SYLLABUS-Get in the Game! Collin College, 0300 College Success Course Course Instructor: Associate Professor, Michelle L. Brown, M.A. Counseling (The Coach) Professor Email: (Available to meet by appointment) You may also leave messages for me at the Adjunct Faculty Office ________________ Email is the preferred method of communication Credit Hours: 3.0 Class Time/Location: ________________________________________ Semester________________ Textbook: Essential Study Skills 6th Edition, Linda Wong, (Course Outline and other assignments located on the course website at Course Description/Objectives: (Game Strategy): Description: A Global Positioning System shows your current location and gives specific and detailed directions to the requested destination. If a turn is missed, the GPS system automatically re-calculates the route to cause a return to the correct path to reach the expected destination. This course is an opportunity to re-calculate the academic preparation needed to get to the desired outcome of a degree by insuring students are on the right track with all pertinent study skills. For our purposes, this College Success Course is a GPS system-A Great Place to Start. Students will learn how to use their learning styles to tailor their approach to learning, process information more efficiently, manage time effectively, set goals, increase concentration, increase motivation, reduce stress and procrastination, read college textbooks more effectively, take notes from textbooks and lectures, improve listening skills, use a variety of note taking systems, prepare for tests, and perform well on different kinds of tests. Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: Demonstrate the use of effective strategies that utilize his or her preferred learning styles; Explain the Information Processing Model and the Working Memory Model and explain the implications of the models for learning new information; Demonstrate an understanding of the Twelve Principles of Memory and apply the Principles of Memory to his or her study strategies; Develop and use self-management strategies that include time management, goal setting, concentration, motivation, stress management and procrastination management; Create appropriate mnemonics for selected information; Organize information and create a study plan to prepare for tests; Reduce or eliminate test anxiety before and during a test; Demonstrate a variety of textbook reading or comprehension strategies that involve active reading, levels of reading, vocabulary skills and paragraph skills Annotate textbooks by using highlighting, notes within paragraphs and marginal notes Generate textbook and lecture notes by using a variety of formats such as Cornell notes, visual mappings, hierarchies, comparison charts and index card notes Apply test preparation and test-taking techniques recommended for objective, recall, math and essay tests Use the strategies presented throughout the course to tailor his or her approach to learning academic material and course content Course Supplies (Equipment): Textbook-Essential Study Skills, 6th Edition, Linda Wong 3 ring binder-divided into six sections (Syllabus/Course Outline/Covenant, Reflective Writings/Chapter Profiles, Homework, Notes, Tests, Extra Credit/Article Reviews Loose leaf notebook paper for the binder, Black pens-all homework assignments should be typed or written in black ink. Some assignments are required to be typed. Please have your notebook put together no later than the second class meeting. Class Environment (Playing Field): The environment of this course is important because you will be sharing your experiences, working in group settings and striving to improve strengths and non strengths. A Class Commitment Form will be signed by each class member and by the instructor to insure that our course environment is positive, supportive, energetic, confidential and respectful. Please turn all cell phones off. Laptops, IPod’s and Bluetooth are not allowed in the classroom. Do not participate in outside activities during class time. Leave all disruptions outside of the classroom. Be respectful to others and do not be a distraction. Distractive behavior will be grounds for dismissal from the classroom, at which time you will lose all attendance and classroom participation points. If you must leave the room for a bathroom break please do so quietly as to not disrupt. Do not wear any offensive t-shirts or inappropriate attire to class. Class Attendance (Rules): Timely arrival is expected to avoid interruption and to allow our class time to flow smoothly with everyone functioning on one accord. Please come in quietly. Although missing a class should not be an option, if you do not attend class you will miss the attendance/participation points of 3 points per class. Students must attend classes regularly, with no more than three (3) absences. If a student is late (10 minutes) or leaves class early three (3) times, it will count as one (1) absence. It is noted, if you miss 3 classes you may fail the course. After the fourth (4th) absence you will no longer be eligible to earn attendance points. You will receive zero (0) attendance/participation points for the remaining class meetings. Students will be expected to follow the Course Outline at all times and will be responsible to complete and turn in assignments on the due dates as they are presented on the Course Outline unless changes are made by the professor. Homework is to be completed the first class night of each week for the first 12 weeks. I.e. MW class you know that you will have homework every Monday night that is to be turned in on Wednesday. For a TR class you will be responsible to complete homework each Tuesday night and turn in on Thursday. You may decide to develop a system to complete your Notebook assignments on the second class night of each week. Missed Homework Assignments-Since you have access to the Course Outline you will be expected to turn in homework assignments when they are due even if you miss the class in which they are regularly assigned. Homework turned in after the due date will be given partial credit-5 points. If you miss the class that the homework is due which would be a Wednesday for a MW class or Thursday for a TR class you must email your assignment to the professor before Friday at 12:00 pm. Class Participation (Be a Team Player): Class Participation is expected and will be included in your attendance points. Be alert and active. You will be asked to participate individually and in groups to work as a team during class time. Engage, participate and do not sit on the sidelines! Homework Assignments/ Notebook Assignments /Article Reviews/ Self Reflection Paper/Extra Credit Assignments/Textbook Reading (Training/Workout): Homework Assignments will be completed in the students designated organized study space area outside of the classroom. There will be 12 Homework Assignments in this course as presented on the Course Outline. Notebook Reflective Writings and Chapter Profiles will be assigned weekly as well as they are listed on the Course Outline. Two Article Reviews with attached questions that will encourage critical thinking skills to be utilized to solve and discuss issues students face and preparations a student must make to be successful in and out of the classroom. There will be a 3-5 page Self-Reflection Paper formatted MLA style. This paper will allow the student to express and evaluate their experience during this course and how the presented information will impact their college success along with presenting their student style. A more detailed description is listed on the course website under Self Reflection Paper along with the grading rubric. Extra Credit Assignments-Extra credit assignments are listed on the Course Outline and must be turned in the week in which they are listed on the Course Outline. Extra credit assignments must be completed with thought and clarity while completing the assignments thoroughly. These assignments are also located on the course website under Extra Credit Assignments. There will be 3 Extra Credit Assignments that will be worth seven (7) points each. Textbook Reading-Reading each chapter thoroughly and taking notes on the chapter prior coming to class will be imperative to be successful in this course. Please prepare to stay current on all reading to be able to answer instructor posed questions and participate in group discussions. You must read to succeed in this course! All grading rubrics are online at the course website: or on the Professor’s website page at under Michelle Brown. Tests (Performance): The tentative dates are as follows: First Test Chapters 1-5 _______________________ Second Test Chapters 6-11 _____________________ If you miss a test you must report to the testing center before the next scheduled class and take the test. This will be your responsibility. This will be the only option for make-up. Five (5) points will be deducted for taking the test late. It is recommended that you come to class on the date the test is scheduled. The final will only be given in class on the scheduled date. There will not be any make up options for the Final. Outcome Assessment The outcomes for course objectives will be assessed by one or more of the following: Notebook assignments, homework exercises and assignments, group activities and discussion, article reviews performance tests and final exam with the option of extra credit. Grading Scale (Score Sheet: AD 450-500 BD 449-399 CD 398-348 FD 347-0 A DD will not be awarded during this course. Grading System): Attendance/Participation Homework Assignments Notebook 90 points (3 points per class) (After 4th miss-0 points) 120 points (12 assignments @10 points each) 30 points (2 Notebook checks @15 points each) Quiz (2) Self Reflection Paper Article Reviews Final 90 points total (2@ 45 points each) 50 points 20 points (2 articles@ 10 points each) 100 points (20% of your final grade) You must take the final, there will be NO Exceptions. If you do not take the final you will receive an FD. Course Withdrawal Policy: The last day to withdraw from this course is______________. You must have my signature in order to withdraw from the course. If you simply stop attending, and do not formally withdraw from this course, you will receive an FD This syllabus can be changed or updated at the instructor’s discretion. Students will be given notice and made aware of changes. ADA Statement: It is the policy of Collin County Community College to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations for individuals with documented disabilities. This College will adhere to all applicable Federal, State, and Local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required affording equal educational opportunity. It is the student's responsibility to contact the ACCESS Office (G-200) or 972- 881-5898, (TDD - 972- 881-5950), in a timely manner if he/she desires to arrange for accommodations. Academic Ethics: Students should obtain and read the CCCCD Student Handbook, which is available at the Information Desk. The College District may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts or omissions related to applications for enrollment or the awarding of a degree and/or the submission as one's own work or material that is not one's own. Scholastic dishonesty may involve, but is not limited to, one or more of the following acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, use of annotated texts or teacher's edition, and or/falsifying academic records. R 07/21/08 Plagiarism is the use of an author's words or ideas as if they were one's own without giving credit to the source, including, but not limited to, failure to acknowledge a direct quotation. Cheating is the willful giving or receiving of information in an unauthorized manner during an examination, illicitly obtaining examination questions in advance, copying computer files, copying internet material, using someone else's work for assignments as if it were one's own, or any other dishonest means of attempting to fulfill the requirements of the course. Collusion is intentionally aiding or attempting to aid another in an act of scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to, providing a paper or project to another student; providing an inappropriate level of assistance; communicating answers to a classmate during an examination; removing tests or answer sheets from a test site, and allowing a classmate to copy answers. Evaluation of Instruction: CCCCD seeks to improve the learning experience of all students. To assist in evaluating courses, students will be requested to complete an Evaluation of Instruction form near the end of the fall and/or spring semester(s). Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Policy: The TSI was mandated through action of the 78th Texas Legislature to replace the Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP). Like TASP, TSI is designed to measure competency in reading, writing, and mathematics and to provide developmental courses in areas identified as deficiencies. The developmental courses are designed to promote student success and to ensure college readiness and students are encouraged to complete the required developmental course(s) early in their college career. Please Sign Syllabus Signature Page Syllabus Signature Page Collin County Community College Instructor: Michelle Brown Course: COSU0300 Semester: __________ I __________________________________, do agree that I received a copy of the course Syllabus for the class mentioned above. I understand the course requirements and that I am expected to attend class meetings. ___________________________________________ Print Full Name ___________________________________________ Signature _________________ Date