Lord of the Flies Reading Guide

Lord of the Flies Reading Guide - Questions for Chapter 4
(Reminder: Chapters 4-6 reading guides are due on Tuesday, Nov. 19th)
1. Explain the development of Roger’s character in this chapter.
2. How does Jack solve the issue of sneaking up on pigs? What effect does this
solution produce?
3. What unforgivable offense do Jack and his hunters commit? How does Ralph
react to this?
4. What impractical invention does Piggy suggest that they create? Why is this
5. What happens to Piggy’s glasses? How might this change the symbolic
meaning of the glasses?
6. “Ralph asserted his chieftainship and could not have chosen a better way if he
had thought for days” (72) - explain the meaning of this quotation.
7. What was one signpost (aha moment, contrast/contradiction, again and again,
memory moment, tough questions, or words of the wiser) that you noticed in this
chapter? Be specific.
8. What symbol(s) did you notice in this chapter (besides Piggy’s glasses)? What
do you think your symbol(s) mean? Be sure the meaning fits with the overall
story/world of the novel.