Greece Review Jeopardy 2

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Double Jeopardy
The Persian
Q $100
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Q $100
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Q $200
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Q $300
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Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
True or
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Vocabulary
What is a phalanx?
$100 Answer from Vocabulary
A phalanx is a group of Greek warriors who
stood close together in a square formation.
$200 Question from Vocabulary
What is the Parthenon?
$200 Answer from Vocabulary
The Parthenon is a temple built in Athens for the
Goddess Athena. It is surrounded by columns, still
stands today, and once had a gold statue of Athena
within its walls.
$300 Question from Vocabulary
Who was Hippocrates?
$300 Answer from Vocabulary
Hippocrates was a Greek doctor who was regarded
as the father of medicine. Hippocrates tried to find
out what caused diseases and is known today for
his ideas of how doctors should conduct
$400 Question from Vocabulary
What is an alliance?
$400 Answer from Vocabulary
An alliance is an agreement to work together.
$500 Question from Vocabulary
Who was Sophocles?
$500 Answer from Vocabulary
Sophocles was a famous Greek tragedy writer
who wrote a play called Oedipus Rex.
$100 Question from Potpourri
This philosopher taught Greeks
that moderation, or finding a
balance, in life was important.
$100 Answer from Potpourri
Aristotle taught of the importance
of moderation.
$200 Question from Potpourri
Women in this city-state were
very well respected because they
provided soldiers for the army.
$200 Answer from Potpourri
Women in Sparta were very well
$300 Question from Potpourri
What was the relationship between
Philip of Macedonia and
Alexander the Great?
$300 Answer from Potpourri
Philip of Macedonia and
Alexander the great were father
and son.
$400 Question from Potpourri
Why was Philip of Macedonia
able to conquer Greece so easily?
$400 Answer from Potpourri
Philip of Macedonia was able
to conquer the Greeks because
Greece underestimated Philip’s
army, the Greeks were weakened
from fights between city-states, and
Philip and his army had perfected
the phalanx.
$500 Question from Potpourri
Greek painters created scenes from their religion,
daily life, wars, and athletic competitions
on these in red and black.
$500 Answer from Potpourri
Greek painters painted on
pottery in red and black of
many scenes from their lives.
$100 Question from Test
Helots were an important part
of life in THIS city-state.
$100 Answer from Test
Helots were important in
Spartan society.
$200 Question from Test
This man wrote The Republic
and started a school for scientists
and philosophers like himself.
$200 Answer from Test
Plato wrote The Republic
and opened a school for
philosophers and scientists.
$300 Question from Test
What happened to Alexander’s
empire after his death?
$300 Answer from Test
Alexander’s empire was
divided into three kingdoms
since Alexander the Great
did not have an obvious heir.
$400 Question from Test
Spartan men served in the army
until this age.
$400 Answer from Test
Spartan men stayed in the army
until the age of 60.
$500 Question from Test
Many of the geometry rules we
still use today come from him.
$500 Answer from Test
Many of the geometry rules we
use today come from Euclid’s
$100 Question from The Persian
Who fought in the Persian Wars?
$100 Answer from The Persian
The Persian Wars were fought
between the Greeks and the
$200 Question from The Persian
This battle, the first of the Persian
Wars, is considered by most to be
the most important battle for the
$200 Answer from The Persian
The Battle of Marathon is thought
to be the most important battle
of the Persian Wars for the Greeks.
$300 Question from The Persian
True or False : The Spartans were able
to defeat the Persians at the Battle
of Thermopylae.
$300 Answer from The Persian
False. The Greeks lost to the Persians
after holding them off for 3 days.
$400 Question from The Persian
What was the result of the Persian
$400 Answer from The Persian
The results of the Persian Wars were:
1. The creation of the Delian League.
2. The Greeks won the war 3-1.
3. Greek culture was able to live on.
$500 Question from The Persian
This battle ended the Persian
$500 Answer from The Persian
The Battle of Plataea ended the
Persian Wars.
$100 Question from True or
Wealthy Spartans were allowed
to purchase and use luxuries
like shoes and furniture.
$100 Answer from True or False?
False. Luxuries like shoes and
furniture were thought to have made
soldiers weak.
$200 Question from True or
Socrates taught by only asking
$200 Answer from True or False?
$300 Question from True or
Athenian women had more rights
than in other city-states.
$300 Answer from True or False?
False. Athenian women were
given very few rights.
$400 Question from True or
Spartan boys who were training
to be soldiers were encouraged to
steal their food.
$400 Answer from True or False?
$500 Question from True or
Alexandrian is the word used to
describe the culture that was
created when Alexander the Great
Encouraged Greeks to move
throughout his empire.
$500 Answer from True or False?
False. The Helenistic culture was created
when Alexander the Great encouraged
Greeks to move throughout his empire.
Final Jeopardy
Sparta and Athens are considered two of the
fiercest rivals in history. Share with me three
differences between the two city-states.
Final Jeopardy Answer
Many answers are possible, but some options include :
Athens focused more on education than on physical training.
Spartan soldiers were trained from a young age to be soldiers
Athenian women had very few rights while Spartan women were
greatly respected.
Athens had a much stronger navy than Sparta.
Athens was a direct democracy while Sparta was led by two kings
who had very little power.
Spartan men were in the army until they were 60 while Athenian
men only fought from 18-20.