Lord of the Flies: Chapter 6 & 7 Study Questions

Lord of the Flies: Chapter 6
Answer these questions after writing your chapter summary.
(1) At the end of chapter 5, Piggy asked for a “sign” from the adult
world. The sign arrives at the start of this chapter. What is it and
what is its significance?
(2) Look at the fast, interrupted dialogue (p. 128 yellow book),
beginning “We’ve seen the beast with our own eyes”. How does
Golding use this dialogue to create a sense of urgency and
(3) Simon has his own insight into what the beast is, as first
mentioned in Chapter 5. What does he connect the beast with?
(4) What is Ralph’s “personal hell”?
Lord of the Flies: Chapter 7
(1) What is the importance of the fact that Ralph plans his ‘toilet’?
Civilised still? Not immersed in life on the island?
(2) Look at p. 139 (description of the old life). How are memories
of life before the island romanticised and dream-like? Look closely
at language used.
(3) How does the following language and the boys’ behaviour
contrast with what comes before? (“The bushes crashed ahead of
(4) What is the relevance of the fact that when they refer to killing
the pig they call it a ‘game’?
(5) What is the ‘ruin of a face’ that Ralph sees?