CIS 101 Syllabus on campus spring 2010

CIS 101 Computer Literacy
2 credit hours, 5 days per week, 8-week course OR
2 days per week, full semester
Coordinator Information
Connie Schwantz
Office Hours:
Division Dean’s Office:
Department Chair Office:
Old Main #14
1-800-342-4325 ext. 3-2932 or 701-671-2932
Mr. Ken Kompelien 3-2263
Mr. Jeff Watne 3-3211
Course Description
This course is designed to provide non-Computer Science majors with an introductory-level
course in computer usage. It is a hands-on lab based course intended to introduce the student
to the Windows operating system, word processing, spreadsheet processing, and Power Point
PLEASE NOTE: Students will only receive credit toward graduation for either CIS 101
Computer Literacy or CSCI 116 Business Use of Computers. If you have had one of these
classes, you are advised not to take the other as it will not count toward graduation.
The CIS 101 class is conducted in a self-paced learning environment. Students must pace
themselves to meet deadlines for assignments and tests. Students have access to an
instructor during their scheduled class time. The instructor will be available to answer
questions, assist with assignments and review examinations.
Textbooks and Software
Edition ISBN #1428398007. The textbook is packaged as a bundle including a SAM 2007
password and a companion dvd.
Publisher: Thompson Course Technology 2008
If purchasing the textbook and SAM separately the ISBN #s are:
1) Full version textbook (if ordering other than the bookstore) OFFICE 2007
#0-324-82684-2 (updated 3/10).
2) SAM 2007
ISBN # 0538743034
The NDSCS Bookstore carries the text. Publishers website:
Required software: Microsoft Office 2007 including Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Free 60
day download After
selecting the website, scroll down to the Download Now button to download the 60-day trial
version of the software.
Along with the required text, please have a USB drive for this course.
Learning Outcomes
Windows Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
Use the Windows operating system to perform basic operating system tasks
Launch Microsoft Windows XP
Identify the objects on the desktop
 Perform the basic mouse operations: point, click, right-click, double-click, drag,
and right-drag
 Display the Start menu and start an application program
 Open, minimize, maximize, restore, move, size, scroll, and close a window
 Display drive and folder contents
 Create a folder in Windows Explorer and Microsoft Word
 Download folders from
 Copy, move, rename, and delete files
 Search for files using a word or phrase in the file or by name
 Use Help and Support
Word Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
Use Word to create, save and print documents that include graphical images
Create multiple page documents including a research paper.
Use Word to create a resumé, cover letter and address envelopes
Excel Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
Use Excel to create, save and print financial reports including 3-D column charts
Enter formulas and function
Improve the appearance of worksheet
Perform web queries
Email from within Excel
Create large worksheets
Develop professional looking charts
Complete what-if-analyses
PowerPoint Learning Outcomes
Use Power Point to create, save and print slide shows composed of single and multilevel bulleted lists.
Add clip art and animation to the Power Point slide show
Email a completed slide show
Course Policies and Procedures
Student Attendance
Regular attendance and completion of all assignments, on time and as scheduled, is a
requirement to be successful in this course.
It is expected you will submit assignments on or before due dates, take tests within the range
of dates allowed for each test, and inform your instructor of any difficulties you might have in
meeting the expectations of the class.
Attendance is monitored daily.
Failure to keep current with assignments will result in reduction of grades in accordance to
the student’s attendance as follows:
1) A student absent from class more than 10% of the course’s total contact hours will
have one letter grade deducted from their current grade.
2) A student absent more than 14% of the course’s total contact hours will have an
additional letter grade deducted from their current grade. (Only if failing to meet
3) A student absent more than 18% of the course’s total contact hours should drop
the course before the last day to drop. If the 18% absence rate is reached after
the drop date, the student will receive an F.
4) Academic advisors will be notified where students are not keeping up due to lack
of attendance.
Excused absences:
a. Illness must accompany a doctor’s statement
b. Mandatory military duty verified by Dick Graham
c. Family emergencies verified by the counselor in the appropriate Division
Dean’s Office.
Students not current with assignments and absent 3 consecutive days should expect to
have their names referred to the Division Counselor. This will provide the student the
opportunity to take the necessary actions to finish the course and receive credit.
Student Participation and Conduct Guidelines
Practices of courtesy and respect apply in the classroom. This includes (but is not limited to):
1. Using the lab only for CIS 101 course work
2. Respecting the equipment in the room
3. Adhering to safety regulations
Failure to abide by such codes of conduct may result in asking you to withdraw from the class
and receive the assignment of a failing grade.
Please follow the order of assignments as listed within the Schedule. Assignments and quizzes
within each chapter are due on specific due dates.
Assignments not completed by the specified deadline but submitted late will have 10% of
grade points deducted at instructor's discretion.
No points will be assigned for incomplete assignments. Be prepared to spend at least four (4)
hours per week in the class, studying, and completing assignments. It may be necessary for
you to work outside of classtime. Other labs with Office 2007 include the student center and
OM #211
Submitting Assignments
All assignments should be printed and turned into the class tray unless otherwise specified. All
assignments need to be clearly identified with your name and hour. Most assignments should
be self graded using answer keys provided. Graded and recorded assignments will be
placed in a folder with your name.
Student-Instructor Communications
If sending an email, please include your full name and subject line so I know to whom I'm
responding. Often, the email addresses do not indicate who is sending the message and what
class they are referring to.
To set up an email account through NDSCS, go to
Note on setting up the account: Begin with entering your Last name (skip the Login section). If
you have difficulty setting up your new e-mail account, please contact the Help Desk at or call 701-671-2523.
Grading Policy/Grading Criteria
Evaluation will be done by using grades from all or a combination of the following:
Proficiency Exam(s) (see explanation below).
Textbook Assignments /Projects
80 pts.
55 pts.
Application Final Examinations
300 pts.
Total points possible (subject to revision)
475 pts
Assignments that do not meet the deadlines given by the instructor will be reduced 10% per
Letter grades will be awarded as follows:
100.00% to 90.00% = A
89.99% to 80.00% = B
79.99% to 70.00% = C
69.99% to 60.00% = D
Below 60.00% = F
Final grades will be determined from proficiency test(s), textbook assignments, exercises,
projects and/or final examinations(s) for all applications. The final examinations for Windows,
Word, Excel and PowerPoint will consist of SAM exams to be completed during a 50-minute,
timeframe. These exams need to be completed under your instructor’s supervision!
1. You must complete Computer Literacy during the 8-week period. An
incomplete grade is not an option.
2. Students are responsible to:
a. Complete all assignments for each application
b. Submit all assignments to your instructor by the due date/time (Late
assignments will not be accepted without a documented and valid
c. Take the final examination for each application at the scheduled time.
d. Stay current with your graded assignments and other course
e. Spend sufficient time to complete assignments.
3. Students must follow the calendar provided. Due dates for all assignments and
testing dates are included.
Note: Assignments may be turned in ahead of the due date.
Grades will be posted on a regular basis on the bulletin board outside of Rm#14.
Appeals Policy
To appeal a grade, send the coordinator an e-mail within two weeks of the grade having been
received. Overdue appeals will not be considered.
Proficiency Exam Policy
Students will have the opportunity to take a proficiency test to demonstrate knowledge and
skills of each application except Windows. These tests need to be supervised by your
instructor. If the student successfully achieves a grade of 80 % or greater, he/she will not
be required to complete the daily work for that application.
There are three exceptions to this:
1) ALL students must complete the Syllabus quiz available on the first day of class.
2) ALL students must complete downloading files assignment, In the Lab #4, pgs. WIN
2) Students who score 80 % or greater on the Word proficiency test are required to
complete a Resumé and Cover Letter. Computer skills should be listed in the resume
Each application not challenged successfully will require daily work and the final examination.
The grade/grades achieved on the proficiency test(s) successfully completed will be
averaged together with other assignments/finals.
Students who have experience using Word 2007, Excel 2007 and PowerPoint 2007 are
encouraged to take advantage of the proficiency exam(s) opportunity. Testing schedules for
each proficiency test can be found on the Schedule of Assignments.
Practice Exams-SAM 2007 (Student Assessment Manager) and Final Examinations-SAM
Practice exams may be taken any time and repeated.
Quizzes and Final examinations must be taken within the scheduled dates/times. If a student
misses a quiz or examination for any reason other than illness (instructor must be notified)
he/she may take it but will be penalized one letter grade.
In either case, the quiz/examination must be taken within one week of the scheduled
examination date. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor to schedule a
date and time to accomplish this task. If the examination is not taken within one week, the
student may receive a grade of zero.
If a student knows in advance that he/she will be gone the day of an examination, he/she
must make arrangements to take the examination before the scheduled test date.
Taking a Final Exam with SAM 2007
Exams must be completed in the classroom. Before you take an exam, you should have the
following information from your instructor:
The scheduled exam time
The exam name
The exam password
Do not attempt to launch a final exam until you are ready to take it and be graded on it. For
security reasons, once you launch an exam, you must continue and be scored on it. You
cannot back out and start over; and you cannot pause the exam since it is timed.
Note: SAVE textbook projects FREQUENTLY unless you don’t mind re-doing all the
work you may have lost due to technical problems.
Academic Integrity
Integrity is an NDSCS core value and there is an expectation that all students, as members of
the college community, adhere to the highest levels of academic integrity.
Dishonesty in class, laboratory, shop work or tests is regarded as a serious offense and is
subject to disciplinary action by the instructor and dean of the respective division.
All your assignments must be done independently. General advice and interaction are
encouraged. You may request suggestions from others on how to complete an assignment
when the instructions are vague but you are not to copy another student's work. Each person
must develop his or her own solutions to the assigned projects, assignments, and tasks. In
other words, students may not share the work on graded assignments. Such collaboration
constitutes cheating. A student may not use or copy (by any means) another's work (or
portions of it) and represent it as his/her own. If you need help on an assignment, contact your
instructor or ask questions of other classmates.
The penalty for violating the honor code is severe. Any student violating the honor code of
academic integrity is subject to receive a failing grade for the course and will be reported to the
Dean’s Office. If a student is unclear about whether a particular situation may constitute an
honor code violation, the student should meet with the instructor to discuss the situation. For
more information, refer to the NDSCS Student Planner or College Catalog under College
Policies and Basic Regulations of Conduct.
Types of Misconduct
Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or
study aids in any academic exercise.
Fabrication: Intentionally and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or
citation in an academic exercise.
Facilitating academic dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help
another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.
Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s
own in any academic exercise.
NOTE: If you feel you are not properly prepared for this course (never had a computer class
before), please drop the course and take a keyboarding or computer prep course through
Academic Services.
Disabilities and Special Needs
If you have emergency medical information to share, need special arrangements in case the
building must be evacuated, or you have a documented disability for which you are, or may be
requesting an accommodation, please make an appointment to see me. My office location is
Old Main #14. My schedule will be posted on the door. If you plan to request disability
accommodations, you are expected to register with the Disability Support Services (DSS)
Office, Room 215, Mildred Johnson Library, 701-671-2623, as early as possible in the term. Or
call toll free at 1-800-342-4325 (ext. 32623) or email
Tie to Program Assessment Outcomes
Students will use appropriate technology to meet outcomes in many different educational
Updated Spring 2010