Lord of the Flies

William Golding
Historical content
"For his novels which, with the perspicuity of
realistic narrative art and the diversity and
universality of myth, illuminate the human
condition in the world of today"
Iron Maiden’s Lord of the Flies
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Personal notes c/lesson planscq
Page numbers may not match
due to different book editions
Garden of Eden –untouched beauty
Setting: Garden of Eden-Mirage
1. Lagoon, coral reef, p.31check
2. Scar / Conch p.16 & p.18 freedom of speech
3. “ bath of heat”, “heat hit him”
4. Creepers
5. “...a bird, a vision of red and
yellow, flashed upwards with a
witch-like cry...”
6. Undergrowth
7. Island, sea, reef, shimmering
Enchanted Island p.7
No adults!
8. No adults - Where is man
with trumpet?
9. Passenger tube dragged
out to sea - storm - “kids still
in it”
10. Shore lined with palm
trees, jungle
11. Darkness under trees
12. Platform of pink granite
parliamentary order democracy
Piggy showed Ralph how to blow
What appears to be and what is…
Enchanted Island p.13
Mirages p.27, pink icing on a
cake, mountain
“ High over this end of the island,
the shattered rocks lifted up their
stacks and chimneys... p.29 The
great rock loitered ...p.30
Boat-shaped p.31
Scar Gash visible in the trees scar and sea insect like figures
Compare to Fah.451 and
The Scar
Passenger tube
dragged out to sea storm - “kids still in it”
Discuss ending of
chapter 1
The scar
Comparison to similar symbols
“Oedipus Rex”
Beautiful, Enchanted , Pure, Untouched
Welcome to The Island
Chapter 1
The Sound of
the Shell
Ch. 1
An airplane crashed on an island. There is a boy called Ralph, who survived the crash. He also meets just right after
the beginning of the book a boy, who will be called “Piggy” (due to his body stature).
The two of them continue to wander around and eventually find the beach. Ralph takes a shell and with a certain
technique, this shell makes a loud sound so that maybe other people will hear him. This was all Piggy’s idea.
Many children hear Ralph and they all gather at Ralph’s place. There seem to be no adults. The children vary
strongly in age. Some are as young as six years whereas the oldest are something with twelve (Ralph is twelve).
One of the older children, who also is a leader of a choir, has the name Merridew, who acts somewhat noble. Ralph
proposes that someone should be their leader and there is a vote between him and Merridew, where Ralph will be
the leader, finally.
Ralph decides to inspect the island if it really is an island. With him come Merridew and a younger boy called
Simon. Piggy also wants to come with them and he tells Ralph that he does not want to be called like this. Ralph
understands him, but he says that everyone has his name and that it will not change.
They continue their journey through the island and finally realize that in fact, it is an island. Ralph suggests going
over the mountain back to their original place, as he thinks it might be a shortcut. The climbing seems to be quite
hard and the jungle becomes denser and denser. But after some time, climbing up the mountain becomes easier and
on the top of the mountain, they have a great view over some parts of the island.
On their way down the mountain, they first realize that they are actually very hungry. They spot a pig, who was
caught in a curtain of creepers and was desperately trying to escape. Merridew instinctively takes out his pocket
knife and wants to stab the pig to death, but he hesitates, because he realized, what he was actually going to do.
The pig finally escapes. The three of them return to their original place, where everyone else was already waiting.
Chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell
Ch 1: Write title and explain significance.
1. What is Ralph's attitude toward Piggy in the first chapter?
2. What is the significance of Piggy's plea to join the expedition?
3. Why is Ralph elected chief?
4. What is the scar that is repeatedly mentioned?
5. Why is Jack unable to kill the pig?
6. What do Piggy, Simon and the littl’un with the birthmark have in
7. How is Jack presented to the reader?
8. Why did Golding use British schoolboys?
9. How is Piggy shown as relating to the world of adults?
10. How is Piggy indirectly responsible for the blowing of the conch?
Chapter 1: Quotes
“They’re all dead....We may stay here until we die...” p.9- Piggy
“ We can use this to call the others. Have A meeting. They’ll come
when they hear us” p.12 Piggy’s intelligence
“ I was with him when he found the conch. I was with him before
anyone else was.” Jack and the others paid no attention to Piggy.
“This belongs to us” p.26 Ralph
“ Eyes shining, mouths open, triumphant, they savoured the right of
domination… were lifted up: were friends”p.27
“They knew very well why he hadn’t: because of the enormity of
the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the
unbearable blood.” p.29
Chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain
“You’ve got
you small fire
all right.” “...a quarter of
a mile of forest
was savage
with smoke and
flame. The
noises of the
merged into a
drum roll that
seemed to
shake the
Ch. 2
A meeting was called with the conch shell again.
After the meeting, they decided on making a big
fire on the platform, so a passing ship could see
them and they might be rescued. Up there on the
mountain, they all gathered some woods, so they are
able to make a fire. They still were in a need of
something that could light the logs. They took Piggy’s
glasses, even though he didn’t want to give it first,
and they made a fire. Accidentally, the fire found its
way off the platform and part of the forest started
to burn. They all went away, but Piggy was the only
one who noticed that a “littlun” wasn’t here. The
reader does not know what has happened to the
small boy, but he is assumed to have died, because
he probably remained in the small part of the forest
when everyone was looking for burnable logs.
Chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain
11.Write title and
explain significance.
12. What question does
the littl’ un with the
birthmark raise?
13. How do Ralph and
Jack answer the
question about the
Responsibility of leadership: “
We want to have fun. And we
want to be rescued.” Must
have fire, must be rescuedneed fire patrol.
“ I agree with Ralph. We’ve
got to have rules and obey
them. After all we’re not
savages. We’re English; and
the English are the best at
everything. So we’ve got to
do the right things.”Jack
Chapter 2: Quotes & Characters
Ralph: discovers he can “talk fluently... we’re on
a island...uninhabited.”
No grown -ups /have to look after ourselves“This is our island. It is a good island. Until the
grown-ups come to fetch us we’ll have fun.”
*Responsibility of leadership: “ We want to
have fun. And we want to be rescued.” Must
have fire, must be rescued-need fire patrol
Conch: Anyone who has it has freedom of
speech-empowered but Does not count on
mountaintop! p.46 - Jack Ralph- where the
conch is , that’s a meeting p.47
Jack: hunting-pigs on island - we need hunters
and meat p.36/ ** denies existence of
beastie but if it does exist we’ll hunt it and kill
it-Rules:* “ I agree with Ralph. We’ve got to have
rules and obey them. After all we’re not
savages. We’re English; and the English are
the best at everything. So we’ve got to do
the right things.”
Offers to split up choir - hunters and fire patrollers
and lookout - rescue
Piggy: fearful and aware of predicament - “The
plane was shot down in flames. Nobody knows
we are. We may be here a long time.”/
Sees kids as kids: totally immature and
irresponsible - running in all directions to make
fire./ You’ve got you small fire all right.” - “...a
quarter of a mile of forest was savage with
smoke and flame. The separate noises of the
mountain merged into a drum roll that seemed
to shake the mountain”
Loses temper after they set island on fireRead pp.49-50 / points out they need shelters
and list of children’s names
Child with mulberry-colored birthmark:
introduces idea snake-like thing, beastie,
Fire: Note: Jack and Ralph p.44/Treatment of
Piggy and his spectacles pp.44-45 discuss importance
Chapter 3: Huts on the beach
Carrying a stick sharpened into a makeshift spear, Jack trails a pig through the thick jungle, but it evades
Ralph and Simon at work building huts for the younger boys to live in. Ralph is irritated because the huts
keep falling down before they are completed and because, though the huts are vital to the boys’ ability to
live on the island, none of the other boys besides Simon will help him.
Ralph points out that Jack’s hunters have failed to catch a single pig. Jack claims that although they have so
far failed to bring down a pig, they will soon have more success and notes the boys want meat.
Beastie introduces: Ralph also worries about the smaller children, many of whom have nightmares and are
unable to sleep. He tells Jack about his concerns, but Jack, still trying to think of ways to kill a pig, is not
interested in Ralph’s problems.
Ralph, annoyed that Jack, like all the other boys, is unwilling to work on the huts, implies that Jack and the
hunters are using their hunting duties as an excuse to avoid the real work.
Conflict intensifying: Jack and Ralph continue to argue and grow increasingly hostile toward each other.
Hoping to regain their sense of camaraderie, they go swimming together in the lagoon, but their feelings of
mutual dislike remain and fester.
In the meantime, Simon wanders through the jungle alone. He helps some of the younger boys—whom the
older boys have started to call “littluns”—reach fruit hanging from a high branch. He walks deeper into the
forest and eventually finds a thick jungle glade, a peaceful, beautiful open space full of flowers, birds, and
butterflies. Simon looks around to make sure that he is alone, then sits down to take in the scene, marveling
at the abundance and beauty of life that surrounds him. Simon reflects innate goodness
Chapter 3: Huts on the beach
14.Write title and
15. What two
groups are
emerging and how
do their goals
16. Why does
Simon go to his
1. “He tried to convey the compulsion to track
down and kill that was swallowing him up.”
2. “The madness came into his eyes again.”p.51
3. “I thought I might kill.”p.51
4. “ Now the antagonism was audible.” p.52
5.“ They were both red in the face and found
looking at each other difficult.”p.52
6. “ If you’re hunting sometimes you catch
yourself feeling as if--”...But you can feel as
if you’re not hunting, but - being hunted; as if
something’s behind you in the jungle.” p.53
* 7. “They walked along, two continents of
experience and feeling, unable to
communicate.” p.56
Chapter 4
At the beach, they see a passing ship. Everyone is very excited
about to be rescued, but Ralph and the others realize that the
fire isn’t burning (even though two boys always have to watch
after it).
They hurry up the mountain to light it again, but at that time, the
ship already passed and was out of sight. Just after this, Jack
and some other buys who were hunting with him came back and
Jack gloriously told Ralph, Piggy and the others that they killed
a pig. Ralph is not interested in this, because he accuses Jack of
not taking care of the fire. Jack repeats that he killed a pig and
they have now meat to eat, but he becomes soon mad and
angry and destroys Piggy’s glasses partly (only one side
remained). This is also a symbol of the regress in their morality.
He apologizes to Ralph, but not to Piggy. At first, Jack doesn’t
want to give Piggy some of the meat, but does afterwards. The
chapter ends with Ralph wanting to call an assembly once again.
Chapter 4: Painted Faces and Long Hair
16: Write title and
explain significance.
17. Why does Roger,
throwing stones at the
littl’ uns, aim to miss?
18. Why does Jack
refuse to give Piggy
Jack planned his new face, p. 66 BUT
This is actually Roger from the movie!
1. “ By the time the pile was built,
they were on different side of a
high barrier... N ot even Ralph
knew how a link between him and
Jack had been snapped and
fastened elsewhere.”p.79
2. “ He accepted a piece of halfraw meat and gnawed it like a wolf”
3. “ I painted my face-I stole up.
Now you eat- all of you and I”- p.78
4. “ Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash
her in.”
Reread & Note
Read pp.72-80 : Ralph vs
Jack discuss in terms of power
struggle and overall
significance to the plot/
Resolution p.79 Issue of who
eats meat and note the way
meat is eaten by boys / Jack
is enraged p.81
Hunting vs Fire/shelters
Rules and Order ( Ralph)
Hanging on to civilization
Fire versus Hunting
Roll Call
Lavatory area
Losing civilization…
Jack has knife and
carries stick
Piggy’s glasses broken
Little’un dead
Chapter 5: Transition???
Fear at night –fun
during the day
Beast from the air.
Fear introduced -Tribal
Decline in civilization
Proper English
Painted faces, long
hair ( except Piggy)
Chapter 5 Beast from the Water
Boys realize evil is present on the island. Question is - where is it?
Simon and Piggy suggest evil is within the boys themselves!
Ralph’s alone on the beach, planning his speech for the next assembly. He realized that there need to be more
strict rules and that there is more order. It is then, when the reader realizes real leader qualities in him. He
recognizes Piggy’s logical approach in thinking and goes through his new rules. Then, he calls the others with his
conch shell.
At the assembly, he outlines the following points:
The fire is always to be on and to be taken care of.
Individual fires are forbidden. If one needs fire, then he will have to go up to the signal fire.
There is a special spot, where one has to pee etc.
Everyone has to help to make the shelters.
There is no beast on the island.
It is noticeable that the fire is the most important point. Otherwise, they can’t be rescued. But the discussion soon
is only about the imaginary “beastie”. The littluns are very afraid of it and thus, reinforcing the fear in the
bigger ones.
Piggy arguments in a very logical way, telling them, that it is all only in their heads and that there cannot be
any supernatural monsters. Jack is also against the idea of such a thing, but his approach is much more
irrational and emotional and not at all logically argued.
Ralph loses control when Jack starts to talk without holding the conch shell and goes away with his hunters to the
beach and the whole assembly fails. Ralph loses his inner will to go on. But Simon and Piggy encourage him to
go on, because Simon knows if Jack would become the leader of them, they will never be rescued and there
will only be hunters on the island, living a very primitive live. Piggy knows that Jack hates him (but he does not
know why) and fears that he will die one day, because of Jack. Ralph is the only one who has gained the
Jack’s respect and stands above him. One consequence is that Piggy is the next one to be made down by Jack.
given by class:
If one thing is
certain it is
everything is
uncertain. If
this statement
is true, it is
also false!
Ch. 5: Write title and explain
19. What is the paradox of the boy's
attitude toward the beast?
20. Why does Ralph call a meeting?
21.Why does Piggy dissuade Ralph from
giving up his position as chief?
22. How do Ralph and Jack answer the
question about the beast?
23. How do they start the fire?
Quotes for discussion
If faces were different when lit from above or below
- what was a face? What was anything?
“We’ve got to have smoke up there - or die”
“ Things are breaking up. I don’t understand why.
We began well; we were happy. And then --------” (
Golding, p.87)
Connect quotes to elements
1. “ By the time the pile was built, they were on
different side of a high barrier... Not even Ralph
knew how a link between him and Jack had been
snapped and fastened elsewhere.”
2. “ He accepted a piece of half-raw meat and
gnawed it like a wolf”
3. “ I painted my face-I stole up. Now you eat- all
of you and I”- p.78
4. “ Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in.” p.79
Read and discuss pp.90-91
“ ‘You have doctors for everything, even the inside of
your mind. You don’t really mean that we got to be
frightened all the time o nothing? Life,’ said Piggy
expansively, is scientific, that’s what it is. In a year or two
when the war’s over they’ll be traveling to Mars and back,
I know there’s isn’t no beast - not with claws and all that, I
mean- but I know there isn’t no fear either ’ ” ( Golding,
Discuss: Is life scientific? Does fear exist?
Unless we are frightened of people’ ” ( Piggy’s words,
“ ‘... I saw something big and horrid moving in the trees’
Simon believes that “maybe there is a beast”
“What I mean is... maybe it’s only us” ( Golding, p.96)
Simon became “Inarticulate to express mankind’s
essential illness...” ( Golding, p.96).
Chapter6: Beast from the Air
Sam and Eric are on duty this night and watching the fire. Suddenly, they
see something (a dead body falls from the sky - died in the Second
World War) and their fear lets them instantly think it must be the beast.
They run away down to the beach and wake up Ralph and tell him about
the latest happening on the island. Ralph, Sam and Eric wake up the
other ones to have another assembly.
They try to think of a place, where the beast would potentially hide.
They agree that it must be in the one single part on the island that was
left unexplored. They soon reach the end of the island and this place,
armed with wooden weapons. Piggy was the only one to remain at the
beach to watch the littluns. They reach a thin walkway that leads to a hill
with small caves there.
They all are terrified by the idea of going nearer and watching out for
the beast. Ralph, as the leader of the group, decides to go there and
investigate this place. Jack accompanies him. But they don’t find a beast
there and declare this place as safe.
When they return the other ones were doing random things and want to
build a fort, but Ralph angrily reminds them that they have to lit the
signal fire again on the top of the mountain.
Beast from the Air
thought of
the beast,
there rose
before his
inward sight
the picture of
a human at
once heroic
and sick (p.
Questions and Quotes
Ch.6: Write title and explain
24. What is the irony of the
dead parachutist landing on
the island?
25. Why is Simon the only one
to doubt the existence of the
beast. Reread pertinent
passage in novel ( p. 112 ).
26. Why do Ralph and Jack
both insist in going after the
27. Why does Jack say they
do not need the conch
Simon walked in front of Ralph,
felt a flicker of incredulity-a
beast with claws that
scratched, that sat on a
mountain top, that left no
tracks and yet was not fast
enough to catch Samneric.
However Simon thought of the
beast, there rose before his
inward sight the picture of a
human at once heroic and sick
(p. 112).
Chapter 7: Shadows and Tall Trees
The boys are on their way back to the beach. But
Jack still wants to climb the mountain, because he
thinks the beast most be hiding there. Jack does not
obey Ralph's orders and the struggle of power
between them becomes more and more evident.
Ralph then goes with Jack to, accompanied by
When they finally reach the mountain it is already
dark and they barely see anything. They hear some
strangely sounding noises and also see an
unidentifiable silhouette. They think it must be the
beast they see, but actually, it is just the dead body
from the previous chapter...
Questions and things to note:
Ch. 7: Write title and
explain significance.
28. Why does Simon tell
Ralph that "you" will get
back all right?
29. What happens when
Ralph wounds the boar?
30. What does Ralph ask
31. Why do the boys run
from the dead
Contrast: Cleanness
[Ralph] and Dirt [Hunters]
Ralph spears boar. Read
Simon:“ All the same. You’ll get back all right.
I think so, anyway. ” ( Golding, p.122)
“ No, I’m not. I just think you’ll get back all
right.” (Golding, p.122)
“ Ralph was full of fright and apprehension and
pride.” ( Golding, p.124 )
“He sunned himself in their new respect and felt
hunting was good after all.” (p.124)
“ I hit him,” said Ralph indignantly. “ I hit him
with my spear, wounded him.” (p.124)
“ Why do you hate me?” (p.125)
** “ A stain of darkness, a stain that was Jack,
detached itself and began to draw away...The
stain had vanished. ” (p.133)
What is normal? Brainstorm
Ralph remember s home life: List memories and
discuss significance
Ralph and Jack ------------> escalating conflict
? Discuss
Shadows and trees
U2 shadows and tall
trees song
Chapter8:*A Gift for the Darkness
Jack leaves Ralph's group and goes to a place down the beach. He invites
everyone to attend his "party" or feast, as it is called in the book, because there
will be meat.
Ralph, Piggy, Simon and all the others start to build a new signal fire at the beach.
Simon doesn't remain long and goes into the jungle without anyone noticing him.
And steadily the other boys leave Ralph and Piggy and go all to Jack's place.
Meanwhile, Jack and a few other boys went into the jungle to hunt. They come
across a fat mother pig and chase it until they kill it. Roger even sticks his spear
right up the pig's behind. They separate the body from the head and the head,
sticking on the spear, is placed into the ground. They call it "a gift for the darkness"
in hope the beast won't attack them. It is also a sign of worshipping.
The boys realize that they don't have fire. So they go back to Ralph and simply
some burning logs of his signal fire. Jack also holds a short speech that they have
meat, the hunters can protect them and so on. In the end, everyone, including Ralph
and Piggy is at Jack's place and it becomes obvious that Jack has become the new
Simon also leaves the working boys, but he didn't go to Jack's place. He goes into
the jungle and after some while, he meets the pig's head, sticking on the top of the
spear. Suddenly, the head starts to talk to him and the reader figures out that the
pig's head is the symbol for the Lord of the Flies. After the disturbing talk, Simon
loses consciousness.
*A Gift for the Darkness
Ch.8: Write title and explain
32. Why do the boys refuse to vote
for Jack but slip off to join him later?
33. What does Jack tell his new
34. Why is the killing of the sow
discussed in such detail? Is this the
climax of the novel? Support answer.
Simon’s encounter with Lord of Flies
Reread: Page but numbers may
not coincide due to different book
editions they will be within a few
pages of each other!
Simon’s Encounter on page 158:
Visualization: buzzing of flies over
subjects, spilled guts p.151- primitive
Stick = terror
Introduction of thunder in setting think of Shakespeare and Julius
“Yes, the beast is a
hunter...”p.139 -discusspredator vs prey
Jack: “ He was happy and
wore the damp darkness of the
forest like his old clothes. He
crept down a slope to rocks
and scattered tree by the
sea.” p.147
If Simon had been with them,
would problem of beast been
Conflict between Ralph and
Jack - a power struggle
Jack believes Ralph is not a
proper Chief- pp. 140- 141
P. 147 - Jack tells followers to
forget the beast
1. Castle Rock - new home
2. Slaughter a pig celebration - dance - feast
Quotes and Notes:
Savagery of the Kill. Read and discuss
terms of literary elements: setting, mood,
atmosphere, contrast, war imagery,
disintegration into primitivism, symbolism
* “ Sharpen a stick at both ends.”
Note: Only Piggy has intellectual daring
to move fire from the mountain
Day versus night reflects inner state of
being pp.143-144
First time Piggy lights fire p.144
Simon’s encounter with Lord of the
1. Head of sow - gift for beast.
2. Note: setting, imagery, conflict,
mood - theme
Discuss theme, foreshadowing, climax
controversy, presence of evil : “ You
knew, didn’t you .I’m a part of you?”
Simon loses consciousness- Simon
found he was looking into a vast
mouth. There was blackness within, a
blackness that spread. Very important
quote! Look a thematic link!
This head is for the beast - it’s a gift ….IS IT?
Discuss: think they can of please the gods- polytheism
Lord of the Flies: Hebrew
meaning –direct translationBeelzebub
 In the Old Testament, god of the
Philistine City of Ekron
( the northern most of the five
cities of Philistines).
Seat of
worship of Beelzebub
In the New Testament appears
to be the name of the demon:
Matthew 10:25, Mark 3:22 &
Luke 11:15
Lord of
the Flies - meaning of Hebrew
name: fertility god of Ugarit
 Cohort of Satan
The Lord of the Flies
The Lord of the Flies – The pig
head that Jack's hunters stake
into the ground and leave as an
offering to the beast. Simon
recognizes that the Lord of the
Flies is the savage monster
buried in everyone-duality of
human nature? When the Lord of
Flies tells Simon "we are going to
have fun on this island," it means
they're going to indulge every
want and desire, without regard
to the rules of civilizationprimitivism. The Lord of the Flies
symbolizes the evil in all men's
souls. Are we born evil or do we
learn evil?
Quotes and Notes:
“ The island was getting worse and
worse” p.153. The Raid to steal fire
p.154: Demoniac figures, painted
bodies and faces, nakedness thunder - savages. Note: to raid
and steal they come from the
shadows! Why?
“He’s a hunter. They’re all hunters.
That’s different.”p.157
-Speaks to Simon -------> run
away/ go back to others/ you are
wrong CONFLICT: Between GOOD and
Write a thematic statement for this
The Raid to steal fire p.154:
Demoniac figures, painted bodies
and faces, nakedness - thunder savages. Note: to raid and steal
they came from the shadows!
Imagery: Description of Beast:
significance to novel’s title. Note:
head ---> dim-eyed/ grinned
faintly later in Simon’s mindamusingly ---> mockingly? Blood
blackening between the teeth. It
ignores: flies, spilled guts, indignity
of being spiked on a stick
 hey come from the shadows! Why?
I Am Part of YOU reread pp.157-159
You are wrong / why should you bother? -->HIGHEST
The pile of guts was a black blob of flies that buzzed like a
FLIES-----------> black, iridescent green and without
number / Symbolic: primitive urges of boys /they are
subjects of evil - flash back to how they appeared as
ants on the beach initially in novel
Lord of the Flies ---------> evil of unreason
There isn’t anyone to help you. Only Me.
And I’m the Beast.
You Knew, didn’t you? I’m a part of you? Close, close,
close! I’m the reason things why it’s no go. Why things
are what they are. P.158
This quote is beyond Simon’s age and understanding.
Important to note that evil exist within individuals- it is a
necessary part of the human condition from Golding’s
point of view.
I Am Part of YOU p. 158
Within each individual like grains of sand there is the
capability of evil
Golding believes to survive in this world
man/woman must be a survivor- selfish,
ruthless, tough, self-sufficient, hard, etc.
Humans are Ruthless in own
survival, care for self before others survivor
Human Nature: essentially evil,
the power to be evil lurks beneath the
surface of civilized behavior.
( Parallel to setting of island & theme) A
darkness exists within each individual to
secure own survival. Even the weakest
human when faces with certain conditions
is capable of the most violent acts - it is
the reason why things happen the way
they do.
You tube on Simon’s death
Death scene
A study of progression of evil acts…
List progression of evil acts:
Note : Golding shows consequences of
this nature: A darkness can destroy man if
not checked by imagination and reason;
That is why Ralph wept for the end of
innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and
the fall through the air of the true, wise
friend called Piggy. P.223
Death of innocence, intellectualism,
imagination and reason
With Piggy’s death comes the
simultaneous death of the conch: What
are we? Humans? Or animals? Or
savages? Does the answer lie within?
The boys’ civilization failed because of
destructive , evil element in each boy?
Why can’t Beast be hunted or killed?
Simon found he was looking into the
vast mouth. There was blackness
within, a blackness that spread.
Horrors of death: The Sow, Simon,
Piggy, the little one with the scar on
his face, the sow, Simon, Piggy,
Wilfred, Sam and Eric, Roger and
Ralph could have been killed.
Chapter 9: A View to Death
Ralph and Piggy go to Jack's feast. Meanwhile,
Simon climbs up the mountain and figures out what
the beast actually is. It was only the dead man in a
previous chapter, who was thought to be the beast
by Samneric.
Excited by his enlightenment, he runs down to the
beach, where all the boys are. It was already night
and it was hard to see something in the darkness.
When Simon came out of the jungle, the boys were
afraid of him and thought he was the beast. In their
excitement and fear, they made a circle around
Simon and sang the words: Kill the beast! Cut his
throat! Spill his blood!
They stabbed him to death (not intentionally) and it
was never revealed what the beast actually was.
Chapter 9: A View to Death
Ch. 9: Write title and explain
36. What reason does Ralph
give for the boys' defection to
37. What kind of leader is
Jack? 43. How does Jack
propose to rule without the
38. Why do Ralph and Piggy
join the dance?
39. Why is Simon's body turned
out to sea described in terms of
Jack painted and garlanded
sat there like an idol” p.164 chief ?
Thunder - foreshadowing
Describe the death of Simon
p.167-170 What is the
thematic significance of
Simon’s death?
The Death of Simon
By the boys – thought
he was a pig? Beast?
Can it be rationalized?
Chapter10: The Shell and the Glasses
Jack's tribe realizes that they cannot make
a fire without Piggy's glasses and so Jack
decides that they are going to steal it at
night. They look for the glasses
everywhere. Also in the shelters. Ralph,
Samneric and Piggy wake up and they
have a fight in the darkness, not sure who
is hitting who. After the incident, they
realized that Jack and his guys were
there and stole Piggy's glasses and not
the conch shell
Ch. 10: Write title and
explain significance.
40. Why do Ralph,
Piggy and Samneric lie
about their part in
Simon's death, or use the
darkness as an excuse?
41. How is Wilfred
punished? 42. How does
Jack account for the
death of Simon?
Discuss significance of
broken glasses
Comparison to Fah. 451
& “Oedipus Rex”
Ralph and
Jack at this
“I’m frightened. Of us. I want to go
home. O God I want to go
home...(Ralph) It was an accident,” said
Piggy stubbornly, “and that’s that.”
Discuss the significance of quote in terms
of truth and human nature.
“ We were on the outside” p.174
Chapter11: Castle Rock- Setting & Conflict
Piggy wants his glasses back, because he cannot see
anything without them. The four boys, Ralph, Piggy and
Samneric, go to the Castle Rock, Jack's new fort.
When they arrive there, Jack is on the hunt with a few
other boys and Ralph speaks to the remaining ones. When
Jack comes back, Ralph also tries to talk with him, calmly,
but Jack's behavior is too provoking. They have a fight
and Jack even uses a weapon, which is unfair. Ralph wins
the fight anyway, but on the fort, Roger is already about
to make the big rock fall. It also happens that Piggy is hit
by the rock, and with Piggy's death, the conch shell breaks
apart and "cease to exist" as it is written in the book.
Samneric are captured by Jack's savages and are forced
to join Jack's "tribe". Ralph flees and hides in the jungle.
Ch.11: Write title and explain significance.
42. Why do Ralph and Piggy decide to visit Jack's
43. What is the reaction of Jack's tribe to Ralph's
talk of rescue. Why is the term tribe interesting?
44. What happens when Piggy holds up the conch
and tries to talk?
45. Why does Roger shove his way past Jack, only
just managing not to edge him aside?
In the last chapter of Lord of the Flies, the
savages try to kill Ralph. Ralph hides in the
forest, but has to run away eventually. At some
point, his persuaders set the island of fire,
what is actually very stupid of them, because
they destroy everything they would need in
order to live on the island. Ralph runs towards
the beach and when everything seems to be
hopeless he meets a naval officer, who has
seen the smoke of the burning island.
They all gather there and are taken on the
officer's ship.
Chapter 12
Ch. 12: Write title and explain significance.
46. How does Ralph learn of Jack's plans for him?
47. What does Ralph say to the twins when they refuse
to help him?
48. Does Ralph understand why he must be killed?
49. What is the irony of Samneric's behavior?
50. How does the Golding describe Ralph's flight across
the island?
51. What is the irony about the fire?
52. Why is Percival unable to remember his name and
53. Why is Piggy's fall emphasized?
54. Why does Ralph say he is in charge of the island?
55. What comparison is implied at the end of the novel?
56. Look at your list of titles what do they tell you and
how can you use them as a study device?
Conflict: Atom Bomb,
“Didn’t you hear what
the pilot said? About
the Atom Bomb?” P.9
Fire and Piggy ch.2
Fahrenheit 451
“Oedipus Rex”
Chief - Ralph or Jack Vote - Ralph wins Jack
in charge of
choir/hunters : Initially
they like each other,
Piggy vs Ralph and
The Hunters
Fahrenheit 451
“Oedipus Rex”
Ch. 8 The Gift for the Darkness
Suspense: The Hunts
L oF :Read pages
Fahrenheit 451
“Oedipus Rex”
Rescue = Fire
Conflict: identify the conflicts
1. Fire
War within wars…
Identify the conflict
War within wars:
Fah 451 & “ Oedipus”
Democracy vs Dictatorship
External reflects internal state
Ralph vs Jack:
“They looked at each other, baffled, in love and
hate.” p.61
Examples from other works:
Dad is a naval
commander will save
them “ how does he
know we are here? Piggy asks“because, just
because” reasons
Ralph: Anglo-Saxon: council
= Democracy
The largest and most physically powerful
boy on the island. Despite his size and
strength, Ralph shows no signs of wanting
to dominate others and is preoccupied
with being rescued.
He insists on planning and following the
rules, and is able to prioritize the needs
of the group above his own selfish
desires. For example, Ralph builds the
huts even though he dislikes the work, in
contrast to the other boys who go off to
play whenever they dislike doing
important tasks.
Ralph feels the exhilaration of hunting
and killing, but he always manages to
suppress savage feelings.
Ralph symbolizes law,
government, and civil society.
1st character introduced: boy with fair
hair,12 yrs old, boxer-physical build
Can’t believe reality of paradise delighted –daydreams
Mildness about mouth and eyes that
proclaimed no devil
Climbed rock knows it is an islandresourceful
Recognizes need for chief
Betrays and hurts Piggy when he reveals
Piggy’s nickname
Made fun of by Jack Fatty, Ralph tells group
name is Piggy - made
laughing stockscapegoat
“ We don’t want you
three’s enough...”
They used to call me “Piggy”
The smartest boy on the island. Due
to his obesity and asthma, Piggy is
also the weakest of the biguns.
Piggy believes passionately in
civilization, law, and reasoning
through problems, but he seldom
does any work because of his
obesity and his nonstop craving for
Piggy also has a tendency to lecture
and criticize. His condescension
infuriates the other boys and inspires
them to single him out, ridicule him,
and even physically abuse him.
Piggy symbolizes science and
Character introduced: plump knees,
short, fat, asthma, thick spectacles,
“auntie”, wants to get names of all
the children-organizer-make a list ,
trust Ralph with nickname, can’t swim
Knows how to use conch, retrieved
through knowledge , children obey
Piggy and give him their names like
they gave their names to the men
with megaphones, intimidated by
Jack .
Piggy’s specs: symbolism, imagery and
Symbol of advancement, innovation,
discovery, reason, intelligence,science
and knowledge:
vision; vision … sight/enhancement
A metaphor for
knowledge/intelligence Example:
Piggy knows things the other boys
don't, like how to use the conch, and
the necessity for laws and order.
Piggy becomes blind-when the boys
take his glasses, he can't see
anything. "Seeing" is Piggy's greatest
It's the one reason the boys don't
completely ostracize him
The one way he's useful. Without his
glasses, he's useless—and the world
he represents is useless, too.
Piggy sums it up! Because the rules are the only thing we’ve got”
(Golding, p.100)
What are we ?
Humans ? Or animals? Or
Savages? What’s
grown-ups going to
think? Going off -hunting pigs--letting
fires go out --and
 (Golding, p.99)
Piggy’s glasses
The chief led them, trotting
steadily, exulting in his
achievement. He was a chief
now in truth; and he made
stabbing motions with his
spear. From his left hand
dangled Piggy's broken
But dangling and broken
They're no longer a symbol of
reason and smarts; they're a
symbol of just how far from
civilization the boys have
Piggy’s Death
Piggy’s Death on
You tube
Jack Merridew:
Jack is derived from Hebrew: one who overthrows
Leader of choir - intimidating
tells Fatty to shut-up
insists on being called by last name“This was the voice of one who knew his
own mind”
“I ought to be chief” Qualification?
chapter chorister, head boy, sing C sharp
Leader of choir/hunters
Has a knife
The head boy of his chorus back in
civilization, Jack becomes the leader of
the hunters on the island.
Jack loves power. Laws and rules interest
him only because they give him the
chance to punish the other boys and
express his dominance over them.
He loves to hunt and kill because it gives
him a chance to dominate nature.
Jack gets angry whenever he doesn't get
his way: he believes a proper leader
issues orders and is obeyed.
By the end of the novel he becomes
exactly that sort of leader, wielding
power only for his own whim and benefit.
Jack symbolizes the human love of
dominance and power.
Simon: Hebrew: listener
Introduced by fainting…
A dreamy, dark haired boy, prone to
fainting spells and occasional fits.
Simon is the only member of Jack's
chorus who doesn't become a hunter.
The most generous of the biguns,
Simon helps Ralph build the shelters
not out of a sense of duty, but
because he wants to.
Candle buds…beauty
Simon became “Inarticulate to
express mankind’s essential
illness...” ( Golding, p.97).
Simon is also the most insightful and
in many ways the bravest of the
boys. Only Simon recognizes that the
boys carry the beast within
themselves; only Simon suggests that
they confront the "beast" by climbing
the mountain; and only Simon is
unafraid when alone in the jungle.
Some critics have called Simon a
symbol of Jesus Christ, but his
symbolic role is actually more
general. With his fits and spiritual
insights, he stands for the mystics,
prophets, and priests of all religions
who confront and reveal the darkest
aspects of human nature. This is a
point of debate
The Little’uns
 Johnny, dark little boy,
Who else?
Sam and Eric, twins: cheery duplication
The identical twins Sam and Eric who do everything
together. They so closely resemble each other that
the other boys use just one name to refer to both of
The twins prove to be less influenced by fear of the
beast or Jack than any of the other boys (except
Ralph and Piggy), perhaps because as twins they're
less alone than any of the other boys.
Roger: German: spear
stick sharpened at both ends
Roger: slight, furtive boy whom no
one knew, who kept to himself with
an inner intensity of avoidance and
A quiet, brooding member of Jack's
chorus. Roger is at first little more
than a mystery, a quiet, intense boy
who seems to hide himself from the
other boys
But as the trappings of civilization
begin to recede on the island, Roger
begins to reveal himself, first by
throwing rocks at littleuns (and
purposely missing), then by killing a
pig more viciously than necessary,
then by rolling a boulder down on
Piggy, then by torturing Samneric,
and finally by sharpening a stick on
which he plans to stake Ralph's head,
just as he earlier staked a pig's
While Jack loves power, Roger loves
to cause pain.
He symbolizes mankind's sadistic
instincts, the suppressed desire to
hurt others.
Maurice: next in size to Jack, broad and grinning
Pretends to be the pig
Teams up with Roger –throwing rocks at little’uns
Destroys sand castle
Remains loyal to Jack
The Choir
The Choir: “creatures”, square black caps with
silver badges, black cloaks, silver cross on left
breast and hambone frill p.21, leader gold badge,
“ perched like black birds on criss-cross trunks” p.22
Entrance of choir associated with darkness
Minor characters
Samneric – The identical twins Sam and Eric who do everything together. They so
closely resemble each other that the other boys use just one name to refer to both
of them. The twins prove to be less influenced by fear of the beast or Jack than any
of the other boys (except Ralph and Piggy), perhaps because as twins they're less
alone than any of the other boys.
Phil – A littleun who says he saw the beast, though the "beast" turns out to be Simon
coming back from the jungle.
Percival Wemys Madison – A littleun who states his name, address, and telephone
number whenever he talks to someone older, and who says the beast comes from
the sea.
British Naval Officer – An officer on a warship of the British Navy. He believes
wholeheartedly that Britain is superior to all other civilizations.
Henry – A littleun at whom Roger throws rocks.
Maurice – A bigun.
Robert – A bigun.
Bill – A bigun.
Pigs: The Bloodlust of the Kill
Pigs: introduction of fear and terror - the hunters
have invaded the enchanted island.
Food supply
Hunter and prey?
“ Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in.”
Ralph spears boar ch.7
Interferes with rescue
Do they like the kill? Discuss.
Important pages to reread re: pigs
Pp.72 Jack& hunters-: ‘we’ve killed a pig…got in a
circle…blood…There was a ship (Piggy reports) let
but the hunters let the fire go out
Kill the pig! Cut her throat! Spill her blood.
Pp.123- 126 The boar and making a ring
Ralph, Jack and Maurice involved in killing
Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in!
Pp. 147-150 The killing of the sow
A view to death…
Simon is killed as the beast
Pp. 166 – 170 reread
and make notes
Kill the beast! Cut his
throat! Kill the pig!
Spill his blood! p.125
Connection to setting, mood and
Blue white scar
Simon calling out-dead
man on a hill!
Circle becomes a
Mood and Atmosphere
and Foreshadowing
Settings -> Mood -> Atmosphere: 1. Discussion of beastie
-nightmares and fears. Simon: “As if ... the beastie, the
beastie or the snakelike thing was real. Remember?” p.57
2. Jack hunting the pig
3. Sensation of being watched
4. Simon’s bower or retreat -Visual & auditory imagery sense of smell - CANDLE-BUDS- Figurative Language Contrast Discuss the presence of evil - is it escalating?
Snakes were not mentioned - shameful - why?
Foreshadowing: “ As if this wasn’t a good island” said
Ralph slowly. p.57
Setting , Mood and Atmosphere
Ch.8: Gift for the Darkness
Introduction of
thunder in setting think of Shakespeare
and Julius Caesar.
Evil is masked in the
darkness of the night
Other examples also good for
imagery, conflict and theme!!
The killing of the sow
The killing of Simon
The killing of Piggy –
Castle Rock, p.200
The hunt for RalphChapter 12
War Imagery
War Imagery: p.6
Reveals external conflict Ralph danced out into the hot air of the
beach and then returned as a fighter-plane, with wings set back and
machine-gunned Piggy Wacco”
Ralph says have to have chief
P.30 Rock like a bomb
Imagery: The killing of the Sow
The Fire
Boys /choir-tribes
Pigs, p.33
Behavior: Jack and Ralph
Jack unmasked and masked pp.66
Animal and Nature Imagery
Insect like figures from a distance boys are animalistic
Boys /choir
Pigs, p.33 and The Kill p.147-p.155
Insect like figures from a distance boys are animalistic
Candle bushes and candle buds+Simon and his retreat
…a study in contrasts…mirages…
Day vs night /light vs dark
Candle bushes and
candle buds
Boys /choir
Pigs, p.33
The Island
The Scar
Behavior & War
Behavior: Jack and Ralph
Jack masked and
unmasked pp.68-69
War: Idea of masks
Supernatural - reality vs
unreality – MIRAGE
IRONY: What is the truth?
Beast from the Water- ch.5
Simon believes that
“maybe there is a
 What I mean is...
maybe it’s only us”
( Golding, p.97)
Beast from the Air-ch.6
Beast from the air:
“human at once heroic
and sick” (p. 113
Compare to Fah.451
& “Oedipus Rex”
Ch.8 Gift for the Darkness
Imagery: Description of
Beast: significance to
novel’s title. Note:- head --> dim-eyed/ grinned
faintly later in Simon’s
mind- amusingly --->
mockingly? Blood
blackening between the
teeth. It ignores: flies,
spilled guts, indignity of
being spiked on a stick
Ch.8 Boys + Atmosphere
Demoniac figures,
painted bodies and
faces, nakedness thunder - savages.
Note: to raid and
steal they come from
the shadows! Why?
 Pilot: Individual turned into killer
- hunter of other men
Technical discoveries and inventions
of man - planes, bombs ,
gunnery-used for destructive
 Purpose:Reduced to subhuman/
apelike ----> symbolic?
 Note: Animalistic behavior of
boys/ visual imagery of pilot
Now you list some examples of
painted faces
broken specs
rock throwing
the kill
Primitive behavior: celebrate the spoil of the kill/
dance / song p.81
rock throwing/nakedness
Battle between good
and evil
End of innocence
The transition from
innocence to
Blindness to self truth
The nature of society,
civilization and human
War and peace
The fall of civilization
Dual nature of man
Survival of the fittest
Human nature is
essentially evil
The defects of society
go back to the defects
of human nature
The need for
Fear of the unknown
Loss of identity
Absolute power
corrupts absolutely
The primitive instincts
of man
Ralph wept for the end
of innocence, the
darkness in man’s
heart , and the fall
through the air of the
true, wise friend called
However Simon
thought of the beast,
there arose before his
inward sight the
picture of a human at
once heroic and sick
There was the brilliant
world of hunting,
tactics, fierce
exhilaration, skill; and
there was the world of
longing and baffled
common sense.
Who and where is the beast?
Simon became “Inarticulate to
express mankind’s essential
illness...” ( Golding, p.97).
Pilot: Individual turned into killer
- hunter of other men
Technical discoveries and inventions
of man - planes, bombs ,
gunnery-used for destructive
 Purpose:Reduced to subhuman/
apelike ----> symbolic?
 Note: Animalistic behavior of
boys/ visual imagery of pilot
Snakes & Candlebuds
Masks & painted faces
Stick sharpened at both
The Barrier
The Pilot
Jack and stain ch.7
The End
That is why Ralph wept
for the end of
innocence, the
darkness of man’s
heart, and the fall
through the air of the
true, wise friend called
Piggy. P.223
Important chapters to
reread for test:
Chapter 1, 4, 7, 8 &12.
All slides noting reread
Know quotes for test
Know characters and
how to spell names
Lord of the Flies as a
novel is underlined and
is written by William