizzes will be given frequently (every two or three days) and will be short, 5-20 minutes. Material on the quizzes will be closely correlated to homework. Unit tests will be given at the end of each unit. They will be a combination of multiple choices and free –response questions (essay / problems). Unit tests have been designed to assess mastery of content. Students will be given review materials to prepare them for their tests. Quests – are used at the end of short units with limited content. They are a mixture of quiz/test style questions. Lab grades will reflect the in-class performance of the lab in addition to the lab analysis. The course does not include formal lab reports. Grades will be calculated using a point system: Tests: 100 pts. each Quests: 50 pts. each Quizzes 10-25 pts. each Labs 10-25 pts. each Midterm and Final exams are 100 pts.. Homework is not given any credit – the purpose of hw is to provide the practice needed to be successful on quizzes, quests and tests. There is a direct relationship between completing hw and doing well on assessments The final semester grade will be calculated by dividing the number of points a student has earned by the total number of points possible. Late work: Labs will be accepted late up until the day of the test, of the unit they were part of, for partial credit. Retakes : Students are allowed to retake all quizzes, quests, and tests (with the exception of the mid-term.) 3 Retakes of all assessments should be done as soon as possible after the initial assessment. Students need to show that they have prepared for the retake by having completed all of the homework for the content being tested. Re-takes are given during the student’s lunch period , if a teacher is available, or after school. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for re-takes. Course Policies: 1. Homework & Classwork: All homework is to be taken out and placed on your desk, as soon as you enter the classroom. Homework and classwork will not be accepted late. All Homework of the current unit must be completed in order to retake any quizzes, quests or tests of the same unit. 2. Absences and making up missed work: a. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed assignments and notes when they are absent for any reason. b. Students who are absent due to illness have one day for every day absent to turn in their work. c. If you are in school for part of the day, it is your responsibility to turn in any work due that day, before you leave. Work may be turned in to the main office to be placed in the teacher’s mailbox as you leave. d. Make arrangements with the teacher in cases of extended absences. e. Missed tests or quizzes must be made up within one week of your return to school. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a makeup date with the teacher. 3. Academic Honesty and Plagiarism: Students are expected to do their own work. No cheating or plagiarism will be tolerated. This includes copying. Students who work together must be careful to write answers in their own words. My Webpage: I keep my daily logs and homework posted on the GCIT website To find my webpage: 1. Go to the GCIT home page 2. Click on Staff, and on the drop down menu, Faculty & Staff 3. Scroll down to my name and click on it 2. Click on your class 3. Your log can be found by clicking on “Show Class Calendar” and then click on the date of the day you would like the log. 4. Your homework assignments can be found by clicking on “See Assignments” link Remind: I use Remind – the anonymous texting service. Please make sure you sign up. Materials needed for class: 1. 3-ring binder (1”-2”) with college ruled paper and four dividers 2. calculator 3. dark blue or black ink pens 4. pencils, erasers 5. several different colored highlighters 6. Agenda for keeping track of assignments CLASSROOM RULES / DISCIPLINE: Students are expected to follow the following rules: 1. Follow directions the first time they are given. 2. Come to class with all of your materials. 3. Raise hand and wait to be recognized before speaking or getting out of seat. 4. Stay on task. Keep all unrelated objects in your backpack or purse. 5. Eat and drink at lunch, NOT in class 4